!I'm leaving for England in less than a week for 3 weeks and though I looked online at tsa.com i'm still a little confused and the tips on the site were a little vague and the plane ride is going to be 10-12 hours no stops as well.
Can I Bring…
-like mascara
-foundation ( or powder like a small powder compact?)
-pencil or liquid eyeliner
-concealer ( a little tube of it? )
-small compact of blush?
-Other electronics?
-my eReader ( Nook )
-Sprays or perfume?
-like a small bottle or can of perfume
-spray on deoderant?
-Toothbrush or toothpaste
-You know those little toothbrush things.wisps? Can i bring those?
-I was thinking of bringing a spare pair of socks, underwear, and a shirt just in case my luggage gets lost or anything
I know about the no food or drink and teh liquid rules as well but I just want to be certain. Also, I heard that If my carry on luggage weighs too much i will have to get rid of some things? Whats the "ideal" weight my carry on should be?
Thank you!
Added (1). By the way I live in the East Bay area so I'm going to the San Francisco airport directly to Heathrow
Read more: What can I bring through airport security?
Friday, July 31, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Does Barns and Noble sell Gay themed books?
I am looking for gay romance novels and I can only seem to find them online. I know Barnes and Nobel carries gay novels but most of them are online only. I was wondering is there a section inside the store where I am likely to find these books instead of having to order them online? If not can someone tell me good places to go where I can find these kinds of books?
Read more: Does Barns and Noble sell Gay themed books?
Is Mortal Kombat X now part of DC Comics?
When I was at Barnes & Noble, I saw a Mortal Kombat book with a DC Logo on it. It also has a DC Comics imprint on the side.
Read more: Is Mortal Kombat X now part of DC Comics?
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
How to read kindle books on an nook tablet?
I used to have an android tablet where I read my kindle books, but unfortunately it stopped working. As a result I was given as a gift a new nook tablet. I downloaded the kindle appbon it, but I cannot read all my purchased kindle books on it. I looked it upbonline and I found that this is due to kindle books using a different software that cannot be downloaded to nook. Can anyone help me accces my kindle books somehow? Thanks
Read more: How to read kindle books on an nook tablet?
I locked myself out of my Nook Wifi and I need to reset it how do I do this?
I have locked myself out of my Nook Wifi edition and I need to reset it… I only have the power button and the 4 page buttons that I can use. Please help me!
Read more: I locked myself out of my Nook Wifi and I need to reset it how do I do this?
I'm only a temporary employee at Barnes & Noble? Should I start looking for other jobs?
I want to be more of a permanent employee or long term. Is it possible to be at least part time?
Added (1). When I applied I went for part time but they put me on temporary with everyone else.
Added (2). If it matters, I did very terrible on the job interview. I guess I should be lucky to even have a temporary job.
Read more: I'm only a temporary employee at Barnes & Noble? Should I start looking for other jobs?
Can I return a book to Barnes and Noble?
I bought a book two days ago at Barnes and Noble and while I was reading it, found that there is a HUGE ink blotch in the middle of a page, preventing me from being able to read it. However, I lost the receipt. I don't want to get money back, I just want to exchange it for another copy of the book that doesn't have any problems with it. Will I be able to do this? I am a member if it helps.
Thanks in advance!
Read more: Can I return a book to Barnes and Noble?
How to pay using a Barnes and Noble gift card?
I was cleaning out a room in my house and stumbled upon 3 $10 gift cards for Barnes and Noble that I haven't used. I want to buy 2 books that have a total cost of about $25. When I try and add my billing info, it only says "Credit Card" and "PayPal" as options for cards. I tried entering what I could and seeing if I could continue but it didn't work. There is no name on the card and there is no expiration date. How do I use them? Also, since they are each $10, can I use all three to buy my order? Thanks!
Read more: How to pay using a Barnes and Noble gift card?
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Do I get my money back?
I need money on one of my MasterCard gift cards, and most of the money on there was spent on my nook. If I delete a book, wil I get my money back? Or is ther a way for me to get my money back at all?
Read more: Do I get my money back?
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Sueing or bringing criminal charges on a Vanity publisher?
Vanity publishers are scum of the lowest order. They manipulate people who are desperate to have a book or a novel made that they'll jump at the chance to finally have a "publisher" say yes, nevermind that these con artists rob them blind. The basic idea is that a real publisher will take a gamble on a book they think will sell, because they'll get a profit off of every book sold. Vanity publishers however, will demand cash up front for ridiculous things to take advantage of those who don't know how to accomplish things themselves.
One such company suckered my mother by saying "We'll put your book on Barnes and Noble, and Amazon!" When the book can only be found by a google search, and even then it's through "Google Books" rather than the sites they claimed (Barnes and Noble won't touch this publisher with a 10 ft cattleprod.
"We'll set up a Facebook and Twitter account for you for only $395! But you'll have to manage upkeep yourself!"
$395?! TO SET UP FACEBOOK/TWITTER?! And it doesn't stop there by a longshot!
They take people's money, sign them into contracts, and if even one word is breathed about their practices, they will sue their "Authors" into oblivion. Which is why I'm not going to say the name, save that it's ---- publishing, the blank being a four letter word for what the words in a book are printed on.
Read more: Sueing or bringing criminal charges on a Vanity publisher?
Would these kind of shirts be fine for working at Barns & Noble?
I got the pants and the shoes already.
Added (1). *Barnes
Added (2). I found out Aeropostale sells these for my size.
Read more: Would these kind of shirts be fine for working at Barns & Noble?
Added (1). *Barnes
Added (2). I found out Aeropostale sells these for my size.
Read more: Would these kind of shirts be fine for working at Barns & Noble?
Looking for the netflix of comics/manga… Any suggestions?
Looking for the netflix of comics/manga… Any suggestions?
Read more: Looking for the netflix of comics/manga… Any suggestions?
Where can I find Kerrang? (in the US)?
I asked at Borders and at Barnes&Noble neither of them carry it:'( so do you know where i could possibly find it? I need this magazine
Read more: Where can I find Kerrang? (in the US)?
Read more: Where can I find Kerrang? (in the US)?
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