Monday, June 10, 2013

Is this correct (wormhole description and analogy)?

I would like to know if this opening paragraph to a chapter about wormholes is any good, creates understandable analogies and, most importantly, is correct:

The universe is perhaps not what you may at first imagine it to be, it is not the vast emptiness dotted with an occasional star that it so often seems when you stare out into the sky, on a grander scale it is more like a material, a fabric even. If you examine this fabric that makes up the world we know and if you zoom in far enough you find little nooks and crannies - in everything, including time. Down at these tiny pockets and cracks are where the wormholes exist. Wormholes are passages or portals linking the fabric of the universe to itself in every conceivable way, they form, break and reform all around you all the time, but are so very tiny, below even atomic scales. If you imagine the whole universe as this piece of fabric, you can take it and fold it over, if something were on one side of it ordinarily this said something would have to travel all the way across the fabric and around the other side to reach a destination on the opposite side, this is the normal way that we travel anywhere, down a street, around the world or across space. But you could take that said fabric and punch a hole through it at your point of origin, because the fabric is folded that hole would come out on the other side, a long way from where you start (that is if you took the conventional route) but you could travel through this hole in an instant - that is the power that wormholes possess, the ability to connect the entirety of time space. But of course at the tiny scale that they exist in they are useless to mankind, they are barely even detectable. But lets say that with some colossal amount of energy, some enormous power source, these tiny holes could be expanded to accommodate a human, a robot or even a space craft. Wormholes like these would be able to transport matter lightyears across the universe from one place to another in an instant, taking it through one tear in the fabric of space time and projecting it out of another…

Sorry its a bit long, thanks for reading

См. статью: Is this correct (wormhole description and analogy)?