I have an ipod 4 but its been dropped so its a little glitchy and our family shares an ipad. However I really like both the ipod 5 and nook tablet, so what are the pros and cons of both. Which would you choose and why?
>>> Should I get the ipod 5 or nook tablet for Christmas?
Saturday, October 27, 2012
What is the difference between a kindle and a nook? - 1
I'm considering buying one, and I just wanted to know the pros and cons of both, along with the price and what not. Thanks in advance. :)
>>> What is the difference between a kindle and a nook? - 1
>>> What is the difference between a kindle and a nook? - 1
What do I need to start working?
I'm 17 and im applying for a first job but I don't have an I. d yet. Can I use my passport which I got back in 2010 to use? What other papers will I need to apply? im looking to apply to barnes and noble
>>> What do I need to start working?
>>> What do I need to start working?
Document File Converter Help Needed?
I am about to purchase nook simple touch and need a software the can convert txt, doc, rtf, fb2 etc into the EPUB format… Please Recommend… (Not interested in online conerter webites) thanks
>>> Document File Converter Help Needed?
I am about to purchase nook simple touch and need a software the can convert txt, doc, rtf, fb2 etc into the EPUB format… Please Recommend… (Not interested in online conerter webites) thanks
>>> Document File Converter Help Needed?
Which is better, a kindle fire, nook color, or ipod touch?
My grandparents are thinking about getting me one of those for christmas and they want me to start thinking of which i want. But i dont have any of them so i dont know which is better
>>> Which is better, a kindle fire, nook color, or ipod touch?
>>> Which is better, a kindle fire, nook color, or ipod touch?
What Can I make with these materials?
I Have made a list of materials that are at my disposal, but do not know what to do with them. Please Help!
Paper, Pens/Pencils (colored/not), Shoe boxes, Tape, Candy, Eraser, Tech Deck, Trading Cards, Blankets/Clothing/Pillows, Toys, Suede Protector, Hats, Shoes, Broken Nook, Pencil Sharpener (Electric), Wooden Board, Yarn, Baseballs/Softballs, Mini Baseball Bats, Paintball stuff, Alarm Clock, Scissors, Myself.
If you can, respond ASAP please!
Thanks, Eddie
Added (1). Also, please make it either useful, fun, or an attachment to anything (cough cough paintball gun). Thanks.
Added (2). Thanks Ishtar, and yes, it do have glue, sorry for not adding it.
>>> What Can I make with these materials?
Paper, Pens/Pencils (colored/not), Shoe boxes, Tape, Candy, Eraser, Tech Deck, Trading Cards, Blankets/Clothing/Pillows, Toys, Suede Protector, Hats, Shoes, Broken Nook, Pencil Sharpener (Electric), Wooden Board, Yarn, Baseballs/Softballs, Mini Baseball Bats, Paintball stuff, Alarm Clock, Scissors, Myself.
If you can, respond ASAP please!
Thanks, Eddie
Added (1). Also, please make it either useful, fun, or an attachment to anything (cough cough paintball gun). Thanks.
Added (2). Thanks Ishtar, and yes, it do have glue, sorry for not adding it.
>>> What Can I make with these materials?
Where can I buy a hunger games pin (that look somewhat realistic)?
A few chapters in I am already loving the hunger games, and I kind of want one of the pins, but when I originally looked for the book, I also checked for the pin, but none of the three stores I checked had it. (Walmart, Barnes and noble, and target but maybe I just didn't look hard enough) I assume that if I do buy it, it is going to wind up dull and plasticy. ( like this
) I was kind of hoping for something more like this http://illegallyanonymous.deviantart.com/art/Hunger-Games-Pin-163268226 bad part about it, is what do you want to bet it's real gold (crossing my fingers in the hope that it just looks like gold, that would be awesome) so could somebody tell me where I could buy a pin, that looks as close to that as possible (in a store, I would prefer to not order it online) most likely I will end up with the dull plasticy one, but here's to hoping.and even if I do end up with the dull plasticy one, it will still be pretty cool.
I probably rambled too much, and probably didn't make any sense.
>>> Where can I buy a hunger games pin (that look somewhat realistic)?
I probably rambled too much, and probably didn't make any sense.
>>> Where can I buy a hunger games pin (that look somewhat realistic)?
My Nook is frozen.help!
I went to use my nook and it is stuck on a message that says "Your NOOK has turned off to conserve power. Press button on top to power it up". When I pressed the button, nothing happened.It is frozen on that message. I have tried doing an battery pull and charging it but nothing helped.It won't charge either! Will someone help!
>>> My Nook is frozen.help!
>>> My Nook is frozen.help!
Friday, October 26, 2012
White powder identification test?
My boyfriend and I recently moved into a new apartment.It had been previously rented by a hoarder for 20+ years, but it was cleaned so well noone would know unless they were friends with the custodian staff. Making small talk one day, the nice lady who had cleaned it before we moved in said there was a ton of white powder everywhere and she had cleaned it all up. Today, I found a whole bunch of this powder, and she truly ment it was everywhere. I found it on top of the mirror border, inside the sliding mirror tracks, and every nook and cranny. I want to find out what this powder is, is it baby powder, flour? What is this! I want to know so I can clean it out as best as I can without getting sick from inhaling it. Are there any tests that I can do to see what it is? I do know for sure it's not any sort of drug bc if it was I'd be filthy rich theres so much of it. Has anyone else had this kind of experience before?
>>> White powder identification test?
>>> White powder identification test?
Are all e-books in black & white?
Are all e-books you can buy and download to your Nook or Kindle all Black & White, or are some in colour? E. g.for any photos etc that may be within the books?
>>> Are all e-books in black & white?
>>> Are all e-books in black & white?
Halloween Costume Ideas?
These are the ideas i came up with so far…
~Baby- wear pajamas and have a nook in my mouth or something like that.
~A cat- wear all black with cat ears and draw whiskers on my face
~a nerd- Suspenders and 3-d glasses
Do you have any other CHEAP ideas???
nothing slutty, or dumb Dont say a ghost…
>>> Halloween Costume Ideas?
~Baby- wear pajamas and have a nook in my mouth or something like that.
~A cat- wear all black with cat ears and draw whiskers on my face
~a nerd- Suspenders and 3-d glasses
Do you have any other CHEAP ideas???
nothing slutty, or dumb Dont say a ghost…
>>> Halloween Costume Ideas?
How much can I get back for my college textbooks?
Ok, I looked online but my schools Barnes and Noble doesnt have offers online.
I have 4 books, all used, but in great condition.
-American Sociological Association Style Guide (Third edition)
-Contemporary Human Geography (James M. Rubenstein)
-Conceptual Physics (Eleventh edition) (Paul G. Hewitt)
-Practicing Physics (Paul G. Hewitt) (Conceptual physics) (Eleventh edition)
Added (1). First book, $15
second, $45.45
Third, $69.30
Fourth, $39.00
>>> How much can I get back for my college textbooks?
I have 4 books, all used, but in great condition.
-American Sociological Association Style Guide (Third edition)
-Contemporary Human Geography (James M. Rubenstein)
-Conceptual Physics (Eleventh edition) (Paul G. Hewitt)
-Practicing Physics (Paul G. Hewitt) (Conceptual physics) (Eleventh edition)
Added (1). First book, $15
second, $45.45
Third, $69.30
Fourth, $39.00
>>> How much can I get back for my college textbooks?
Do u think the hd nook looks like an iPad?
Would apple sue and can they I heard people talking about it I mean it does look a little similar but apple is way bigger than the nook so I don't think they have much to worry about
>>> Do u think the hd nook looks like an iPad?
>>> Do u think the hd nook looks like an iPad?
First day of work tomorrow. Really nervous?
So tomorrow is my first day or work at Barnes and Noble. (I'll just be training from 4pm-8pm)
But I'm not 100% recovered from my wisdom teeth surgery. I'm still in pain and still taking the heavy medication.My biggest fear is that I won't be able to do as well as I normally would if I wasn't sick.
And I cannot call in sick or miss work tomorrow, under any circumstances.
Plus my pain pills make me extremely dopey, but if I don't tak them I'm in SO much pain :( so I don't know what to do.
I mean, I'm nervous as it is. But having this constant pain makes it much more stressful
I don't really know how it's gonna go, or what to expect.
Do you guys have any advice?
>>> First day of work tomorrow. Really nervous?
But I'm not 100% recovered from my wisdom teeth surgery. I'm still in pain and still taking the heavy medication.My biggest fear is that I won't be able to do as well as I normally would if I wasn't sick.
And I cannot call in sick or miss work tomorrow, under any circumstances.
Plus my pain pills make me extremely dopey, but if I don't tak them I'm in SO much pain :( so I don't know what to do.
I mean, I'm nervous as it is. But having this constant pain makes it much more stressful
I don't really know how it's gonna go, or what to expect.
Do you guys have any advice?
>>> First day of work tomorrow. Really nervous?
Thursday, October 25, 2012
What are my chances of getting into George Mason University?
George Mason is my number one choice school and I'd be extremely disappointed if I were to be rejected. I'm going to list my stats below but keep in mind, my freshmen and part of my sophomore year was not a good period because I was struggling with my weight, which shows in my grades. I also recently realized that I've had ADHD for quite a few years and have only just started taking medication for it. I'm now a senior taking mostly all AP classes and have all A's… Ok here we go :)
Academic Achievements
2.9 (weighted) 2.7 (unweighted)
• SAT: 1630
(Math: 540
CR: 590
Writing: 500)
Extracurriculars and Awards
*Mayoral Award in Music for Violin Performance
*Accepted into the National Youth and Leadership Forum on Medicine
*Vice President of our school's Food Council
*Member of the Chesapeake City Employee Wellness Committee- Nutrition Division
*Key Club member
*1st Violin (for 4 years) of my schools Honors Orchestra/ Concert Orchestra/ Philharmonic Orchestra/ Chamber Orchestra (Audition Only groups)
*Honorable Mention in Barnes and Nobles Favorite Teacher Essay/Poem
*Member of the Chesapeake Humane Society
***Also I know my GPA is seriously low (freshmen and sophomore year) but I'm seriously taking like ALL AP classes right now, so by the time I graduate in June I will be around a 3.48… Right now by the time this semester ends I will have a 3.13
Thanks so much for your help :)!
>>> What are my chances of getting into George Mason University?
Academic Achievements
2.9 (weighted) 2.7 (unweighted)
• SAT: 1630
(Math: 540
CR: 590
Writing: 500)
Extracurriculars and Awards
*Mayoral Award in Music for Violin Performance
*Accepted into the National Youth and Leadership Forum on Medicine
*Vice President of our school's Food Council
*Member of the Chesapeake City Employee Wellness Committee- Nutrition Division
*Key Club member
*1st Violin (for 4 years) of my schools Honors Orchestra/ Concert Orchestra/ Philharmonic Orchestra/ Chamber Orchestra (Audition Only groups)
*Honorable Mention in Barnes and Nobles Favorite Teacher Essay/Poem
*Member of the Chesapeake Humane Society
***Also I know my GPA is seriously low (freshmen and sophomore year) but I'm seriously taking like ALL AP classes right now, so by the time I graduate in June I will be around a 3.48… Right now by the time this semester ends I will have a 3.13
Thanks so much for your help :)!
>>> What are my chances of getting into George Mason University?
I lost my job, but I'm only a minor, do I have to list it on my next application?
I was looking for a retail job at the age of 16, but couldn't find one. I ended up being hired at Bob Evans as a hostess from July 2012 to September 2012. I was on suspension just a little while ago for refusal of scrubbing the commodes and toilet rims, and later signed a contract agreeing to comply and obey on terms of termination.My manager had said, "I'll see ya when I see ya" and proceeded to not call me for three weeks. I learned that I was fired for not being aware of the schedule he had come up with a few days ago. (I'm aware it's my responsibility, but was I supposed to check daily until he felt like creating a schedule? I felt it was just a little polite to let me know one was up after so long) Anyhow, once I turn 17 in December and apply for Hollister, do I have to write down Bob Evans and my termination? Even if I'm 16 and only worked there for three months? Also, I'm thinking of a Barnes and Nobles job, anyone familiar with the position?
>>> I lost my job, but I'm only a minor, do I have to list it on my next application?
>>> I lost my job, but I'm only a minor, do I have to list it on my next application?
What is better a nook tablet or a kindle fire?
What is better a nook tablet or a kindle fire?
>>> What is better a nook tablet or a kindle fire?
>>> What is better a nook tablet or a kindle fire?
Why is it after researching seances, I'm scared of things I wasn't before? - 2
Like I'm scared of dark rooms, when previously they never bothered me. I'm scared something's gonna come out of the dark, trap me, then kill me… something evil. I never had these thoughts before so I don't know why they're appearing now. I used to be so at peace, now I think I see and feel evil in every nook n cranny. I hear terrible voices in my head… Why is this happening and how can I get it to stop?
>>> Why is it after researching seances, I'm scared of things I wasn't before? - 2
>>> Why is it after researching seances, I'm scared of things I wasn't before? - 2
Why is book 4 of the Hush Hush saga available before the third?
I just looked on Barnes and Noble, Target, and Walmart's websites to see when I could get the third book of the Hush Hush saga, "Silence". But it's not available until Januaray 1, 2013. The 4th was available yesterday! I can't find the third in any stores… but I can find the fourth. Why is this?
>>> Why is book 4 of the Hush Hush saga available before the third?
>>> Why is book 4 of the Hush Hush saga available before the third?
When will my books from Barnes and Noble arrive if i live in LA, California? - 1
When will my books from Barnes and Noble arrive if i live in LA, California?
i ordered the Harry Potter hardcover book set (all of the books) yesterday (sunday) around 7:00 P. M.my friend ordered it for me, because she had free shipping.i'm pretty sure it was express and i live in Los Angeles.i don't have the code to see when they will arrive, my friend used her e-mail. around what day do you think it will arrive?
>>> When will my books from Barnes and Noble arrive if i live in LA, California? - 1
i ordered the Harry Potter hardcover book set (all of the books) yesterday (sunday) around 7:00 P. M.my friend ordered it for me, because she had free shipping.i'm pretty sure it was express and i live in Los Angeles.i don't have the code to see when they will arrive, my friend used her e-mail. around what day do you think it will arrive?
>>> When will my books from Barnes and Noble arrive if i live in LA, California? - 1
Which tablet would you rather have?
I can not decide which to get. Kindle Fire HD, Barnes and Noble Nook, Nexus 7, or Ipad mini? What are the positives and negatives of each?
>>> Which tablet would you rather have?
>>> Which tablet would you rather have?
Agents that work with big-names like Scholastic? Where? Who? Help!
Agents that work with big-names like Scholastic? Where? Who? Help?
I am nearly finished with my third book - and yes i know you have to be finished before even attempting to get an agent - and am in need of an agent.
I don't want to send my book to just any agent, I've been working on this masterpiece for 2 YEARS haha!
I am aiming high, like, UNIVERSE high. I might hit the moon.
I want to be under the name Scholastic, or any of the top ten publishing names.
I've been searching for about 10 minutes on the interent (not including all the other months hah) and i cant seem to find any link to their corresponding agents anywhere.
Does anyone know the names of the agents of books/authors of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight, Francine Pascal, or any TOP of the TOP of the list author's agents?
Haha, please and thank you it would do me a great amount of good!
I'll repay you by picking a best answer, and hopefully getting you a GREAT teen-fiction-fantasy story shortly out there on the shelves to read on your kindle, or nook, or just the old-fashioned library. (i love reading a book while holding the original copy in my hands, who needs kindles??) haha, so thanks again!!!
IF you have any more questions about it, feel free to ask and i will answer in the "additional details" part hah
>>> Agents that work with big-names like Scholastic? Where? Who? Help!
I am nearly finished with my third book - and yes i know you have to be finished before even attempting to get an agent - and am in need of an agent.
I don't want to send my book to just any agent, I've been working on this masterpiece for 2 YEARS haha!
I am aiming high, like, UNIVERSE high. I might hit the moon.
I want to be under the name Scholastic, or any of the top ten publishing names.
I've been searching for about 10 minutes on the interent (not including all the other months hah) and i cant seem to find any link to their corresponding agents anywhere.
Does anyone know the names of the agents of books/authors of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight, Francine Pascal, or any TOP of the TOP of the list author's agents?
Haha, please and thank you it would do me a great amount of good!
I'll repay you by picking a best answer, and hopefully getting you a GREAT teen-fiction-fantasy story shortly out there on the shelves to read on your kindle, or nook, or just the old-fashioned library. (i love reading a book while holding the original copy in my hands, who needs kindles??) haha, so thanks again!!!
IF you have any more questions about it, feel free to ask and i will answer in the "additional details" part hah
>>> Agents that work with big-names like Scholastic? Where? Who? Help!
Kindle Fire (Not HD) or Nook Color?
I don't care about the new ipad mini I'm a big fan of apple but I don't have the money for it so which kindle fire (Not HD) or Nook color and explain which is good for what and does any have instagram
>>> Kindle Fire (Not HD) or Nook Color?
>>> Kindle Fire (Not HD) or Nook Color?
Should i get a chromebook or a nook hd?
Chromebook specs:11.6'' (1366x768) display
0.7 inches thin – 2.42 lbs / 1.1 kg
Over 6.5 hours of battery 1
Samsung Exynos 5 Dual Processor
100 GB Google Drive Cloud Storage2 with Solid State Drive
Built-in dual band Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n
VGA Camera
1x USB 3.0, 1x USB 2.0
Bluetooth 3.0™ Compatible
price 240$
Nook HD specs: Weight: 11.1 oz (315 g)
Height: 7.65" (194.4 mm)
Width: 5.00" (127.1 mm)
Depth: 0.43" (11.0 mm)
Toy Story 3 available on NOOK Video.
Brilliant HD Display
Looks incredible from every angle
Displays 720p
Fully laminated screen with no air gaps reduces glare and provides extra-wide viewing angles
Cars 2 available on NOOK Video.
Spectacular High Resolution
1440 x 900 pixel resolution
243 PPI (pixels per inch)
Extra-long Battery Life1
Up to 10.5 hours of reading
Up to 9 hours of video
Store books, magazines, movies, apps & more
NOOK HD 8GB: 8GB total memory of which approximately 5GB is available to store user content.
NOOK HD 16GB: 16GB total memory of which approximately 13GB is available to store user content.
Add microSD™ memory card (purchased separately)
Built-in Wi-Fi
Connect wirelessly in seconds
Wireless connectivity via Wi-Fi® (802.11b/g/n)
FREE Wi-Fi® in all Barnes & Noble stores
Universal 3.5 mm stereo headphone jack
30 Pin Port for charging and connecting to a computer (HDMI Compatible)*
Expandable microSD slot
Supported File Types5
Audio: MP4, M4A, 3GP, AAC, MP3, FLAC, WAV, OGG, AMR
Video: MP4, 3GP, WEBM, AVI
Gallery pictures: JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP
Toy Story 3 available on NOOK Video
In the Box
USB Cable
Quick Start Guide
Power Adapter
Rechargeable battery
16 GB
price 230$
covers price 30$
Added (1). Chromebook: Feel lighter, stay cooler
At just over 2.4 pounds, 0.7 inches thin, and with over 6.5 hours of battery life, the Chromebook can go anywhere you go.It's built to stay cool, so it doesn't need a fan and runs silently (no humming, unless you're playing music).
Best of Chrome OS
The Samsung Chromebook runs Chrome OS, which means it has Google apps built-in, it's easy to share, and stays update to date automatically.
Stay connected
It has dual Wi-Fi to make it easier to connect to wireless networks.
Connect from 30, 000 feet
It comes with 12 free sessions of Gogo Inflight Internet.
>>> Should i get a chromebook or a nook hd?
0.7 inches thin – 2.42 lbs / 1.1 kg
Over 6.5 hours of battery 1
Samsung Exynos 5 Dual Processor
100 GB Google Drive Cloud Storage2 with Solid State Drive
Built-in dual band Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n
VGA Camera
1x USB 3.0, 1x USB 2.0
Bluetooth 3.0™ Compatible
price 240$
Nook HD specs: Weight: 11.1 oz (315 g)
Height: 7.65" (194.4 mm)
Width: 5.00" (127.1 mm)
Depth: 0.43" (11.0 mm)
Toy Story 3 available on NOOK Video.
Brilliant HD Display
Looks incredible from every angle
Displays 720p
Fully laminated screen with no air gaps reduces glare and provides extra-wide viewing angles
Cars 2 available on NOOK Video.
Spectacular High Resolution
1440 x 900 pixel resolution
243 PPI (pixels per inch)
Extra-long Battery Life1
Up to 10.5 hours of reading
Up to 9 hours of video
Store books, magazines, movies, apps & more
NOOK HD 8GB: 8GB total memory of which approximately 5GB is available to store user content.
NOOK HD 16GB: 16GB total memory of which approximately 13GB is available to store user content.
Add microSD™ memory card (purchased separately)
Built-in Wi-Fi
Connect wirelessly in seconds
Wireless connectivity via Wi-Fi® (802.11b/g/n)
FREE Wi-Fi® in all Barnes & Noble stores
Universal 3.5 mm stereo headphone jack
30 Pin Port for charging and connecting to a computer (HDMI Compatible)*
Expandable microSD slot
Supported File Types5
Audio: MP4, M4A, 3GP, AAC, MP3, FLAC, WAV, OGG, AMR
Video: MP4, 3GP, WEBM, AVI
Gallery pictures: JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP
Toy Story 3 available on NOOK Video
In the Box
USB Cable
Quick Start Guide
Power Adapter
Rechargeable battery
16 GB
price 230$
covers price 30$
Added (1). Chromebook: Feel lighter, stay cooler
At just over 2.4 pounds, 0.7 inches thin, and with over 6.5 hours of battery life, the Chromebook can go anywhere you go.It's built to stay cool, so it doesn't need a fan and runs silently (no humming, unless you're playing music).
Best of Chrome OS
The Samsung Chromebook runs Chrome OS, which means it has Google apps built-in, it's easy to share, and stays update to date automatically.
Stay connected
It has dual Wi-Fi to make it easier to connect to wireless networks.
Connect from 30, 000 feet
It comes with 12 free sessions of Gogo Inflight Internet.
>>> Should i get a chromebook or a nook hd?
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Why won't my Android Tablet play videos?
I've had this tablet for a bit, and I can assure you that the name upon it is Android. I'm not sure what version of tablet I have; it looks like a Nook.It's thick, black, and not sleek at all. I haven't been able to find a product name for this.
Though, my Google account won't recognize my Android Tablet, so I cannot get on Google Play and download a video viewing app.
It won't play. GIFs either. This is troubling, because most of my Internet time is spent on tumblr.
My Tablet refuses to play videos. For example, I'll be on YouTube. I will click a video I desire to watch. I click the play button. Afterward, it takes me to an error page, saying "This website is not available at this time," or something along those lines. Even off of YouTube - all videos do this.
Please, can someone help me? I know I wasn't very specific, but assistance would be greatly appreciated right now! I can't work with this device!
Added (1). Along with the design description; along the right side, it has 2 large buttons with 4 controls: back, forward, last page, and home.In the bottom left corner, there is a round power button.
>>> Why won't my Android Tablet play videos?
Though, my Google account won't recognize my Android Tablet, so I cannot get on Google Play and download a video viewing app.
It won't play. GIFs either. This is troubling, because most of my Internet time is spent on tumblr.
My Tablet refuses to play videos. For example, I'll be on YouTube. I will click a video I desire to watch. I click the play button. Afterward, it takes me to an error page, saying "This website is not available at this time," or something along those lines. Even off of YouTube - all videos do this.
Please, can someone help me? I know I wasn't very specific, but assistance would be greatly appreciated right now! I can't work with this device!
Added (1). Along with the design description; along the right side, it has 2 large buttons with 4 controls: back, forward, last page, and home.In the bottom left corner, there is a round power button.
>>> Why won't my Android Tablet play videos?
How long can my ferret survive on his own?
My ferret has been missing since yesterday so 24 hrs.hes healthy so i dont think he crawled up and died anywhere(i pray). I have searched every nook and cranny of my house and still cant find him. I put food outside his cage to try to tell if hes eaten any.Im scared he will die of starvation. IF he got outside, (i have 2 sm boys who leave doors open at times) how long wud he last???
>>> How long can my ferret survive on his own?
>>> How long can my ferret survive on his own?
Where in New York could I find a job working at an independent bookstore?
I'm currently looking for a job working at an independent bookstore. I love reading and writing so I couldn't think of a more enjoyable way to spend my day. I live in New Jersey but the only bookstore near me is Barnes and Nobles, but I'd rather work with people around my age (19) who have a love for books.
Whenever I look at a website for a bookstore they never have any hiring information and just an email, but I think it's in bad taste to just email them asking for a job.
Any ideas?
>>> Where in New York could I find a job working at an independent bookstore?
Whenever I look at a website for a bookstore they never have any hiring information and just an email, but I think it's in bad taste to just email them asking for a job.
Any ideas?
>>> Where in New York could I find a job working at an independent bookstore?
I turned in an application, when can I call about it?
I have applied at a lot of places recently. I live in the Permian Basin of Texas, so people are actually begging people to work for them. (Because so many people have gone into the oil field so all retail stores and fast food places are very short handed. A lot of fast food places have had to reduce hours because of the lack of employees) Everywhere you go there are on the spot interviews and job fairs. Well I applied at Barnes n Nobles, Office Depot, Target, and Toys R Us. They were all online applications, so of course they weren't a part of the job fair people, but I figured maybe they could be desperate as well. I was wondering if it would look bad if I called them asking if they got my online application and when I could come in for an interview? I was recently in a car wreck so I have a lot of stuff I need to pay off, so I was hoping to get a job relatively quick.
>>> I turned in an application, when can I call about it?
>>> I turned in an application, when can I call about it?
Remember when Barnes & Noble was a humble mall book store?
Remember when Barnes & Noble was a humble mall book store?
Added (1). It's now a social meat market.
>>> Remember when Barnes & Noble was a humble mall book store?
Added (1). It's now a social meat market.
>>> Remember when Barnes & Noble was a humble mall book store?
How to get the SAI paint tool on a Nook Tablet?
Help please! I need it on my Nook Tablet and don't know how to get it. Thanks! ^^
>>> How to get the SAI paint tool on a Nook Tablet?
>>> How to get the SAI paint tool on a Nook Tablet?
How safe is it to root your Nook Tablet?
I've never rooted my Nook and have just recently heard about this.It seems to me that it's basically like jailbreaking your iPhone.Am I correct? If so, is it safe to do so? I know when I jailbroke my iPhone 4 when I first got it, it was fine for awhile and then it started acting weird so I restored it. Would I have any complications with my Nook if I rooted it? Also could you recommend a site with instructions on how to do so? Thanks!
Added (1). It's running 1.4.3 by the way
Added (2). I have a Mac btw. I've been looking through some of the roots and noticed that some are specific to PC or Mac
>>> How safe is it to root your Nook Tablet?
Added (1). It's running 1.4.3 by the way
Added (2). I have a Mac btw. I've been looking through some of the roots and noticed that some are specific to PC or Mac
>>> How safe is it to root your Nook Tablet?
Request Christmas Day off of work at Barnes & Noble?
I know this is really early to be asking this, but is Barnes & Noble open on Christmas Day? I started working a little less than 2 weeks ago, and if they're open on Christmas Day, should I request the day off? Or is that just wrong and stupid and unheard of? My family always has a big Christmas party, and I'd hate to miss it, even if it pays time and a half.
>>> Request Christmas Day off of work at Barnes & Noble?
>>> Request Christmas Day off of work at Barnes & Noble?
Kindle vs Nook? I have no idea?
Soo im thinking on buying a kindle fire, but some people have told me to get a nook better.My questions are why? Which nook should i get and why, the same with the kindle fire? Another thing can i buy movies on my kindle or nook and watch them in my apple tv also? I just need as much info as possible on this (:
Added (1). Is an ipad better for reading than a kindle or a nook?
>>> Kindle vs Nook? I have no idea?
Added (1). Is an ipad better for reading than a kindle or a nook?
>>> Kindle vs Nook? I have no idea?
How long is the job application prosses at Barnes and Noble?
I recenty applied to Barnes and Noble and would like to know (if) when they will reply!!!
>>> How long is the job application prosses at Barnes and Noble?
>>> How long is the job application prosses at Barnes and Noble?
Nook tablet problems with netflix?
I keep getting this message when i try to watch movies on netflix "Sorry we could not reach the Netflix service. Please try again later. If the problem persists please visit the Netflix website (1006)."
ive gotten it before and all i had to do was exit the netflix app, and restart it.but not it wont work. ive tried everything i could think of, but nothing works
anyone know how to fix it
>>> Nook tablet problems with netflix?
ive gotten it before and all i had to do was exit the netflix app, and restart it.but not it wont work. ive tried everything i could think of, but nothing works
anyone know how to fix it
>>> Nook tablet problems with netflix?
Where can I get the comic Johnny The Homicidal Maniac by Jhonen Vasquez?
My best friend wanted Johnny The Homicidal Maniac for her birthday, which is in like two days, so I can't order it from Amazon. Would Barnes and Noble have it? Books-a-million? And if they do, how much?
>>> Where can I get the comic Johnny The Homicidal Maniac by Jhonen Vasquez?
>>> Where can I get the comic Johnny The Homicidal Maniac by Jhonen Vasquez?
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
What does Comcast charge to install internet wifi service for my new Nook tablet?
I already have cable with Comcast although my condo pays for the cable. But their wiring is already in my apt.
>>> What does Comcast charge to install internet wifi service for my new Nook tablet?
>>> What does Comcast charge to install internet wifi service for my new Nook tablet?
Nook charger cord broken?
My charger cord turns red when i use ir it started at my friend shouse afteer i plugged it in to charge the first time it reddened up it charge dup perfectly fine now it charges up alot slower than normally whats wrong with it
>>> Nook charger cord broken?
>>> Nook charger cord broken?
Is a nook worth buying? - 1
I'm thinking about getting one. I'd be getting the one that's coming out November 1st. I have a laptop and a ipod touch. I use my ipod touch more to go on the internet more than my laptop. I only use my laptop 2-3 times a week… if that. If I got a nook I'd use it most to go on the internet, read and probably watch movies and shows. I just don't know if it's really worth it. I wouldn't say I travel a lot… but I'll probably be going on three trips in 2013 that require taking a plane… so I could use it for that. Opinions?
>>> Is a nook worth buying? - 1
>>> Is a nook worth buying? - 1
Nook HD or kindle HD?
I hear kindle is better but a lot of people at my school have it and I want to be different so is the nook HD some what good or is kindle just way better
>>> Nook HD or kindle HD?
>>> Nook HD or kindle HD?
When will my books from Barnes and Noble arrive if i live in LA, California?
I ordered the Harry Potter hardcover book set (all of the books) yesterday (sunday) around 7:00 P. M.my friend ordered it for me, because she had free shipping.i'm pretty sure it was express and i live in Los Angeles.around what day do you think it will arrive?
>>> When will my books from Barnes and Noble arrive if i live in LA, California?
>>> When will my books from Barnes and Noble arrive if i live in LA, California?
Should i get the Nexus 7, amazon kindle fire or the nook hd?
I keep on going back and forth on which one i want to get and so far they all come out equal with their pros and cons but i have trouble on deciding on what i want to get with one i could get tons of books other i have amazon store in my hands and the other i could download the nook and kindle app pleasee help
>>> Should i get the Nexus 7, amazon kindle fire or the nook hd?
>>> Should i get the Nexus 7, amazon kindle fire or the nook hd?
My nook tablet keeps disconnecting from Wi-Fi?
I just bought a Nook Tablet and I'm having issues connecting to the internet.It will connect for a few minutes and then disconnect. If I reset the internet it will again connect for a minute and then disconnect.It says there is a MAC filtering issue but the MAC filtering is disabled on my router. I have a Zoom X6 router. Please help! Thank you.
>>> My nook tablet keeps disconnecting from Wi-Fi?
>>> My nook tablet keeps disconnecting from Wi-Fi?
Monday, October 22, 2012
Does the barns and Nobel nook have free 3G?
Does the barns and Nobel nook have free 3G?
>>> Does the barns and Nobel nook have free 3G?
>>> Does the barns and Nobel nook have free 3G?
Matching my dining room table with my kitchen?
My kitchen had white cabinets, grey granite countertops, black appliances, and an orangish/brown floor. I have an open floor plan with room for a breakfast nook. I feel like a white breakfast nook would be too plain, and I feel like (correct me if I'm wrong) that black would look mismatched. I really like a cherry wood or espresso color; although, I don't know if it's a good idea to add more colors to my kitchen. Help!
>>> Matching my dining room table with my kitchen?
>>> Matching my dining room table with my kitchen?
Sunday, October 21, 2012
How to market my ebook?
I am publishing my book as an ebook available for Nook/Kindle. What is a good way to market/promote it? Preferably free or reasonable cost?
>>> How to market my ebook?
>>> How to market my ebook?
Should i get the msr nook tent or the msr hubba hubba tent?
I am a camper and i dont know what to get i want these two tents i like both of them but i have trouble choosing
>>> Should i get the msr nook tent or the msr hubba hubba tent?
>>> Should i get the msr nook tent or the msr hubba hubba tent?
How to find a book at Barnes & Noble?
I would like to be able to find a book on my own while at the bookstore and avoid relying on the information desk. I've searched books on the website, but I do not know how to find which section the book is located in. Your help is greatly appreciated. :)
>>> How to find a book at Barnes & Noble?
>>> How to find a book at Barnes & Noble?
What's this song played at barnes and noble?
I heard this instrumental or orchestra version of titanium by david guetta song played at barnes and noble. Does anyone know the name of the group or album that covers it?
>>> What's this song played at barnes and noble?
>>> What's this song played at barnes and noble?
Why is it so hard to find a hard day's night on dvd anywhere?
Can't find that classic movie anywhere! Barnes and Noble did not have it. Best Buy did not have it. Walmart and Fred Meyer did not have it. There are skeptical sellers on Ebay and Amazon from Thailand that could take up to 20 some days to arrive and some that are for some reason priced at $100 when there's an identical product right next to it for $10. And that website "buy.com" is kind of hard to navigate.
WHY IS THIS MOVIE SO D*MN HARD TO FIND??? I've seen the other Beatles movies in stores, just not this one! Can't find it anywhere!!! Why is this???
>>> Why is it so hard to find a hard day's night on dvd anywhere?
WHY IS THIS MOVIE SO D*MN HARD TO FIND??? I've seen the other Beatles movies in stores, just not this one! Can't find it anywhere!!! Why is this???
>>> Why is it so hard to find a hard day's night on dvd anywhere?
I need Wi-Fi for my house, help!
I want Wi-Fi for my house. Like, Wi-Fi to connect my Nook, phone, and laptop to. Not computer internet. How much does it cost? Where can I get it?
>>> I need Wi-Fi for my house, help!
>>> I need Wi-Fi for my house, help!
Is borders a bi weekly or weekly paying job?
And how does the working environment compare to borders and barnes &nobles? and which of the three drug test?
Added (1). Lol sorry I'm a scatter brain right now, I meant Half Price Books.
>>> Is borders a bi weekly or weekly paying job?
Added (1). Lol sorry I'm a scatter brain right now, I meant Half Price Books.
>>> Is borders a bi weekly or weekly paying job?
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