I saw an ad on craigslist for a small publishing company that is under new management. It operates within Louisiana, and instead of rejecting outright, they score you and work with you on your manuscript. I sent a query and three sample chapters, and a mere 8 hours later, I received an enthusiastic request for the full manuscript, so I sent it. The next day, today, I received another response saying that they want me to add a little to it, and then sign the contract they attached and mail it to them. They also would start editing, and I asked about fees, and got a response saying that they don't charge any fees to the author. I read the contract and cannot find anything about any fees. They would publish my book on audible, as an amazon and nook ebook, and in paperback. I looked on the publisher's site, and facebook, and they have pictures from about a year or two ago of events like book signings with their other authors, and they posted something about ten days ago about a book they are about o publish. The name is Margaret Media, and they aren't on Preditors and Editors at all, but they are very small and under new management. The emails I got had some typos, and even the contract had one. The most recent email said that I was a talented writer and that I need to start cranking out 2 to 3 books a year. In the contract, they also stated that they would take care of advertising, get at least 3 reviews before it is officially published. Do you think i should trust them?
Read more: I got an offer to publish my manuscript. Does this sound sketchy?