My cat has fleas that just won't go I've given her flea bath I've tried so many things they just won't go waytoday I sprayed some delimonine on her back just a mist and she didnt act bad at all a fem minutes later she was under my bead almost screaming so I grabbed her and tried to calm her down but then I relized somthing was wrong so I took her into my bath room and turned the bath water on and put her in I cleaned every nook and cranny but she kept almost screaming I used a rag to wipe her face off and then I took her out of the tub and put her in the towel and I also didnt mention that she was rubbing all over and scratching near her face.Anyways I looked around her mouth and it was red I think its either a flea bite around her mouth or she had an allergic reaction. Please help I can't take her to the vet but I can order medicine or call up the vet sorry that its so pong forgive me she has definitely quieted Dow but she is still meowing