I have a lot of dressy-ish clothes, but most of them are black…
Do you think it would be okay to wear a nice button-up black shirt and then really dressy black pants and flats?
I'd hate to look like I'm going to a funeral, but I don't really have any colorful dressy clothes.
I'll probably put a white flower in my hair, or something.
I have a really nice grey and black scarf, and a few cardigans
But again, most of it is pretty dark.
It's going to be a group interview, so I won't be the only one there.
But I wanna look really nice, and presentable. I want this job more than anything right now.
It's also gonna be really cold tomorrow, so I might wear a nice jacket over it?
I'm stressing out pretty badly, cause I wanna dress to impress.
What would you wear to an interview at a book store?
>>> What to wear to a Barnes and Noble interview tomorrow?