Friday, March 8, 2013

How to start reading again?

Ever since I was about 7 years old I have been an intensely dedicated reader. I would spend hours a day just reading for the heck of it, finishing a book every day or two. If it ever happened that I didn't read anything for more than a day I would mentally punish myself. There wasn't a weekend where I didn't go to Barnes & Noble or the library. my situation is a bit different. I honestly barely read at all. Except for fan-fiction… I have about 5 or 6 book's that are just laying in my room… untouched. The only reading I've really done was about a month and a half ago. I have been re-reading the Harry Potter series… but that's all really. I'm seriously worried. I want to remain the huge reader I've always been. I think technology and my One Direction obsession has contributed to me stop reading but… Any tips on how I can start reading a lot again? Thanks ^___^ (this is a very odd question aha)

См. статью: How to start reading again?