My Mom/Dad/Sister have all asked me what I want for my birthday but I'm not really sure what to ask for. I'll be turning 14. So far I have,
-an iPhone 5s (I'm pretty sure that they cost less now that the newer ones are out)
-curling iron
-Tardis mug
-Special Barnes and Noble copy of The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection (it's $18)
-certain cardigan from Old Navy
Those are all of the things I can think of that I really want. There's a few more things that I'm thinking about asking for but I'm not sure.
-certain sweater dress from Old Navy
-The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black
-Everyday by David Levithan
I don't know I feel like I should want more because a bunch of other girls my age seem to want lots of stuff but I just can't think of many things that I really want and I also don't want to ask for too much.
If you could offer some suggestions as to what I should ask for I'd appreciate it.
-I'm kind of nerdy, I love to read, I love Harry Potter, watch Doctor Who and Sherlock
-I like some girly things but I'm not really into makeup
-There isn't very many clothing items that I want
-I'm not very creative, I want to try out some new art things but I'm just worried about asking for something really nice or expensive and then not using it
-I don't really have any sports where there's some expensive or special piece of gear that I want either
-I enjoy hiking but I don't really need any supplies or gear for that
Sorry that this is so long, thank you for any suggestions!
Read more: What should I put on my birthday wishlist?