Hello, I am 17 years old and I barely applied online today for a part time bookseller job at Barnes and Noble. I currently volunteer at a library and I've been there for over a year. There at the library I am always assisting people. There I also shelve books and I supervise on craft days at the library. I also train any new volunteers who join the library.
There I also use the computer in the backroom to scan books into the library's system and I also use the catalog computer to find books for patrons in need of assistance.
I also love to read! I have a huge book shelf in my bedroom filled with books I bought over the years.
Read more: Will I get the job? Are my chances good at Barnes and Noble?
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Are my chances good for getting a job at Barnes and Noble?
Okay, so I applied online for a part time bookseller job at Barnes and Noble. Also I am seventeen years old.
I have been volunteering at my local library for over a year and all I do there on a weekly basis is assist patrons whether its helping them find a book or how to print or use copies on the library's computers, I also also sort and shelve books and I use the computers to scan books into the library's system. I also train any new volunteer who joins the library and i supervise craft days at the library and i supervise b.a.r.k. Days at the library. Also I like to read a lot, I have a huge bookshelf in my bedroom filled with books I bought over the years.
Read more: Are my chances good for getting a job at Barnes and Noble?
I have been volunteering at my local library for over a year and all I do there on a weekly basis is assist patrons whether its helping them find a book or how to print or use copies on the library's computers, I also also sort and shelve books and I use the computers to scan books into the library's system. I also train any new volunteer who joins the library and i supervise craft days at the library and i supervise b.a.r.k. Days at the library. Also I like to read a lot, I have a huge bookshelf in my bedroom filled with books I bought over the years.
Read more: Are my chances good for getting a job at Barnes and Noble?
What are some good gun cleaning kits?
What are some good cheap Handgun and rifle kits that can clean 9mm and 7.62x39 Ak-47, send links please
Read more: What are some good gun cleaning kits?
Read more: What are some good gun cleaning kits?
Is it a good idea to get a Nook or Kindle for college textbooks?
I'm gonna be a freshman and a lot of my classes will be back to back. So that would be a lot of textbooks I would need to carry.
Should I just get a Nook instead? Can you circle/highlight/underline on either? Are most textbooks available in that format?
I don't mind buying some textbooks when I can't find them but I'd like the majority to be available on the Nook or Kindle.
Read more: Is it a good idea to get a Nook or Kindle for college textbooks?
Should I just get a Nook instead? Can you circle/highlight/underline on either? Are most textbooks available in that format?
I don't mind buying some textbooks when I can't find them but I'd like the majority to be available on the Nook or Kindle.
Read more: Is it a good idea to get a Nook or Kindle for college textbooks?
Friday, May 16, 2014
How much could i get for a 4gb Nook tablet?
Well i've had it up to here with this "tablet." It has no good apps and all the apps my friends who have androids and i devices get, i have to pay for knockoffs. I dont want to go to a pawn shop because i know i definitely won't get any good money for it (well it sucks so i know i wont get that much anywhere else too). Its a 4gb Nook tablet. No damage. I'm trying to trade it for some money towards a kindle fire hd, so if you know how much could i get for it and where could i get the most?
Read more: How much could i get for a 4gb Nook tablet?
Read more: How much could i get for a 4gb Nook tablet?
Retail or Corporate Job?
I am looking for a job. I want to work in the Barnes and nobles as a cash register or work in the cafe in Barnes and nobles or take down books that are old, those kinds of jobs, but i don't know if it is a retail or corporate job? :(
Read more: Retail or Corporate Job?
Read more: Retail or Corporate Job?
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Android device not connecting to school WiFi?
I have two Android devices: a Nook HD+ and an Alcatel OneTouch phone (I don't have a phone plan btw‚ I use it with wifi). The tablet connects just fine to the school network, but when I try to connect the phone, it takes the password but it doesn't actually connect to the internet. Essentially, I can connect to the school network with my tablet but not my phone, even though they've essentially the same network setup and basically run on the sane platform.
Can anyone help me?
Also: I noticed that on Apple devices you can change the security type, but on my phone I cannot. Does that contribute to the problem or no?
Read more: Android device not connecting to school WiFi?
Can anyone help me?
Also: I noticed that on Apple devices you can change the security type, but on my phone I cannot. Does that contribute to the problem or no?
Read more: Android device not connecting to school WiFi?
What are some good comic books I can at Barnes and Noble?
Last year, I got my little brother a comic book for his birthday and he loved it. I got him "The Killing Joke," which features Batman and the Joker. It was the only comic book I've ever read, and I thought it was pretty cool, so I got it for him. I'm thinking about adding to his collection this year. Do you have any suggestions for good comics I could get him? He likes Batman, Marvel, and Anime. Also, he's 15.
Read more: What are some good comic books I can at Barnes and Noble?
Read more: What are some good comic books I can at Barnes and Noble?
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
When do I get the book?
So, a couple months ago, I preordered City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare (Finale of The Mortal Instruments series) from Barnes and Noble online. It will be released into stores everywhere on May 27th. I was wondering if I will have the book shipped to me on May 27th or if it would take a few days or what. If anyone knows, please help.
Read more: When do I get the book?
Read more: When do I get the book?
Android nook app in-book settings?
I'd like to adjust the brightness, font size, etc of my nook book on my android app. I haven't been able to find them since the update. I need the in-app settings, not the device settings. I'm on phone not tablet (it DOES make a difference). Thanks!
Read more: Android nook app in-book settings?
Read more: Android nook app in-book settings?
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Am I reading too much into this?
Few months ago, I still attended church but skipped the service. This genuinely nice guy who is 2 years older than me noticed, and tried to get me to go in. He would sit by me whereever I was when I refused. One day, he asked if I wanted to go to the service and hold my hand. I only thought he was trying to comfort me.
I stopped going to church altogether. Not because of him. We weren't really close because we only saw each other at church, but it seemed like he actually cared about me. I saw him at Barnes & Noble about a month ago, and my friends commented that he looked happy to see me.
I went to church for the first time last Sunday and found out that he's leaving for the boot camp right after the service. I was outside with my friend, and he comes out, gives me a quick hug and a handshake. Weird thing was, he didn't give my friend a hug even though they knew each other, and my friend commented that it was the first time she saw him hugging someone.
Read more: Am I reading too much into this?
Monday, May 12, 2014
How to lure a bunny out?
Long story short, I'm redoing my deck and I have a big pile of wood in my back yard. I just saw a bunny go under the wood, and there can literally be a hundred nooks and crannies for him to hide in(it was a baby bunny) I really want to lure him out and I don't know how. I put some strawberries around the wood to see if he would come out and eat it but he wouldn't. So how cN I quickly lure him out?
Read more: How to lure a bunny out?
Should/Can I include my writing skills as experience on my Barnes and Noble resume?
Hi, I'm writing a resume for a job I want this summer at Barnes and Noble. I write, like a lot. I've even had work published in an anthology through this really wonderful program I'm apart of. I have no idea if that is relevant or not for the job or not, I'm sort of grappling for the tiniest bit of significance on my resume as I have no experience to list--being only 16--leave for my unhealthy obsession with books and literature and various volunteering hours I participate in, so I'm stuck and I don't know what to talk about. Please help, thank you! :D
Read more: Should/Can I include my writing skills as experience on my Barnes and Noble resume?
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Confused about a book on Barnes and Noble?
http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/goth-otsuichi/1100556999?ean=9781427811370 I was looking at this book, and I decided I want to buy it. But I'd prefer to buy the novel version instead of the manga adaption, I'm just confused whether this one is the novel or manga. I'm pretty sure it's the novel but I just want to confirm that before buying it. Thanks:D
Read more: Confused about a book on Barnes and Noble?
Can I put my own old eBooks (epub file format) on the Nook and Kindle?
I'm looking to buy a new eBook Reader (I'm deciding between the Nook and Kindle). I have tons of my own books in ePub format and I want to be able to read them on my new eReader. Would I just have to put these books onto a USB and put it directly onto the device, or would I have to have a proof of purchase or something?
Read more: Can I put my own old eBooks (epub file format) on the Nook and Kindle?
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