What does he need from me: Hierophant (ten of pentacles)
Well i get two things here
1. He wants me to move forward in school and go towards the career im going for because he thinks it what will be best for in terms of being able to build a family and support my family
2. I also see it as him wanting to live a very highstandard lifestyle that follows tradition to the tee and theres no way of breaking any sort of rules and he expects that of me
What does he want from me: Justice (king of cups)
He wants me to stay balanced in my feelings for him the king of cups is knowning more so about your emotions but not totally letting them out in an outof control way in a way that is mature and controlled which follows along with the justice
What are his feelings for me: Devil (sun)
This is where im confussed the devil first thing purely about physcial interaction but then the sun more so physcial to i would say… But its also a very postiive card and i kinda of see the sunlight making things move along to better stage
My advice regarding him: knight of pentacles
Take things very slow and i need to be analytical, and observe every detail within the situation from a logical point of view, and be patient about it. This knight isnt one to rush in he will take his time and check and recheck things, and analyze from every nook and corner.
Results: Three of pentacles
3 of Pentacles: you have the birth of trust; or you have a relationship beginning to take shape; or you have security with someone
Read more: What does the devil tarot card mean as feelings?