Monday, March 4, 2013

This is a notice I got on Fanfiction, and I need to know if it's real?

The following i a notice I received under private messageing while on Fanfiction.

Hi (my name)

I am contacting you on behalf of a publishing company, Behind the Story, Inc.regarding our beta reading club.

We liked your snippet of profile and would like to invite you to become a beta reader for our company. We consider this a great opportunity for anyone who is a book lover to learn more about the world of literature and gain insight into the world of publishing. You can take a look at our current books by searching at Barnes and Noble - Sarah Reagan Behind the Story.

Please let us know if you're interested. We'd appreciate a quick response!



Do you guys think this is for real? ( I dont think my beta profile was anything special. Not anything better than most profile.) What is it exactly?
Added (1). I didn't have my hope up TOO high. I thought maybe it was something online, maybe a fanfic club or something. I did reply ( by PM back). You don't think they could have any information from me just from that do you? ( I only said I might be interested. I hope they dont have like my internet code or something just from that.)

См. статью: This is a notice I got on Fanfiction, and I need to know if it's real?