I'm struggling a lot with this. I've had almost every type of abuse in every nook and cranny in my damn life. I'm 19 years old, I go to college, I have a part time job and I struggled through hell to graduate high school because I've been dealing with ptsd, depression, and anxiety for more than 10 years because of abuse. My parents put me in a daycare when I was 9 months old till I was about 10. They did that because my dad was a police officer at the time and was very busy and my mom was finishing nursing school. I was put in a daycare with a lady and her husband who had three sons. THREE SONS, I was the ONLY girl. DON'T YOU THINK SOMEBODY WOULD'VE THOUGHT SOMETHING?! Two of her sons were older than me by 5 years and the other one was one year younger than me. I don't know exactly how old I was when all of this happened but I have the memories and the effects of it. I was molested and raped for a long time by the oldest son and then the other two followed and would just touch me.
My parents always wondered why I was so "difficult" and "defiant". Why I was so angry, depressed, anxious, and "anti-social" all the time. I've been dealing with this **** for more than 10 years. I never told my parents until I was 14.
Is it still possible to make a report at the Police Station about this? It's So WRONG that I have to live with the effects of abuse and the abuser gets to walk away and live a happy life with no problems. My life has been RUINED because of somebody elses sickactions
Added (1). Jazmine - Well thanks for being rude and not understanding. You have no idea what my family life is like. Yea no **** he's a police officer and knows how this works. My parents are divorced, my dad isn't supportive of me and neither is my mom really so why would I go to them for help with something that makes me so vulnerable? Don't ******* assume, ignorant pos. If you're not going to give me a helpful answer keep your trap shut.
Added (2). Jazmine - Oh and I forgot, he's not a police officer anymore. And just because he WAS a police officer doesn't mean he's going to educate me on everything. My dad was physically abusive to me and very violent and neglected me as a child. Life lesson for you, DON'T ASSUME
Read more: Is it still possible to report a rape that happened more than 5 years ago?