I have a book that caters to men's interests and I want it marketed on youtube. I want an attractive lady 18 or older to do it. I'm just having trouble finding this person. I post ad's in the talent section on craigslist in my city San Diego, L. A. New York and it's either I don't get a response or non of girls who respond take it seriously. They say they will make a video for my book but they never do. And what I'm asking for is simple because all she would have to do is make a brief video in the comfort of her own home and post it to youtube. And she could make it however she wanted to, I would just have to approve it before it's posted to youtube.
She also has to be open minded because the book is a bit controversial.It can funny but still very controversial. And in a way that can be a good thing because controversy draws attention which draws more potential customers. But most important factor is that it's an interesting read, and I'm confident a lot of men would purchase it if it were presented to them by the right person.
I just want to know what do I have to do to find a lady who will give this a chance. And yes I would pay her well. $1 per-copy plus bonuses depending on how many copies her video sold. For example, let's say her video drew 500, 000 viewers. And out of those 500, 000 viewers, 80, 000 bought my book. That would be $80, 000 she would have coming to her. Plus I would give her an extra $10, 000 for helping me out in a huge way.
I'm an independent author and I have my book for sale on nook, kindle, smashwords and paperback. I can afford to pay out a dollar pre-copy sold from a video, which is really good. On top of that I would send her a copy of the sales report from each website where my book is sold.So everything would be on the up and up.
I'm not looking to deal with someone who has trust issues. I pay commission and bonus. I understand concern is valid. But I don't want to make myself look bad and have some speak badly of me from a business stance. I just need someone who will give this a chance. I can't promote my work myself. I'm an author not a sales guy. I tried my own means of marketing through twitter and making some picture slides on youtube. And I sold copies throughout America, Canada, and the UK. But I need someone who can make that high volume of sales happen for me.
I don't mean to type a novel about what I'm looking for. I just want someone who could point me in the right direction. Or even better find the person on here.
>>> What must I do to find female talent for a youtube project?