I have 2 female cats, a silver tabby about 10 yrs old and a calico that is maybe 3 yrs old, and over the years it was getting to where it was taking a considerable effort to keep the area surrounding the box clean. Almost on a daily basis, 1 of the two ( and sometimes both) would miss the inner wall of the litter box when urinating, and from time to time they would rake the " kitty biscuits" out of the box.
Lo and behold the old litter box let me down again, so I went and bought a box that has a separate attachment that raises the box height another 3 inches or so. I then replaced the old box, complete with fresh litter that the cats were familiar with, and placed the box in the same space as the old box. The was at lunch time.By dinner time, neither cat had used the box and they were becoming quite vocal and somewhat distressed, to say the least.By bedtime, they STILL hadn't used the box, so I unfastened the wall extender, and left the girls to their privacy. Sure enough, almost immediately one of the girls relieved herself, but the other had an "accident" I had to clean up.
What are some helpful hints to get the cats to accept the wall extender, and thus stop the litter being flung onto the floor, the urine puddles and the inevitable kitty biscuit or two??? Due to my health, it has gotten to where I cannot bend down to inspect the nooks and crannies to make sure no litter fell in them. The "old way" isnt an option any more, so I have to make the best of the situation.
Any help is truly appreciated!!!
Added (1). EDIT--- One important detail I forgot--- To give the cats maximum privacy I saved a small corner of the laundry room and made it so the cats didn't get spooked if they just so happened to be doing their business. That area limits me in left- right and front- back dimensions, but it doesn't on the up/down.
См. статью: What are some helpful tips for getting a cat to accept and then use a new litter box?