Well, I was given a gift for my birthday.It was Nook HD. I don't read on it much, so the old owner told me not to worry about it, and if I need to buy anything, just call and sign it in my name, and take hers off.(we were really good friends) I mostly used internet on it, but I went ahead and signed out of her accounts and such. Well, we got in a fight, and now shes telling people it was stolen, and she knows the person who stole it, and now shes threatening to call Barnes and Nobles about it. Alright, but here's my question. Can Barnes and Noble actually turn the Nook 'off'? As in not allow it to be powered up again? and if not, if I power it up again, will they like, track it and report it to police or something like that? So, if I power it up, will I be in any danger at all of being, oh I don't know, arrested or some crap like that? If not, then ill try to re regrister it in my name.
См. статью: Was given a Nook HD, and old owner is reporting stolen?