Saturday, November 21, 2015
If God is All Powerful, All Knowing and All Good, then?
Why is their evil in the world? Why would evil exist?
Does it mean that he is too Good to do a evil act to wipe out a Act of Evil? But the thing is, in the Bible, God has done many acts of Evil to wipe out Evil. In the past they even called him a Spiteful God, meaning that he has a dark side in him.
If God is All Powerful then his acts to remove evil, why has evil not disappeared? Could it mean that even with Gods Power evil is far stronger or at the very least weaker then people say?
Could it be that truly God's All Knowing is false? That even if he uses all of his power to try and destroy evil, he knows not if he has taken out from every nook and cranny?
Or could it mean that Evil does not exist and making and making god saving you from evil actually impossible? All things we deem a sin is evil, but if their is no Evil, then prayer and repenting is not needed, for their is no sins without evil.
So what is it really? Is God a Lesser being and part or all of his Holy Trinity is False or, is Penance is not needed as their is no sins to repent for their is no Evil?
Either way doesn't this make worshiping the Lord, illogical and unnecessary?
Added (1). Really their is mainly Two Questions, as the Others are example, correlating thought to the First Question.
Is God not really All 3 things, or is their no Evil to speak of?
and second question is
Would Worshiping be irrelevant for either choices?
Added (2). @Tim: But then their is the thing, God is limitless in power and so in sense their should be no Evil to begin with. And as such should have no reason to overcome Evil as their is none.
Read more: If God is All Powerful, All Knowing and All Good, then?
What Barnes and Nobles are Dan and Phil going to?
Which Barnes and Noble locations are Dan and Phil doing the signing at? I can t find a list anywhere so idk how people are going to see them.
Read more: What Barnes and Nobles are Dan and Phil going to?
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Part-time jobs to apply for?
Places like CVS or Barnes & Noble. I don't need the money, it's just for myself, and I'm a full-time college student. I'm currently at Publix, but I'm gonna be quitting soon. Since this is a side thing for me, I just want a relaxed environment. Places that don't get much customers or just aren't as rushed. Which is why I think no food places. Any suggestions?
Added (1). @anonimitie
No, obviously not -_- but there are definitely places that are going to be not as crazy as say Burger Fi or some fast food places, like the two previous examples I gave.
Read more: Part-time jobs to apply for?
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Would this contract prevent me from publishing an eBook on my own?
I've published my debut novel with an Indie Publisher who seemed honest at the time of signing the contract, but now they have shown their true colours. They've mentally and financially exploited me a lot and is continuing to do so proudly.
They have uploaded the Kindle version, so I have no control over that. I want to publish it in Barnes and Noble, Kobo and Google Play as eBook, myself, but I'm not sure if the clauses of the contract would prevent me to do so. The relevant portion of the clauses read:
“The Copyright of the book remains with the Author.â€Â
“The Author hereby grants the publisher exclusive rights to sell and market the book throughout the world in any media now known or may become available in future.â€Â
Could you please help? Thank you!
Read more: Would this contract prevent me from publishing an eBook on my own?
Can you be a regular a barnes and noble? That only comes in to study/write from laptop?
Can you be a regular a barnes and noble? That only comes in to study/write from laptop?
Read more: Can you be a regular a barnes and noble? That only comes in to study/write from laptop?
Can publishing your story online make money?
I have a wattpad account (where you can read other people's story or you can write your own story!) I see some people's story had lead to Barnes & Nobles! I mean how on earth did they do that?!
I want to ask you guys if any of you know any websites that can publish your story and make money out of it?
I love reading, writing and making cash! :D
Read more: Can publishing your story online make money?
Monday, November 16, 2015
How to tell if my nook is a glowlight?
I just got a nook today. It s a simple touch. How do I tell if its a glowlight? I really want to read it at night.
Read more: How to tell if my nook is a glowlight?
Working at Barnes and Noble College and Facial Piercings?
I work at a Barnes and Noble College store on a college campus, and was wondering if they would normally allow facial piercings? I m looking to get snake bites. I know if I worked at a normal Barnes and Noble it wouldn t really appeal to their average customers, but since it s a store on a college campus its a bit different. Any advice/experiences/thoughts? Thanks!
*By the way I had the side of my head shaved when they hired me and still do, in case that matters.
Read more: Working at Barnes and Noble College and Facial Piercings?
Sunday, November 15, 2015
How long does it take to process your order from Barnes and Noble online?
I ordered a couple of books from Barnes and Noble online yesterday and it's taking a while to process the order.
I expected the order to already be processed by the next day, but it's still processing.
Is this normal?
Read more: How long does it take to process your order from Barnes and Noble online?
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