I have a question about internet speed and wireless routers. I currently use Frontier (formerly Verizon) DSL for my internet and run everything thru a Verizon Wireless router. I have two Ipods, two Nooks, two smart TVs, a X-Box 360, A Playstation 3, and a regular computer that use the router for internet connection (not necessarily all at the same time). I have come to find that if one person runs Netflix through a TV or the Xbox then none of the other devices can connect to the intenet. I assume this is because the Netflix consumes too much bandwidth to run anything else. I have run Speedtest.org and have found that I only get about 2 Mbps download speed. My question thus is this… Will a better router solve the problem or do I need to switch to a different internet service (cable for example) to get faster downloads and more devices. Thanks
Read more: How to get more devices or faster service out of my wireless router?