I dreamt that I had died
and reached the Pearly gate,
I sat upon a silken cloud,
and began an anxious wait.
I gazed in wonder at the stars
that adorned Heaven's dome,
but deep within my heart I knew,
that I was missing home.
I trembled and remembered,
all my weaknesses and faults,
and wondered how on earth,
I'd enter Heaven's vaults.
I sneaked a look behind me,
at a never-ending queue,
So many poor souls waiting,
But the blessed would be few.
And then we heard a trumpet blast,
and an Angel choir sing,
The Gates of Heaven flew open wide,
on a prayer and on a wing!
And Heaven seemed familiar,
in a strange familiar way,
It truly seemed like home to me,
as I bent my head to pray.
Every nook and corner
brought a memory to mind,
The angels seemed familiar,
like family… gentle, fun and kind.
I smiled then and I understood,
as I wept and wept for mirth,
Heaven's not up in the sky,
Heaven's here on earth..!
An angel boy looked up at me,
I loved his laughing face,
As I blinked my eyes and woke,
I knew I had finally found my place!
For home is where your heart is,
and if Heavens' in your heart,
You can't help feeling happy,
being in Heaven from the start!
: )
См. статью: Why wait for Heaven when you can have it in your home?