Saturday, October 17, 2015
Barnes and Nobles lady mad because I was moving them Bibles?
I was at barnes and nobles trying to smoke it up, i was pulling out the weed over in the back of the store so that nobody could see me over the shelves of books. But then, something caught my eye--the Bibles were in the Non-fiction section. I was like no siree this won't do, so i began moving them into a Fiction shelf because there was some space there.
anyway barnes and nobles lady came over, she was smiling and looked mad constipated and she says "hello sir do you need help" i was like "nah thank you fam" and then she just stood there watching me put them bibles in the Fiction section. In my head im thinking why won't she leave don't she got nothing better to do? And then she said "sir, do you need assistance with finding a specific book?" and i was like "whatchu mean? Are you blind do you not see what im doing? Why you asking stupid questions?" then she called the manager and he told me to leave or kindly stop, i was like "hold on fam" but then the police came and they pulled me out of the store?
like i was just doing the store a favor
and they found the weed on me! Bookstores suck.
Read more: Barnes and Nobles lady mad because I was moving them Bibles?