Before you say I'm greedy or something, everyone in my family has had an 8th grade graduation party.
Anyway, my relatives are asking me what I want. I keep saying clothes, but I don't want a heap of clothing.
I already have a phone, an Ipod type thing, a computer, and everything else a 13 year old going into high school would ask for. Not to mention my pets, so I don't need anymore of those (3 dogs, a hamster, and a tortoise). I also am not allowed to wear makeup, so I can't ask for that.
I like books, so I think I can ask for gift cards to Barnes and Noble. The thing is a have a lot of relatives (around 7+ aunts and 6+ uncles, all my cousins, my three brothers and their girlfriends/wives, my sister, and my parents) and i'm sure they are getting me stuff. I just don't know what to ask for, I seem to have what I need…
Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance. :)
(Also, I am not sure where to put this, so sorry if it's in the wrong category)
Added (1). @Balita27 Pretty sure I'm past playing with dolls, but thanks.
См. статью: What should I ask for for my 8th grade graduation?