I feel stupid. Ok so I'm really used to my iPod so I'm trying to re-adjust
1) How do I get to the bookmarks???
I know how to save (he star next to the link) but how do you get to page where you can VIEW your bookmarks?
The only way I've found is to press the "save page" thing where it has an arrow pointing down… I don't understand…
2) Why is the app store so stupid. I'm literally confused I search for ex: twitter in the shop & it shows me books ABOUT twitter. I swear I am not in the book section its the place where all apps are & it really only shows me the books about whatever app I want!
3) How come sometimes when typing the keyboardnstayed over the text & I can't see what I'm typing?
Is that the Nook systems fault or can I fix it
Idon't get it..& I feel stupid because everyones (that I've seen online) is saying that its sooo easy to operate & I'm frustrated over these little things
Added (1). 1 more!
4) how do I get to history & how do I delete history from browser?
Added (2). I looked over the manuel & it didn't really tell me what I wanted
>>> I don't understand my Nook HD & how it works.?