My mind just won't shut down. Like I try to read a book and I get half way through a page and then a song I haven't heard in 10 years starts playing in my head. Then another song gets stuck in my head and both songs start playing at the same time and it's like my brain can't process it. Then I get an idea in my head to like write a book or something, so while I'm getting prepared to start writing all of a sudden the idea to paint a painting fleets into my head. Then I get stuff out to paint, but then I feel like going on a run. Or like today I threw everything out of my closet to reorganize it, but then I felt like organizing and cleaning the garage was higher up on the priority list, so I get partially done with cleaning the garage and then I feel like I need to go buy a new book to read, even though I have like 5 books I still haven't read. Get to Barnes and Noble and can't pick a book to read, so I leave flustered and in a hurry.
I also can't sleep like at all. I haven't slept in a couple days. I feel like I'm being productive but I'm getting everything half done and then I stop and move on to something else.It's like I can't think anymore or like I'm not in control of my own mind. I don't know how to explain it.
How can I focus on one thing at a time?
Also, any tips on getting some sleep? My body feels psychically tired, but it's like my mind won't shut down. 5 hours ago I got ready for bed, then I thought about what I should plant in the garden this year, so I spent an hour Googling how to plant the best garden, then I ended up Googling other pointless things for 4 more hours and now I'm here. What the *** is wrong with me. Now I'm rambling again.
I'm a 20 year old female if that has any relevance.
См. статью: I feel like I have no control over my thoughts, but I can't think?