i connected my nook to my mac to try and put music on it using a usb but it did not work… I was fine that it didnt work. It wasnt a big deal… But than i pulled out the usb and after a while a message popped up and i didnt get to read it but it locked up my browser so i cant use the web and deleted a lot of my files including music…please i need a way to get things back to how their work please
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Should I sell this stock? BKS and JCP?
I inharited some money about 20 years ago and am now ready to retire. Problem is that I put most of the inheritence in JC Penney and Barnes and Noble stock. I didn't pay much attentiun to the stock market over the years and now JC Penny is worthless and Barnes and Noble is in trouble! I am taking huge losses. Is there a way like bankrupscy or something that gets my money backk?
I did put some of the money into the WWE stock cuz ima wrestinling fan and that sok.
I put $300,000 into JC Peney and $100000 in bks. My stupid family didnt want me to put more into wrestling stock but I was right. Only got to put $50,000 in WWE.
Read more: Should I sell this stock? BKS and JCP?
I did put some of the money into the WWE stock cuz ima wrestinling fan and that sok.
I put $300,000 into JC Peney and $100000 in bks. My stupid family didnt want me to put more into wrestling stock but I was right. Only got to put $50,000 in WWE.
Read more: Should I sell this stock? BKS and JCP?
Monday, March 17, 2014
How to get over this extremely irrational fear of silverfish?
I have a terrible phobia of silverfish. Not bugs in general, just silverfish. I've never seen any in my house (thank god) but they're in the halls and basement of my dad's house, which I visit every weekend. Whenever I see one I scream, hyperventilate, and try to run away. I can't even kill it because being near one long enough to step on it would send me into a panic attack.
I can't even look at a picture without completely freaking out. Just today, my little brother thought it would be funny to pull up a picture of one on his ipad and chase me around the house with it until I started crying.
But point is, I feel like it should be very unlikely for me to have such an IRRATIONAL fear, since I tend to be a very RATIONAL person. I understand they're harmless so I have no idea why I'm so scared of them. But I can't help panicking whenever I see one. So is there any way I can get over this stupid fear, and be able to sleep over my dad's house without feeling the need to frantically check every nook and cranny of the room before bed?
Read more: How to get over this extremely irrational fear of silverfish?
I can't even look at a picture without completely freaking out. Just today, my little brother thought it would be funny to pull up a picture of one on his ipad and chase me around the house with it until I started crying.
But point is, I feel like it should be very unlikely for me to have such an IRRATIONAL fear, since I tend to be a very RATIONAL person. I understand they're harmless so I have no idea why I'm so scared of them. But I can't help panicking whenever I see one. So is there any way I can get over this stupid fear, and be able to sleep over my dad's house without feeling the need to frantically check every nook and cranny of the room before bed?
Read more: How to get over this extremely irrational fear of silverfish?
How would you direct sales to Amazon instead of shopping cart from website?
I am a self-published author, selling a book in ebook form and hardcover. The book is being sold on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other global sites. I am currently building an authors website to display my seven books with overviews. I do not want to have my own shopping cart, but would rather have a link to retailers because it would be difficult to mail hardcover books globally. The retailers are better at dealing with international sales. The problem I am having is the links. I am in the US, so would link the buying option to the retailer sites in the US. I am concerned that if the link directed the buyer to the US retailers sites, someone in Norway might not have access. How can I overcome this problem?
Read more: How would you direct sales to Amazon instead of shopping cart from website?
Read more: How would you direct sales to Amazon instead of shopping cart from website?
I've forgotten the author of children's book I liked. Help?
I'm trying to remember a picture book I read when I was young but no amount of keyword searches will bring it up.
It's set in a grown up's world but everywhere in the cracks in the walls, hiding in nooks and in random places are little windows, doors, houses, hot air balloons. A whole undiscovered world, which unless you're looking for is invisible.
Beautiful illustrations. Some of the doors look like this:

Thank you
Read more: I've forgotten the author of children's book I liked. Help?
I'm trying to remember a picture book I read when I was young but no amount of keyword searches will bring it up.
It's set in a grown up's world but everywhere in the cracks in the walls, hiding in nooks and in random places are little windows, doors, houses, hot air balloons. A whole undiscovered world, which unless you're looking for is invisible.
Beautiful illustrations. Some of the doors look like this:
Thank you
Read more: I've forgotten the author of children's book I liked. Help?
Reading in Barns and Noble?
This is probably a dumb question,
But can I bring a book into Barnes and Noble and read it in there?
I'm affraid they will think I'm stealing it when I walk out.
Read more: Reading in Barns and Noble?
But can I bring a book into Barnes and Noble and read it in there?
I'm affraid they will think I'm stealing it when I walk out.
Read more: Reading in Barns and Noble?
How old do you have to be to get a job? - 1
I'm 14 and I want to apply to Barnes and Noble next year. Can you work when you are 15?
Read more: How old do you have to be to get a job? - 1
Read more: How old do you have to be to get a job? - 1
How to get a job at Barnes and Noble? - 1
I'm 16 and I'm looking around for a job to start saving up for college and i thought Barnes&Noble would be an ideal job for me since i love books and know a lot about them. The only problem is i don't know how to apply, and once i apply i have no idea what to expect! Do i apply online or go in person? Will their be an interview? And what are they looking for in a future employee? Will my age keep me from getting the job? Even though i may be younger then most employees their, I've done a lot of things surrounding books, like I"m in a book club that helps the community, i volunteer at the library in the summer, i also do a lot of other community services… But will this guarantee me a job there?
Read more: How to get a job at Barnes and Noble? - 1
Read more: How to get a job at Barnes and Noble? - 1
Sunday, March 16, 2014
College chances for NYU: Tisch (or NYU in general)?
Hi! I am a white girl residing in North Carolina.
Here is my class history:
Freshman Year
English 1 Honors-A
Math 2 Honors (In place of Geometry; I took the Algebra 1-like class in middle school)-A
Biology Honors-A
World History Honors-A
Spanish 1-A
Spanish 2-A
Introduction to Communications and Mass Media-A
Sophomore Year
English 2 Honors-A
Math 3 (in place of Algebra 2) Honors-A
Chemistry Honors-A
American History 1 Honors-A
Spanish 3 Honors-A
Newspaper 1-A
Creative Writing 1-A
Theatre 1-A
Junior Year
AP English 3-A
Pre-Calculus Honors-A
AP Environmental Science-A
AP US History (in place of American History 2 Honors)-A
Newspaper 2 Honors-A
Creative Writing 2 Honors-A
Peer Discovery 1 (class where I act as teacher assistant for my former 8th grade teacher)-A
Technical Theatre 1-A
Senior Year
AP English 4-A
AP Calculus AB-A
Civics and Economics Honors-A
AP Psychology-A
AP Government-A
Newspaper 3 Honors-A
Newspaper 4 Honors-A
Peer Discovery 2 (TA)-A
Editor of school newspaper
Screenwriter for many short films through my school's film club (vice president of film club)
Vice President of Creative Writing Club
National Honor Society
Committee Chair in Spanish Club
Less avidly:
Book Club
Sisters Mentoring Club
I've volunteered at my local library and a Halloween attraction park. I have a part time job at an ice cream shoppe (though I'm thinking of quitting to work at Barnes and Noble since I'm 18). Also, would Tisch be much more impressed if I have a novel published?
I've had a controversial novel published but I did so anonymously (since it had a memoir aspect to it and the details could have gotten certain people in my life in trouble)…Think Go Ask Alice but with an illegal relationship. Anyways, thoughts?
Read more: College chances for NYU: Tisch (or NYU in general)?
Here is my class history:
Freshman Year
English 1 Honors-A
Math 2 Honors (In place of Geometry; I took the Algebra 1-like class in middle school)-A
Biology Honors-A
World History Honors-A
Spanish 1-A
Spanish 2-A
Introduction to Communications and Mass Media-A
Sophomore Year
English 2 Honors-A
Math 3 (in place of Algebra 2) Honors-A
Chemistry Honors-A
American History 1 Honors-A
Spanish 3 Honors-A
Newspaper 1-A
Creative Writing 1-A
Theatre 1-A
Junior Year
AP English 3-A
Pre-Calculus Honors-A
AP Environmental Science-A
AP US History (in place of American History 2 Honors)-A
Newspaper 2 Honors-A
Creative Writing 2 Honors-A
Peer Discovery 1 (class where I act as teacher assistant for my former 8th grade teacher)-A
Technical Theatre 1-A
Senior Year
AP English 4-A
AP Calculus AB-A
Civics and Economics Honors-A
AP Psychology-A
AP Government-A
Newspaper 3 Honors-A
Newspaper 4 Honors-A
Peer Discovery 2 (TA)-A
Editor of school newspaper
Screenwriter for many short films through my school's film club (vice president of film club)
Vice President of Creative Writing Club
National Honor Society
Committee Chair in Spanish Club
Less avidly:
Book Club
Sisters Mentoring Club
I've volunteered at my local library and a Halloween attraction park. I have a part time job at an ice cream shoppe (though I'm thinking of quitting to work at Barnes and Noble since I'm 18). Also, would Tisch be much more impressed if I have a novel published?
I've had a controversial novel published but I did so anonymously (since it had a memoir aspect to it and the details could have gotten certain people in my life in trouble)…Think Go Ask Alice but with an illegal relationship. Anyways, thoughts?
Read more: College chances for NYU: Tisch (or NYU in general)?
I think my babysitter is stealing from me but I'm not sure?
I have a babysitter who comes overnights sometimes and sometimes during the day to watch my daughters. My daughters both have a Nook. One of them snuck it to school and the sitter said she didn't come home with it. I figured my daughter lost it at school (which is very possible) and it's her fault and my fault that it was taken to school. Now, I check my kids' bags when they leave. I had some expensive mascara come up missing and when I asked her about it, she had it in her purse for some reason but returned it. Then, I had some eyeshadow go missing, she found it again in her possession and returned it. One of my daughter's new dresses went missing, somehow the sitter had it. Since then, it seems like little things go missing. I had $40 go missing out of my kitchen drawer, I am missing some clothes, now my $400 gaming console.
Yesterday, I called the sitter to come help me with a few things and she came and I told her I was leaving to the ER because I was sick. She offered and stayed at my home and cleaned the house so I wouldn't come home to a messy house. She was alone in the house for about an hour. Today, she came over to get a check and we left my home together. I told her I was missing some clothes and described a top I was missing and she quickly found it in my daughter's room. I told her things were just growing legs and walking away. So anyway, we left, I watched her leave and I went to the store. I made sure to lock my house tight. She doesn't have a key. Well, I just got home and went to look for my PS 4 (which was still in the box) and it's gone. The box is there, but the contents are gone. I'm extremely angry, but I don't want to accuse my sitter. A friend of mine has been eyeballing the console since I bought it and I told him he couldn't have it. He has access to my home. I also have a friend who's been in and out. So my sitter isn't the only one I'm looking at here. But how do I know who took it when I ask everyone?
Read more: I think my babysitter is stealing from me but I'm not sure?
Yesterday, I called the sitter to come help me with a few things and she came and I told her I was leaving to the ER because I was sick. She offered and stayed at my home and cleaned the house so I wouldn't come home to a messy house. She was alone in the house for about an hour. Today, she came over to get a check and we left my home together. I told her I was missing some clothes and described a top I was missing and she quickly found it in my daughter's room. I told her things were just growing legs and walking away. So anyway, we left, I watched her leave and I went to the store. I made sure to lock my house tight. She doesn't have a key. Well, I just got home and went to look for my PS 4 (which was still in the box) and it's gone. The box is there, but the contents are gone. I'm extremely angry, but I don't want to accuse my sitter. A friend of mine has been eyeballing the console since I bought it and I told him he couldn't have it. He has access to my home. I also have a friend who's been in and out. So my sitter isn't the only one I'm looking at here. But how do I know who took it when I ask everyone?
Read more: I think my babysitter is stealing from me but I'm not sure?
Do you have a Kindle or Nook? - 1
If so, are you happy with it? What are the pros and cons?
Read more: Do you have a Kindle or Nook? - 1
Read more: Do you have a Kindle or Nook? - 1
My NOOK HD screen keeps flickering?!
My Nook HD is having screen problems. I got it last February, and it has worked fine up until now. Earlier today I was just reading on it, and it ran out of battery and turned off. I thought nothing of it and plugged it into it's charger. When I tried turning it back on after a while, all I saw was a dim gray screen with a screen puncture that has been on there for about a year now and has not caused any screen problems before this. I waited another few hours and when I checked on it, it was the normal black screen. I turned it on, and the screen was flickering very fast. I tried turning it on and off to see if it was maybe just a glitch or something, but it has stayed like that for about an hour. Please help!
Read more: My NOOK HD screen keeps flickering?!
Read more: My NOOK HD screen keeps flickering?!
What section is Alexa Chung's book It in at Barnes and noble?
I'm not sure what it is categorized as so every time I try and look for it I walk through out the whole store and can never find it. I would like to find it in the store.
Read more: What section is Alexa Chung's book It in at Barnes and noble?
Read more: What section is Alexa Chung's book It in at Barnes and noble?
Best vaccum for doghair?
I have two Newfoundlands who shed…well.like Newfoundlands (if you don't know - its a CRAZY amount).
I've been OK so far with vacuuming twice a week with my old bissel, however, we just got a german shepard puppy, and wouldn't you know her fave snack is dog hair clumps… *sigh* and that's not good for her.
I want a vacuum that is not only good at picking up dog hair on my hardwood floors, but has the maneuverability to get underneath out heaters and tables and stuff without being too heavy, since dog hair tends to find all the nooks and crannies it can because it wants to stay (dumb dog hair).
It would also be a super bonus if it had no cord (rechargeable) because I hate having to unplug the vacuum every time I change rooms, and if it was light enough for me to carry around because lets face it most roll-behind vacuums dont really roll…
Also, it would be great if it had either a big bag (so I don't have to replace it every week) OR (even better) a thing that catches all the debris that I can empty out (because buying bags is annoying).
Any advice? Thanks!
Read more: Best vaccum for doghair?
I've been OK so far with vacuuming twice a week with my old bissel, however, we just got a german shepard puppy, and wouldn't you know her fave snack is dog hair clumps… *sigh* and that's not good for her.
I want a vacuum that is not only good at picking up dog hair on my hardwood floors, but has the maneuverability to get underneath out heaters and tables and stuff without being too heavy, since dog hair tends to find all the nooks and crannies it can because it wants to stay (dumb dog hair).
It would also be a super bonus if it had no cord (rechargeable) because I hate having to unplug the vacuum every time I change rooms, and if it was light enough for me to carry around because lets face it most roll-behind vacuums dont really roll…
Also, it would be great if it had either a big bag (so I don't have to replace it every week) OR (even better) a thing that catches all the debris that I can empty out (because buying bags is annoying).
Any advice? Thanks!
Read more: Best vaccum for doghair?
How to recover this memory?
I'd like to unpick my memory and recall just how and why I came to develop a particular fear I've been suffering from for the last 2½ years.
So also is any form of therapy, as I can't afford private therapy, and I've been in & out of NHS psychotherapy a lot over the last 25+ years, presently being out of therapy, and unlikely to be able to get back into it anytime soon.
In essence then, I'll be working alone. Books are okay, as would be websites from which I could take print-outs, but I can't afford to use interactive sites.
BUT BACK TO THE POINT: I moved into my house 2½ years ago, and live alone. It's not my house though, but belongs to my Mum, to whom it was bequeathed. Therefore, as it's so important to her - as well as to me - I wanted to take extra special care of it; but in the course of this, I started to develop an irrational fear of all things greasey, be it butter, margarine, cooking oils, etc.
This is because I know they are especially difficult to clean off fabrics and other surfaces, like varnished wood, and can be invisible at first, leading to possible permanent staining, which may be impossible to remove.
As well as this, I also became paranoid about getting any form of grease on my mobile phone, which is a "slider" type - a Samsung S8300 (Tocco Ultra), if it helps. I fear that it may find its way into the phone's holes, nooks, and crannies, causing it to become blocked up with dirt and therefore damaged, especially the camera lens & flash, as they're normally concealed within the "unslid" back cover of the phone; and also that any liquid grease may seep in through the mike or speaker and damage the insides just like water.
WHAT I WANT TO REMEMBER, though, is just how did I start thinking about grease and its possible effects on my phone?
I figure that if I can uncover the circumstances, emotions, general frame of mind, and events that led me to think this way, then perhaps I can bring the fear into perspective, or even dispel it completely. For while I know that I probably do have a bit of a point with regard to grease affecting my phone, I'm not aware of ANYONE ELSE, anywhere, worrying about this; whereas most folk clearly worry about getting their phone wet!
So, have you any ideas, tips, hints, or mental tricks I could use to try to unlock these memories? Any budding Derren Browns or Patrick Janes out there who like to dabble in the mysteries of the human mind? Any psychologists or psychology students?
I'm open to ideas, no matter how zany or bizarre they may seem to most, so long as they're not harmful, and not illegal!
Read more: How to recover this memory?
So also is any form of therapy, as I can't afford private therapy, and I've been in & out of NHS psychotherapy a lot over the last 25+ years, presently being out of therapy, and unlikely to be able to get back into it anytime soon.
In essence then, I'll be working alone. Books are okay, as would be websites from which I could take print-outs, but I can't afford to use interactive sites.
BUT BACK TO THE POINT: I moved into my house 2½ years ago, and live alone. It's not my house though, but belongs to my Mum, to whom it was bequeathed. Therefore, as it's so important to her - as well as to me - I wanted to take extra special care of it; but in the course of this, I started to develop an irrational fear of all things greasey, be it butter, margarine, cooking oils, etc.
This is because I know they are especially difficult to clean off fabrics and other surfaces, like varnished wood, and can be invisible at first, leading to possible permanent staining, which may be impossible to remove.
As well as this, I also became paranoid about getting any form of grease on my mobile phone, which is a "slider" type - a Samsung S8300 (Tocco Ultra), if it helps. I fear that it may find its way into the phone's holes, nooks, and crannies, causing it to become blocked up with dirt and therefore damaged, especially the camera lens & flash, as they're normally concealed within the "unslid" back cover of the phone; and also that any liquid grease may seep in through the mike or speaker and damage the insides just like water.
WHAT I WANT TO REMEMBER, though, is just how did I start thinking about grease and its possible effects on my phone?
I figure that if I can uncover the circumstances, emotions, general frame of mind, and events that led me to think this way, then perhaps I can bring the fear into perspective, or even dispel it completely. For while I know that I probably do have a bit of a point with regard to grease affecting my phone, I'm not aware of ANYONE ELSE, anywhere, worrying about this; whereas most folk clearly worry about getting their phone wet!
So, have you any ideas, tips, hints, or mental tricks I could use to try to unlock these memories? Any budding Derren Browns or Patrick Janes out there who like to dabble in the mysteries of the human mind? Any psychologists or psychology students?
I'm open to ideas, no matter how zany or bizarre they may seem to most, so long as they're not harmful, and not illegal!
Read more: How to recover this memory?
How to get a job at Barnes and Noble?
I love reading and I noticed that they're looking for 2 people's to fill new positions at the Barnes and Noble near me. Any tips to get the job? I applied online and I'm going to talk to the manager Tomorrow
Read more: How to get a job at Barnes and Noble?
Read more: How to get a job at Barnes and Noble?
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