My problem is that I really want a pet. However, due to lifestyles, the state of my home, and financial situation, I do not know what pet I should get.
My requirements:
Something that needs exercise anywhere from once a week for an hour to six days out of seven for an hour.
Something that shows affection.
Something that communicates, but isn't overly loud. I enjoy the howling of huskies, or when animals 'talk back', but the other occupant of the house works nights so it wouldn't be a good idea if they barked a lot.
Something I can take with me. I ride the bus and my bike a lot so I'd like to be able to walk them or carry them with me to friend's house.
Something that generally does well with other animals, only really concerned with other dogs and cats.
Something that does well with people.
Something that doesn't cost much. For instance, I don't have to buy it expensive food, or I can buy regular groceries and share with it (vegetables/pure meat strips). Or I can give it make-shift toys to play with.
Something that is adorable, and for a dog, something masculine. I know I'm discriminating here, but I really wouldn't be comfortable with a dog that fits with the elderly woman, or the posh and pampered women.
Something that can be chill and sit on my lap as I watch a movie or do homework.
Something that doesn't get into the nooks and crannies and gets lost and other such horrors.
Something that doesn't destroy my stuff.
I don't really care if they dog needs physical maintenance such as bathes, teeth brushing, hair brushing and nail clipping at least once a week. I know that is kinda a stretch but I know some animals need to be brushed once a week and I'm up for it.
The above listed, I am fully aware, can be the out comes of an sub-par care-taking on the owner's part.So this is what I have to give as an owner.
Walking the dog 5-15 for potty walks that adhere to its eating schedule.
Playing with it for about an hour daily, on occasions doing something special like hikes or special doggie parks.
Taking it out to socialize with people and other animals.
Treating it with respect.
Taking time to get it used to things like bikes, cars and water.
Taking time to train it.
Bonding with it in general.
Treating it like my fur baby/child.
The situation of the house:
The house is a typical small ranch style house.
Our backyard is hard to determine, but it is rather long, but about ten feet from the back side of the house to the other side of the fence.
We've got a imperfections in the fence that we can't really get into to ensure no escape.
The outside is prone to squirrel, pesky birds, and at night, raccoon and the occasional possum.
I leave every fourth week for a week. The pet would be left in the care of someone who sleeps during the day and leaves the house frequently. They can give the animal minimal attention, let it into the back yard to do it's business/clean the litter box and feed it. The house is rather messy, exposed wire, bags and the main trash can is not kept in the cabinet. I personally can try my best to hide some wires, but that is about it.
I've looked to birds, lizards, cats, dogs and bunnies but I always find something wrong with them. I dearly need a companion to put my extra energy to since I graduated high school.
Added (1). So far I've been interested in Schipperke, Blue Tongued Skinks, any bonded pair of rabbits, Huskys, English Bull Dogs and Toy American Eskimo,
См. статью: Between bunnies, and dogs, and any other animal which is more suitable?