I'm in a bit of a dilemma here. A few days ago I was in Barnes and nobles and was browsing the manga section and saw a book that looked pretty interesting. I was going to buy it but kinda forgot that I'm broke and so I had to pass until I got some more money. Sadly, I completely forgot to take note of the books name. All I know is it was about a guy who is draculas descendant. I think the book starts with him sitting on the couch playing a video game. He kinda looks like grey from fairy tail… I think another one of the people had funny eyebrows shaped like an upside down cross. I remember there were two volumes because the one I originally picked up had a big fat 2 on it and I had to go looking for the first one. Now I know this is hardly anything to go on (at all) but I know there are some really clever sleuths out there who might know exactly what I'm talking about, so please help!
См. статью: What's the name of this manga?