I have scoliosis. The lower curve is 20° and the upper curve is 30°.My back is in a lot of pain even if I only have one book in my backpack. (I'm aware of backpacks with wheels, but those aren't allowed at school.)
I don't think we're poor, but my parents don't have any money after they pay the bills.My mom has terminal cancer and my dad only spends money on me when the social workers yell at him. I've tried asking relatives, but none of them have any spares or can afford one.My parents make too much money to be on government assistance so I don't think any charities would help. I have no friends so I can't really ask anybody else that I know.
Added (1). (Yes I'm aware that this is in the wrong category, but I figured I'd get more answers here.)
Added (2). Also, I'm not allowed to get a job until I graduate and I don't have an allowance. I'm not allowed to do odd jobs either.
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