Sunday, December 23, 2012

Does she sound mature or a ***?

My friend's cousin is staying with her for a few weeks and she brought her diary.My friend hates her cousin. Which is understandable her cousin does lie, steal and flirt with her boyfriend. Anyways she stole her cousin's diary and brought it over my house. I didn't read her journal but my friend read this page out. What do you think of her? I think she's matured since the last time we saw each other.
I suppose an introduction is needed in a circumstance like this.
My name will stay silent due to many reasons.
However I can still express myself, I can finally let my thoughts out onto the pages of this Bombay Leather Journal, from Barnes and Noble.

I know why I'm starting this Journal, one word….introspection.
I'm currently 17 and have horrible Anxiety and OCD behavior.
I'm dealing with the awkward stages of transitioning into a woman and leaving my past in the past.
I'm not sure who I am just yet and I have a feeling this introspection process is gonna take me a while. However it could be a rocky boat ride if I don't take certain precautions, I figured what better way to understand myself better than to Journal?
So, here I am collecting my thoughts, as well as myself.
I promise to be honest however I also promise to keep the identity of others classified.

A little about me!

I like Geography
I like to Read
I like Philosophy
I like Positivity (
I like Music
I like Chips and Pop
I like Swingy dresses and swingy mini skirts
I like Lace
I like Journals
I like Alice Cullen from Twilight
I like the Beatles
I like the saying "Fish and Chips"
I like Ballet
I like talking in a soft, innocent British accent
I like Juice
I like Seasoned Grapes
I like Love

This is the Documentation of ME.
>>> Does she sound mature or a ***?