Im 39 weeks with my second. I dont remember at all how things went the first time around so thats why im asking this. Lately i have been feeling alot or pressure down below when i walk and sometimes when im just sitting. I also get these sharp shooting pains that take my breath away it hurts so bad. And when she moves it hurts too. I feel like i cant get any bigger. Ive been having braxton hicks all are annoying but some hurt and some dont. The ones that do hurt the pain is more towards my lower belly then anywhere else. I have had back pain for as long as i can remember so i cant really use that as anything new. The inly difference is that the intensity of my back pain gets bad then goes back to how it was. I am not sure if i lost my plug or not, i have been having soft stools a few times a day not really diarrhea though. The other day i cleaned my room and got all the final things ready for babys arrival and yesterday i had the erge to vacuum so i did. No major cleaning all nooks and crannies though so im not really sure if what i did is considered nesting. A little over a week ago i was only 50% effaced & a fingertip dilated. I have an appointment tomorrow and im gona asked to be checked. I just want to know if it seems like ill be going into labor anytime soon or not? I am beginning to get very very depressed and anxious just waiting. I know she will come when shes ready i just cant stop googling things to see if labor is coming. Help. Sorry for long post ð"
Read more: 39 weeks pregnant, help?!