I want to leave my job soon.It's not fun anymore (I'm young and I work to pass time, not for money) and now that I've gotten to know everyone at my Jimmy John's… they're mostly, well… jerks. :x
Everyone's a know-it-all and you get told 100 different ways to do something.
Some just flat out look you in the eye and don't reply when you ask them something. How is that ok?
Today, I burnt myself bumping into the oven and no one cared. One guy just said, "The oven is hot-- who would have guessed it??" and went about his business…
Maybe the fact that I'm southern and now live in Colorado has something to do with it. T_T
Where can I work where kind, genuine employees are kept on and others are let go? I would like to work at Barnes & Noble, but I don't imagine they care any more than most workplaces. Ideas? ^^
>>> Jobs that value manners?