A few chapters in I am already loving the hunger games, and I kind of want one of the pins, but when I originally looked for the book, I also checked for the pin, but none of the three stores I checked had it. (Walmart, Barnes and noble, and target but maybe I just didn't look hard enough) I assume that if I do buy it, it is going to wind up dull and plasticy. ( like this

) I was kind of hoping for something more like this http://illegallyanonymous.deviantart.com/art/Hunger-Games-Pin-163268226 bad part about it, is what do you want to bet it's real gold (crossing my fingers in the hope that it just looks like gold, that would be awesome) so could somebody tell me where I could buy a pin, that looks as close to that as possible (in a store, I would prefer to not order it online) most likely I will end up with the dull plasticy one, but here's to hoping.and even if I do end up with the dull plasticy one, it will still be pretty cool.
I probably rambled too much, and probably didn't make any sense.
Where can I buy a hunger games pin (that look somewhat realistic)?