Thursday, October 25, 2012

Agents that work with big-names like Scholastic? Where? Who? Help!

Agents that work with big-names like Scholastic? Where? Who? Help?
I am nearly finished with my third book - and yes i know you have to be finished before even attempting to get an agent - and am in need of an agent.
I don't want to send my book to just any agent, I've been working on this masterpiece for 2 YEARS haha!
I am aiming high, like, UNIVERSE high. I might hit the moon.
I want to be under the name Scholastic, or any of the top ten publishing names.
I've been searching for about 10 minutes on the interent (not including all the other months hah) and i cant seem to find any link to their corresponding agents anywhere.
Does anyone know the names of the agents of books/authors of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight, Francine Pascal, or any TOP of the TOP of the list author's agents?
Haha, please and thank you it would do me a great amount of good!
I'll repay you by picking a best answer, and hopefully getting you a GREAT teen-fiction-fantasy story shortly out there on the shelves to read on your kindle, or nook, or just the old-fashioned library. (i love reading a book while holding the original copy in my hands, who needs kindles??) haha, so thanks again!!!
IF you have any more questions about it, feel free to ask and i will answer in the "additional details" part hah
>>> Agents that work with big-names like Scholastic? Where? Who? Help!