My shame at asking about this is relieved by the fact that no one knows me here. Even as I write this I cannot help but laugh at myself; I am an adult, not a teenager.
But, I have been driven to distraction and cannot well ask any of my friends as this would cause gossip and possibly expose me to ridicule.
I have had this acquaintance, who I have no contact with independently of the friends who connect us, for a few years now.
Since the first meeting; he's been sort of unpleasant (never openly) with back-handed compliments and snippy remarks.
I for my part would simply let it brush over me and have never dwelt on it - I did not see him frequently enough to pay this any serious attention.
In the last year/year and half this changed. I began feeling "jittery" in his presence triggered by most peculiar behaviour from him;
He kissed the top of my head when saying goodbye once; he frequently is "in my face" and at the last gathering while I was talking to a couple I'd just met, he suddenly come up from behind me and grabbed my waist.
I was struck by how sexual that felt, and felt slightly "owned" by him but, I'm ashamed to say that I also felt a beam of heat hit me from behind just before he touched me. The people I was talking to reacted in surprise.
He mumbled something about me losing weight (I did not, an utterly pointless comment in every possible way) and the couple I was talking to commented on how "rude and backhanded" his comment was. (It later turned out that the woman in the couple is his sister).
In the course of the same evening, he also tapped the tip of my nose ( I do not remember how or why – there was a group of us talking together) and hugged me (his palm perilously close to the nook beneath my breast).
As you can imagine, my hormones are currently hitching a ride on the Curiosity rover hoping to get to Venus.
The question is; is he exhibiting signs of attraction or am I utterly deluded here?
>>> Body language - attraction?