Friday, April 18, 2014

Help on job application for Barnes and Noble?

Hi everybody! So, I'm sixteen and just starting to search for a part time job, specifically for Barnes and Noble

However, I've hit a bump on the road because to be honest, I don't have any past jobs under my belt.

I mean, I volunteer at my local library and my parents' own a donut shop, so I do know how to deal with various types of customers and serve their needs. But, I don't have a legitimate prior job experience. What do I place under that section?
Added (1). What do I place under the resume section?

Read more: Help on job application for Barnes and Noble?

Good ebooks from Barns and Nobles?

I love to read books but my Nook is under my mom's credit card and that means I can only get the free ones. So if anyone knows of any good books that are in the fiction genre and that are wrote for teens, please put your suggestions below! Thanks
Added (1). And if you can please just put the book tittle and Author's name. Thanks

Read more: Good ebooks from Barns and Nobles?


just some good detective books that a non book worm would enjoy


Thursday, April 17, 2014

How to get dueling network on my tablet?

My device is a nook hd plus. How can I get it without a flashplayer or how can I get a flashplayer so I can duel? If not possible, what mobile device can play dueling network and how?

Read more: How to get dueling network on my tablet?

Is there any online book clubs?

I'm referring to one where they send you a book a month or something along those lines. One where you pay a monthly fee. I know it's an odd question but I could have sworn I heard someone talking about such a thing. I live in Los Angeles so I'd also be interested in a local book club, but would prefer online.

Read more: Is there any online book clubs?

Is satanism becoming popular?

not just because most celebrities are Satanist like katy perry, drake, Eminem and Rihanna but it seem like it is on rise to being very popular. When I went in barnes and nobles looking for the kjv of the bible everyone had a copy of the satanic bible and they said nobody reads that bible anymore. Can someone please explain to me what is Satanism and is it becoming popular?

Read more: Is satanism becoming popular?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How to download free ebooks for the nook app?

And no viruses please, thank you.

Read more: How to download free ebooks for the nook app?

Barnes & Noble Employee Dress Code?

I'm 17 and I recently got hired at Barnes & Noble, they're in the process of background check and told me I'd start next week.
I know T-Shirts and Jeans aren't … Show more

Read more: Barnes & Noble Employee Dress Code?

What website can i publish my book for free?

I want to know what website can i publish my book for free, Get 100% or close to 100% Percent all earnings from it, and that will sell nationwide to on and offline bookstores, and in … Show more

Read more: What website can i publish my book for free?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

When will my UPS package arrive? (Barnes and Noble Express Shipping)?

I ordered some books through Barnes and Noble express shipping for new members, I was wondering when the UPS will arrive.
I put the order on Saturday.
This is what it says on the UPS … Show more

Read more: When will my UPS package arrive? (Barnes and Noble Express Shipping)?

How to find something?

So I have a pet turtle about 2inchs long and I let him out in my room to let him walk around and I got on my phone and forgot about him! He's been lost for about 30 mins by the … Show more

Read more: How to find something?

First home? Is it a good place?

Where I live, you can't really get a home for much under 200.000. Most homes under that are either severely outdated or need a new roof or furnace and have dirt crawl spaces as … Show more

Read more: First home? Is it a good place?

Discount price for chandeliers?

we are looking for sleek chandeliers for foyer and nook for a new house. Trying to find something unique. You can please suggest me a shop to buy chandeliers at discounted prices. I have searched a lot online but doesn't find the one. If you know any shop to buy, please recommend for me

Read more: Discount price for chandeliers?

Monday, April 14, 2014

What prevents people from giving away ebooks?

Alright, here's the thing… If someone downloads an e-book, what is preventing them from just uploading it and sharing it online? There is probably a software that lets you put your ebooks onto your computer, right?
Also, another question that's not really related, if you have an e-reader are you limited to that book store of can you buy e-books from other places? Ex. If I bought an e-book from kindle store could I transfer it over to a nook from barnes & nobles?

Read more: What prevents people from giving away ebooks?

What would cause a big can of baking powder to explode?

We had a huge can of baking powder on the top shelf of our pantry and it completely exploded without warning. It cause the can to look like a bowl after. Leaving baking powder in every nook and cranney in the pantry. Even on the ceiling. Not sure if the can was dented or expired. What would cause it to explode?

Read more: What would cause a big can of baking powder to explode?

Which of these are the funniest?

I am going to write a bunch of phrases down and you tell me the funny ones. Just write down the numbers of the ones you think are funny

1. That moment when you fall asleep on the couch and wake up in your bed. And you live alone.

2. Age 11: "I whip my hair back and forth!" Age 37: "I drive my kids back and forth!" Age 69: "I rock my chair back and forth!"

3. Friend: H3yy w@tt r y0üu d0!nq. Arr u 0n tw!ttëR?
Me: I am at Barnes and Noble buying you a dictionary

4. Who needs good grades when you got "Swag"?! *6 years later* Heres your fries sir.

5. Me: I like that… Me: *looks at price tag* … Me: I don't like that anymore

6. Weird… Some guy just gave me half of a peace sign

7. The sole purpose of a child's middle name, is so he can tell when he's really in trouble.

8. To those girls on "My Super Sweet 16" that start crying when daddy buys them the wrong color BMW. SHUT UP! I ride a bike.

9. I love it when I buy a bag of air, and the company is nice enough to put a couple chips in it

10. That awkward moment when the guy who discovered milk had to explain what he was doing to the cow.

11. *3AM text message* "Hey are you asleep?" Â"No, I'm hunting zebras. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU IDIOT?!

12. The awkward moment when you shout the wrong answer in class with confidence

13. Remember. If we get caught. You are deaf and I don't speak English

14. That awkward moment when your scuba diving and you see adele rolling in the deep

Read more: Which of these are the funniest?

Sunday, April 13, 2014

I want to build a small reading nook in my backyard?

This spring, I want to build myself a small place to read outside out of wood, somewhat like a small shed. Does anyone know where I could find blueprints/plans for something along those lines? Nothing too complex. Thank you:)

Read more: I want to build a small reading nook in my backyard?

Best Tablet For Reading?!

I have been looking into kindle or nook what's the difference? And is there any other ones you can recommend? For an affordable price:)

Read more: Best Tablet For Reading?!

Whats my Barnes and Noble member number?

This is my first time buying something from this website. I'm trying to buy a journal I want and I want it to arrive in the 1-3 business days. I have my Barnes and Noble membership card with me but I don't know what my member number is. Is it the phone number I registered with or the number on my card? Or something else?

Read more: Whats my Barnes and Noble member number?

Nook wont log onto Facebook?

Tried to log on Facebook from my Nook color and this is the page that comes up. I cant put my emaol and password in anywhere. Ive turned the Nook off and back on but no help. Anyone have a solution?
Nook wont log onto Facebook

Read more: Nook wont log onto Facebook?

How to put money on my nook?

How do i put money on my nook?

Read more: How to put money on my nook?

What does this dream mean? I woke up crying?

Alright so I dreamed that I was in the kitchen of my g-ma and g-pas's house (used to live there with my mom). My grandma & grandpa were in the breakfast nook listening to me and my mom in the kitchen. I was singing opera, not very well but I I got in my mom's face and was singing. She said to me, "when I was your age…" not sure of the last part but she meant she did something better than me pretty much. I immediately noticed that she had on light green & orange eye shadow-it was my brand new eye shadow that I hadn't even opened yet. I started flipping out, yelling at her for wearing my new eye shadow. She said to me," it was in my dresser," I replied, " we share storage". So then she tried to punch me in the face. I ducked, grabbed her fist and swung back. She said, "No, you take it and feel however you want-ugly or bad" something like that-that's what she meant though. I said, "No, I'm a woman now, you can't hit me or treat me like that-if you hit me or get in my face again I might kill you,''. Then I noticed a white lamp and the paint was all streaky. I took some kind of paint remover and used a small cue-tip maybe, and tried to remove the white paint. Underneath, I saw another layer of chipped paint and the real color of the lamp was brassy.

Then I woke up crying. My mom was physically abusive when I was a kid, I don't speak to her anymore. Though I don't actually want to kill her (that's a bit much) I am very hurt and angry.

So, any ideas as to what this means?

Read more: What does this dream mean? I woke up crying?

Common recipes every woman (or man) should know?

Hello, I'm a 17 year old girl. I really want to learn how to cook, not only for fun but for my family and future. The thing is I don't know where to start, my mom knows mostly Mexican recipes but I would like to know a wide range of dishes. I don't live near my grandma, so I can't really ask her for help. My questions are how did you learn to cook? Are there certain books/websites that helped you? What are some common things everyone should know how to make? I'm pretty clueless and I don't want to spend money on books I'll never use. What would you recommend? Tips and advice would be appreciated. Thank you very much!

Read more: Common recipes every woman (or man) should know?