Saturday, June 20, 2015

Do you agree with the Top 10 Ways to avoid becoming an atheist?

10. Don't go to college.
9. If you do go to college, don't take an Introduction to Philosophy course.
8. If you do stumble and are the least bit skeptical at all, find yourself a good Bible believing church and get back to associating only with like-minded Christians right away.
7. Remember, God knows all and sees all, so if you have even the slightest doubt about your faith, he will find out and you'll burn for it.
6. Always remember that the only reason people become atheists is because they want to sin.
5. Don't believe the lies of "evilution."
4. Avoid the internet because the internet is where religion goes to die.
3. Never read the Bible in its entirety.
2. Stay away from people who encourage you to "think for yourself."
1. And last, but certainly not least (actually, most important of all), If you see Christopher Hitchens' book, God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything on a bookshelf at Barnes and Noble, leave it there.

Read more: Do you agree with the Top 10 Ways to avoid becoming an atheist?