I LOVE TO READ! I can read 400-600 page books in one day if i keep reading and right now i am reading off my tiny ipod touch in ibooks and i want a bigger screen but at the same time i like how you get free books on itunes and I would like that to still be possible if i get a kindle or nook. I also want one with a lot of storage space because i have over 100 books on my ipod plus apps and music (16gb). It needs to be able to hold a good charge, and i need to be able to read outside (kindle paperwhite i heard is best for that). I do love actually holding a book in my hand but i simply don't have any room for books in my room and it would be nice to bring to college and have as many books as i want at my hand. (sigh) my mom has the first kindle but i don't want to use hers because it is hard to read outside and it isn't very fast it lags a little… Any suggestions?
Read more: Kindle or nook or what tablet should i get?