I'm heading to college next week, and a big question popped up in my head… with the new iPad coming out most likely in September, should I wait and buy an iPad and then get eTextbooks, or should I stick to simple old textbooks? eTextbooks aren't really much cheaper, but carrying around my iPad all day sure does beat carrying 100 pounds of textbooks. I do have a few concerns though:
1. Reading text on an LCD screen is more straining on the eyes than reading actual text
2. Highlighting key points may be harder on an iPad (but you can search for stuff on an iPad)
3. If my battery is dead, I don't have my books
4. You can't resell eTextbooks
5. I have to wait until September for the new iPad (I guess I can use my laptop for books until then?)
However, here are some pros:
1. I can search the entire book for certain words or phrases on my iPad instantly
2. I don't have a bunch of books to haul around all day
3. I get a new iPad that will last a few years
4. I don't have to wait in line at the book store with every other person needing books (my school has 50, 000 students)
So there are pros and cons to each, and if I had to choose now, I'd get the iPad in a heartbeat. However, since I've never been to college, I don't know the challenges that may be associated with either option.So, from experience or just personal opinion, what do you think I should do?
Please put money aside, and think of this from the prospective of convenience. If it's more expensive one way but way more convenient, I'd rather choose that route. Also, this isn't a debate over which tablet is better (Nook, iPad, Kindle). I'm asking about eTextbooks over normal textbooks.
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