Tuesday, October 6, 2015
What is a valid reason for wanting to move (to another state)?
I don't mean to sound like a brat, but I hate it here in North Carolina! My family came here from Florida when I was a teen… The move was very rough on me, and I'm still miserable years later. I graduated college but I feel stuck in a rut.
I can't adjust to the culture, and nothing here makes sense… To me, Florida is still "home." I miss the blue skies, sunshine, friendly people and going to the beach whenever the hell I feel like it.
I've studied abroad in Mexico and Spain but I was able to adjust to the culture and it was an amazing experience. The only things I missed when I was studying abroad were my pets and my mom. I didn't pine for USA.
So, I can adjust to another country but I couldn't adapt to North Carolina. I'm in NC again and depressed.
I was depressed and cried a lot when we moved here and we've been here for years. I have some terrible memories of NC… Moving here was traumatic, and over the years, I've dealt with terrible school experiences, terrible job experiences, friends backstabbing me, and other nasty memories and every nook and cranny of NC is tainted. I just want to start over and get the bad taste out of my mouth.
I keep waiting and waiting for my life to begin but I feel stuck in a rut… No friends, no decent jobs, my life is passing me by. I feel like this place doesn't serve my needs.
Added (1). Oh and there are NO guys here! NC is a pink state, it reeks of vagina. It's not normal but 9 out of 10 babies are girls and you have to fight tooth and claw just to attract a slovenly unemployed man here.
There's no opportunity here, except to be single and jobless.
Oh, and the sharks! The sharks are everywhere… And just to GET to a beach you have to drive for three hours. :-(
Added (2). There are no opportunities to make anything of yourself, but everyone wants to take your money.
Maybe I sound like a brat who complains but I'm right about all this. I'm sick of being in NC. Dad has told me that this is where I'm going to live my life and to accept it but I can't handle being unhappy when you get one precious life.
Added (3). I would like to leave NC and go to another state, I would even be open to another country. That would be more difficult but I know it's possible because loads of countries have huge "ex pat" communities and millions of Americans live abroad.
I don't really "love" the USA but I feel like I would fit in better in a city like Austin or somewhere in California. Florida is home to me and always will be but my culture does have bad with the good, just like anywhere.
Read more: What is a valid reason for wanting to move (to another state)?