I think started a few months ago when I noticed this female text messages, what kept my attention he did something for her in the job and she texted him thank you for doing my evaluation (job) he texted her back. I own you more.
so ye I got jealous so I confront him what do you own her, he said some pills i got from her ( but when I saw that pill before he told me aguy friend gave them to him, which was a lie). he was talking a bout the pills.after that there were a few phone calls.and no more text messages just a few realted with work.but I think he started being more careful and deleting probably text messages and phone calls.
( our marriage has been bad any months ago )
less that one month ago we got mad at each other because the same person he call her again he forgot to deleted from phone..so his excuse was I had to call her because this week is the last week she works there and other guy needed to know her lock number because she has thing from him.
I was like … oh so why you didnt give him her phone number so he can talk to her? why you have to be in the middle? he didnt say much ..we got mad.
he said that we will not talk to her anymore and will avoid her.last week on sunday night we went out for a walk (he called her) and next day he call her at 5 in the morning.he had to be in job at 4:00 am
then she call him 2 days after.the thing here he left that phone calls there because he change her name under aguy name.
I told him how is this matt? his eyes pop out ..and still lying what r u talking about. I was you havea matt in your phone who it is..after a while he was a know 3 matts in work. I told him the one in your phone..oh must be and unknow person. I was like a … REALLY? he was yes I talked to some people in work that I dont know them. i asked have you talke with your female worker ..he said nook i havent seen her since a while ago and i havent talked to her since a while ago. ( which was alie 2-3 days ago they were talking) until finally I exploded and told him what a lier you are.your matt is thiw woman in your work. he got mad saying this is why i dont tell you stuff because you act like this you are crazy woman etce tc.
i told him you said last time you were avoiding her and not talking to her… His answer I dont remember telling you that. ( sure he said it.)
he said he doenst want more stress in his life and if I dont change he is done with me… so know he plays the mad one.
I talked again with him yesterday telling him ..if you dont stop with this person whatever it is a friendship or i dont know what..yes we are done.he said i dont have any problem not talkingt o her anymore..I was what about if she keeps caling you.he said I will tell her I can talk ( which I know he wont do it) he said probably she is going to say ohh that's bull… t
I was like ohh so you care what she thinks then..he said no no it's not that ..maybe she will want to call you to tell you there is nothing and is just friendship. I was like ohh really sorry but dont believe female a male friendships. I asked I heard you somewhere what is in men heads only? he said what is in woman heads? I said according to you in man heads is just sex..so why you want a female friend then? you want a female friend ..I'm here.
there was one xmas party in his work that he never told me about it until i asked him. I was i want to go..his aswer was ohh NO YOU DONT WANT TO GO. I was like yes I want to go..he said you just want to go to see what you can find out.
it's going to be another one the 20.he just find out.and he didnt told me about it.
is he hidding something?
>>> Husband lies about her coworker female?