For a reward, my parents have said that they would allow me to buy something. I have thought of it, I have had to decide on either the Marshall Mathers LP2 or The walking Dead Compendium. I am unsure which one I should get for I can only get one. If I were to get the album, it is only $12 on iTunes while the compendium is $35 (I have a five dollar gift card for Barnes and Noble) One of the biggest reasons i can't decide is that I have WORKED MY BUTTOCKS off in the past few weeks. I have gotten A's on all three of my tests that i received all on the same week and I even got 5 A's and one B on my report card. (The B was in PE if you were curious.) So I feel that if i got a $12 compensation I would not really feel rewarded. (I REALLY don't mean to sound spoiled right now.) So in the end, I have to pick between a cheaper reward that will last for a little while but i can play over and over again or I can pick the more expensive option that will be able to be read over and over again but will take a while to get through and will supply me over a longer peirod of time. Tell me what you guys think:)
Читать далее: Marshall Mathers LP2 or The Walking Dead Compendium?