Let's say you buy a laptop but you don't use it at home. You only use it in public places with free wifi, like McDonald's, Starbucks, Barnes & Nobles, and the Airport. Then before you get home you take out the cell battery and store it away. And you only plug the Cell Battery back in when you're away from your home and are ready to use it. You never connect it to your home network. Would this not make you impossible to track? Seeing as the IP of the laptop would keep changing with the IP of whatever public wifi you're using and would never be connected to your own home wifi. Could the FBI still track you? How?
This is purely for educational purpose, me and some buddies had a heated debate in Computer class today on this topic. I think you'd be untrackable am I right? If not, then how would YOU be untrackable?
>>> Being tracked by the FBI?