Was at Barnes and Noble today. Brought a book up to the counter for a price check and decided to buy. The cashier was cute with good cleavage, the oustanding detail was that her bra was showing and it was leopard print.as in the actual top of her cups were poking up.
I asked, "Is today a leopard print kind of day?", with my eyes glancing towards the article in question. "Oh, this is just something I threw on today" she replies. "Why, have you seen a lot of people were that today?"
And I say, "No, it just looks really good on you." Face lights up and a cheerfull "thank you" comes out with a big smile. I finish buying my book and leave with the 'have a nice day, you too" closing and leaving the store. I have to walk past the counter to leave.As I walk past, I see out of the corner of my eye that she's looking dead at me and watching me leave.
Now, I'm rusty at my flriting. But was she checking me out to see the rest of me that wasn't behind the counter? And does it sound like I could have gotten her number had I asked?
>>> On flirting; did I just have a positive exchange with this woman? I'm so rusty at it?