Sunday, July 26, 2015
Sueing or bringing criminal charges on a Vanity publisher?
Vanity publishers are scum of the lowest order. They manipulate people who are desperate to have a book or a novel made that they'll jump at the chance to finally have a "publisher" say yes, nevermind that these con artists rob them blind. The basic idea is that a real publisher will take a gamble on a book they think will sell, because they'll get a profit off of every book sold. Vanity publishers however, will demand cash up front for ridiculous things to take advantage of those who don't know how to accomplish things themselves.
One such company suckered my mother by saying "We'll put your book on Barnes and Noble, and Amazon!" When the book can only be found by a google search, and even then it's through "Google Books" rather than the sites they claimed (Barnes and Noble won't touch this publisher with a 10 ft cattleprod.
"We'll set up a Facebook and Twitter account for you for only $395! But you'll have to manage upkeep yourself!"
$395?! TO SET UP FACEBOOK/TWITTER?! And it doesn't stop there by a longshot!
They take people's money, sign them into contracts, and if even one word is breathed about their practices, they will sue their "Authors" into oblivion. Which is why I'm not going to say the name, save that it's ---- publishing, the blank being a four letter word for what the words in a book are printed on.
Read more: Sueing or bringing criminal charges on a Vanity publisher?