I'm going to be going to the DMV next week for my motorcycle permit, and I am buying my bike soon after that, but after browsing as much as possible, in every little nook and cranny on the web, I couldn't find a dirtbike for my situation. I'm 16, 6'5, 180, I don't plan on doing any organized racing of any sort, just riding as a form of transportation, and I also will be using it on dirt trails (Where legal). I know perfectly well how to operate the machine, but being a first time biker, only have ridden a dirt bike once before, I don't want a small 100cc, but I don't want to be in over my head retarded and buy something that will be the end of me. Any help or recommendations would be great, Normally this would be the last place I trust ANY answer to any question, but with this type of question service, its probably going to be my best bet.
Added (1). EDIT: Thank you for the recommendation of the Kawasaki 250s, only problem is I live in California, and iv'e heard that its a real pain to get a dirt-bike road legal unless it specifically is made to be road ready.
Added (2). Im looking at a Yamaha XT250, if anyone could include their input on that specific bike, it would be greatly appreciated.
>>> What dual sport dirtbike is right for me?