When the original Spiderman movie was coming out, the posters were made. Spidy's webs attached to the two World Trade Center buildings. And then 9/11 hit. Spiderman never used the two buildings in the movie, so the studios scrambled to make new posters. Issue resolved.
Your book. You've just finished the third draft. There is absolutely no way you could have known some horrible disaster would be so similar to so much of your story. Who could? But, it has.
1. Would you change it?
2. Could you change it?
3. Would you be willing to change it or shove it in a nook/drawer for a few years? Would you ever come back to it. Remember THIRD draft. :O
4. How connected are you to your story? Do you know enough of the story to rework that deeply, or do you have just enough knowledge of your story arc to do it only like that?
См. статью: B & A Writers: Could you deal with the Spiderman Effect on your story?