Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bro need a book report book fast! Help?

i know what im reading @Stealing Home: The story of Jackie Robinson… But the report is due Monday! Please text back quickly… I checked barnes & noble but they sold out… So i dont know where to read the book. I dont even have it… Do you know anywhere where the book can be read? It has to be the actual book. Please tell me where, an app, a website, ANYTHING… But i need it now and it has to be the actual book.

(while your at it, how many pages is this book?)

Read more: Bro need a book report book fast! Help?

Is it possible, that I could be part Jewish-German?

Is it possible, that I could be part Jewish-German?
Added (1). you see I'm very curious about this because I don't know much about jewish heritage or jews in Germany but ive been doing my family tree and it turns out my 6th great grandma was named Rosina Kringerin (1780s) but as I was doing my research ive found out her last name may be jewish as well as her mothers which was strauss, and her grandma's last name was Metzger. Idk tell me what you think about this situation.
Added (2). and if you think so how would one figure out which ancestor is jewish/german or just german.

Read more: Is it possible, that I could be part Jewish-German?

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Ordered A Book, But Didn't Give An Email?

The other day I ordered an color therapy coloring book from Barnes and Noble. I just went to my e-mail to see how long it would take for my Sephora and Gamestop shipments to get in ( I went a little crazy. I gift cards for Christmas. Can you blame me? ) I saw those two, but when I went to look for the book order, it wasn't there. And now that I think about it, I don't believe that I made an account before I ordered it? If that's even possible? Do you think it still would have shipped if I didn't give them an e-mail? I paid with a gift card, as I said earlier. I just have no way of tracking it now or knowing when it will get here. If it even will. Help?

Read more: Ordered A Book, But Didn't Give An Email?

Monday, December 28, 2015

I feel so guilty that my bird died?! Help?

I open my parakeets cage to let my bird fly in my room like usual. Ive had her for 4 years and wanted to let her spread her wings for a hour. I put her back and forgot to lock the door to her cage and later that day when I wasn't home, my cat came into my room and opened it and scared her downstairs. She flew into the nook where my dogs were and my dogs ate her. I feel terrible and Ive been crying, I'm so sad. That she had to go threw the horrible pain and fear. I can't forgive myself please help:( what should I do? Do I need real help? I would of never done this on purpose, I feel so guilty and sad I can't stop crying! :(

Read more: I feel so guilty that my bird died?! Help?

Why don't some people like Barnes and noble?

Why don't some people like Barnes and noble?

Read more: Why don't some people like Barnes and noble?

How to read ebooks on Windows?

I was thinking of getting a Kindle for my mother, since we are moving to a place without many English books. Then I realized about the whole thing about Amazon's store being limited with formats and I'd be stuck using Amazon only.
I think the Nook app seems to be more accepting of different formats. They made an app for Windows 8 and 10 which is great.
Now I'm wondering a bunch of things:
Does the Nook app sync between Windows and Android?
If I get an ebook on the Nook app, can I use it on other apps as well?
Are there ebook readers with a built-in light under $100 that support this?
And lastly, how do I download ebooks outside of the Nook app if the answer to question 1 was no?

Read more: How to read ebooks on Windows?

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Should I buy the Scott Pilgrim books one at a time?

I really liked the Scott Pilgrim movie, and have an interest in reading the books now. I'm doing some after Christmas shopping and got a Barnes and Noble gift card. I've got enough to get a couple of the books, but am curious if I should order as many as I can now, or just do them one at a time. Which should I do?

Read more: Should I buy the Scott Pilgrim books one at a time?

Do I have to deactivate my older nook before digital editions will see the new one?

Do I have to deactivate my older nook before digital editions will see the new one?

Read more: Do I have to deactivate my older nook before digital editions will see the new one?

Friday, December 25, 2015

I think I like her?!

So. So I've been texting this girl and we have a lot in common I plan on meeting her at Barnes & Noble this week but I'm scared of feelings. Plus I overthink things a ton and when she says she's busyi'm scared that she's just lying which I doubt she actually is but I know that she isn't a partier she just works a lot and has lots of family stuff. Tips?

Read more: I think I like her?!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Barnes and noble phone number in oklahoma city okla?

Barnes and noble phone number in oklahoma city okla?

Read more: Barnes and noble phone number in oklahoma city okla?

Kindle app vs Nook app?

I just got a tablet and I want to start using one of these two eBook applications and be able to read my books from my tablet as well as from the app on my phone. Which do you suggest between the two? I m torn and need help deciding.

Read more: Kindle app vs Nook app?

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Barnes and Nobles vs library?

Barnes and Nobles vs library?

Read more: Barnes and Nobles vs library?

Micro SD card shows wrong capacity?

Firstly, I bought this card from a RELIABLE SOURCE. So no way that this could be faulty.
I used this micro SD card to root my nook color. It all worked fine, but when I looked at the capacity I saw it said 39 mb. So I formatted it on my nook (as everyone said). After I finished that I looked at the capacity and it said 242 mb. This is an 8gb SD card. Why is it not showing up as the full 8gb? Is there any way for me to fix this?

Read more: Micro SD card shows wrong capacity?

Sunday, December 20, 2015

My room is infested with spiders?

Well you see. I have an extreme phobia of spiders… Especially when there is a giant *** mother spider and its babies are in my *** bed…
Allow me to explain.
When I was just about too lay in bed and watch some tv, I noticed a small baby spider.One that had just came out of an egg for sure. I killed it and decided to look for the mother… And of course. I found a few more baby spiders on my bed… Eventually I found the mother spider… About a 1-2 inch-ish spider, which is huge in my opinion for a spider located right behind my bed in a spot I had never noticed. So now I am sitting here and I plan on going to bed soon as it is late… And of course I am extremely paranoid… I will get something to kill the spiders tomorrow. I refuse to sleep in my bed lol, so I plan on sleeping in my recliner… And of course I turned this thing upside down looking for spiders… I found what could be webs, or possibly just cobwebs or extremely old spider webs. I didn't find a spider in my recliner. However I am extremely paranoid anyways, I've always heard you could kill spiders with cologne… I know this may sound a bit stupid, but… Would coating my recliner in excessive amounts of cologne for fact kill any spider that is inside a nook/cranny of it:)

Ye I know most spiders are harmless, but I don't give a ***… I hate em all

What do you recommend to kill all the spiders? Is there some type of chemical or what? And would it be safe to put this around my bed where I sleep if it is some type of chemical?

I hope you have all enjoyed hearing of my situation, cuz I know I sure haven't:D

Thanks lol

Read more: My room is infested with spiders?

How long does UPS Express shipping take?

I ordered a book from Barnes and Nobles at around 6 pm yesterday. It is supposed to ship to Springfield, VA. When should it be delivered?
Added (1). Barnes and Noble*

Read more: How long does UPS Express shipping take?

Sunday, December 6, 2015

It is morally or Ethically wrong to read a book at Barnes and Nobles?

I was snuggled up with a book and coffee today. It occurred to me later, I may have done an immoral thing. I feel like I should go buy the book now.

Read more: It is morally or Ethically wrong to read a book at Barnes and Nobles?

Can I read Nook books in my library on a RCA tablet?

Can I read Nook books in my library on a RCA tablet?

Read more: Can I read Nook books in my library on a RCA tablet?

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Desciding what to put on My NookColor?

I have a NookColor from Barnes&Noble, I ended up putting Cyanogenmod 10.2 on it through CWM Cyanoboot Universal Bootloader and it ended up running really slow. So I downgraded to CM 7.2.0-encore. Well I am happy with it but I was sitting around thinking what if I could put something like Windows 95/98 or something on it for DOS games. That d be pretty interesting. I m wondering if it is possible. Would it even be able to handle Win95/98? Its an ARMv7 Processor with not very much Ram. If anyone has done this let me know and also where I can download the ROM for Win95/98. I can only assume it would run smoothly because Win95/98 is pretty old.

Read more: Desciding what to put on My NookColor?

Friday, December 4, 2015

Does Barnes and Noble give you one serving of sandwiches or two?

I've suffered an eating disorder in the past and everyone once in a while I get these thoughts that just won't go away. So, on their menu, it says the "calories in each" sandwhich. But, they are all cut in half, so does it mean the calories in each half? Or for the full thing? Do they give you two servings?

Read more: Does Barnes and Noble give you one serving of sandwiches or two?

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Why wont my Nook HD turn on?

I got my nook HD about 2 years ago and haven't really used it too much but i do use it. I have been busy with school and had my nook turned off for about a month and I went to go use it again and it wont turn on. I thought it was just dead so I charged it overnight but it still won't turn on. When I pull my charger into it, the light turns green and then turns to a yellow orange color before the light turning off. I have tried holding the power button down for 20, 30, and even 60 seconds and I have also tried holding both the power and the home button down but it still wont turn on! Help!

Read more: Why wont my Nook HD turn on?

Monday, November 30, 2015

Where can I get my tablet's lcd screen repaired?

I have a Samsung Tab 4 Nook that I got from Barnes & Noble, and I've accidently dropped it a few times and I already have 3 small to medium scratches on the side of the screen. I know I should buy a screen protector, which I plan doing in the future, but is there somewhere that I can get the screen fixed or replaced/repaired? It's not used as a cellphone. It's just a wifi tablet. I live in Austin, TX if anyone who reads this is from there and knows of a place. I'm just not sure exactly what to google, so that's why I'm asking for advice/help.

Read more: Where can I get my tablet's lcd screen repaired?

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Leggings vs Skirts. Which is sexier?

Leggings vs Skirts. Which is sexier?
Added (1). I wear skirts a lot and I'm always getting dirty looks from girls in tight black yoga pants/leggings. A skirt skims over all the bits even if it is rather short, but with yoga pants/leggings you can see every nook and cranny of a girls a$$ and snatch. So tell me what you think- are skirts or leggings more revealing.
Added (2). Please include your reasoning. :)

Read more: Leggings vs Skirts. Which is sexier?

What are good talking points/ideas for a first date?

We're going to get coffee at Barnes & Noble and possibly browse the books.

Read more: What are good talking points/ideas for a first date?

Can you revert the nook tablet 1.4.3 back to a 1.4.0 version using only the nook?

Can you revert the nook tablet 1.4.3 back to a 1.4.0 version using only the nook?

Read more: Can you revert the nook tablet 1.4.3 back to a 1.4.0 version using only the nook?

Friday, November 27, 2015

How to quit a job I just got offered?

Okay, so I'm a college student who works a fast food place I hate. So I applied for the front desk at LA Fitness and a position and my campus Barnes and Noble. Barnes and Noble interviewed me and gave me a temporary position for 90 days. In which, if I they like me, they can keep me as a a permanent employee. So I accepted and and did all the papers work. About a few days after, LA fitness called me too saying for a permanent job. I'm okay with quitting the fax the food place, but I'm embarrassed of quitting the Barnes and Noble job because I haven't even started my first day. What do?

Read more: How to quit a job I just got offered?

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Is it true that Muslims have plans for the United States? Help?

saw this picture going around about my favorite state and I want to know if isis is planning attcks on us to conquer us. Is it true that Muslims have plans for the United States Help

Read more: Is it true that Muslims have plans for the United States? Help?

Monday, November 23, 2015

What would I put on my resume if I'm 16 and have no work or volunteer experience?

I'm applying to Barnes and Noble as a part-time bookseller and the online application requires a cover letter and resume, except I have no work or volunteer experience so I have no idea what to put.

Read more: What would I put on my resume if I'm 16 and have no work or volunteer experience?

How to hak nook systemz so i kan d3stroy vorld ven 1 diee?

How to hak nook systemz so i kan d3stroy vorld ven 1 diee?
Added (1). Hi

Read more: How to hak nook systemz so i kan d3stroy vorld ven 1 diee?

Saturday, November 21, 2015

If God is All Powerful, All Knowing and All Good, then?

Why is their evil in the world? Why would evil exist?

Does it mean that he is too Good to do a evil act to wipe out a Act of Evil? But the thing is, in the Bible, God has done many acts of Evil to wipe out Evil. In the past they even called him a Spiteful God, meaning that he has a dark side in him.

If God is All Powerful then his acts to remove evil, why has evil not disappeared? Could it mean that even with Gods Power evil is far stronger or at the very least weaker then people say?

Could it be that truly God's All Knowing is false? That even if he uses all of his power to try and destroy evil, he knows not if he has taken out from every nook and cranny?

Or could it mean that Evil does not exist and making and making god saving you from evil actually impossible? All things we deem a sin is evil, but if their is no Evil, then prayer and repenting is not needed, for their is no sins without evil.

So what is it really? Is God a Lesser being and part or all of his Holy Trinity is False or, is Penance is not needed as their is no sins to repent for their is no Evil?

Either way doesn't this make worshiping the Lord, illogical and unnecessary?
Added (1). Really their is mainly Two Questions, as the Others are example, correlating thought to the First Question.

Is God not really All 3 things, or is their no Evil to speak of?

and second question is

Would Worshiping be irrelevant for either choices?
Added (2). @Tim: But then their is the thing, God is limitless in power and so in sense their should be no Evil to begin with. And as such should have no reason to overcome Evil as their is none.

Read more: If God is All Powerful, All Knowing and All Good, then?

What Barnes and Nobles are Dan and Phil going to?

Which Barnes and Noble locations are Dan and Phil doing the signing at? I can t find a list anywhere so idk how people are going to see them.

Read more: What Barnes and Nobles are Dan and Phil going to?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Part-time jobs to apply for?

Places like CVS or Barnes & Noble. I don't need the money, it's just for myself, and I'm a full-time college student. I'm currently at Publix, but I'm gonna be quitting soon. Since this is a side thing for me, I just want a relaxed environment. Places that don't get much customers or just aren't as rushed. Which is why I think no food places. Any suggestions?
Added (1). @anonimitie
No, obviously not -_- but there are definitely places that are going to be not as crazy as say Burger Fi or some fast food places, like the two previous examples I gave.

Read more: Part-time jobs to apply for?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Would this contract prevent me from publishing an eBook on my own?

I've published my debut novel with an Indie Publisher who seemed honest at the time of signing the contract, but now they have shown their true colours. They've mentally and financially exploited me a lot and is continuing to do so proudly.

They have uploaded the Kindle version, so I have no control over that. I want to publish it in Barnes and Noble, Kobo and Google Play as eBook, myself, but I'm not sure if the clauses of the contract would prevent me to do so. The relevant portion of the clauses read:

“The Copyright of the book remains with the Author.”

“The Author hereby grants the publisher exclusive rights to sell and market the book throughout the world in any media now known or may become available in future.”

Could you please help? Thank you!

Read more: Would this contract prevent me from publishing an eBook on my own?

Can you be a regular a barnes and noble? That only comes in to study/write from laptop?

Can you be a regular a barnes and noble? That only comes in to study/write from laptop?

Read more: Can you be a regular a barnes and noble? That only comes in to study/write from laptop?

Can publishing your story online make money?

I have a wattpad account (where you can read other people's story or you can write your own story!) I see some people's story had lead to Barnes & Nobles! I mean how on earth did they do that?!
I want to ask you guys if any of you know any websites that can publish your story and make money out of it?
I love reading, writing and making cash! :D

Read more: Can publishing your story online make money?

Monday, November 16, 2015

How to tell if my nook is a glowlight?

I just got a nook today. It s a simple touch. How do I tell if its a glowlight? I really want to read it at night.

Read more: How to tell if my nook is a glowlight?

Working at Barnes and Noble College and Facial Piercings?

I work at a Barnes and Noble College store on a college campus, and was wondering if they would normally allow facial piercings? I m looking to get snake bites. I know if I worked at a normal Barnes and Noble it wouldn t really appeal to their average customers, but since it s a store on a college campus its a bit different. Any advice/experiences/thoughts? Thanks!

*By the way I had the side of my head shaved when they hired me and still do, in case that matters.

Read more: Working at Barnes and Noble College and Facial Piercings?

Sunday, November 15, 2015

How long does it take to process your order from Barnes and Noble online?

I ordered a couple of books from Barnes and Noble online yesterday and it's taking a while to process the order.

I expected the order to already be processed by the next day, but it's still processing.

Is this normal?

Read more: How long does it take to process your order from Barnes and Noble online?

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Would any companies hire me?

I am 15, going to be 16 in a little over a month. I would wait until I turn 16 but my family is struggling with money and I really want a job now so I can help out. Do any companies hire 15 year olds? I've tried a grocery store but they said they had "bad experinces with 15 year olds" and Barnes & Noble wouldn't hire me either. Where else could I try?

Read more: Would any companies hire me?

What are 5 examples of placelessness in a american mall/outlet?

Placelessness- Defined by geographer Edward Relph as the loss of uniqueness of place in the cultural landscape so that one place looks like the next
Added (1). I am the owner

Read more: What are 5 examples of placelessness in a american mall/outlet?

What are 10 services that are not yet offered online?

What are 10 services that are not yet offered online?

For example, Amazon is like the online version of Barnes and Noble for they are an online book store

Read more: What are 10 services that are not yet offered online?

Friday, November 13, 2015

Does Barnes and Noble have employees follow you around?

A few months ago I was followed around the store, but I'm not sure if he was actually a store employee or some random person who felt it was perfectly fine to follow people around - he wasn't wearing any obvious uniform to id him as an employee.

There weren't a lot of people there either and when my aunt came back, the guy disappeared.

I had attempted to smile politely at him, but he didn't do anything back, just kept staring. It was uncomfortable to say the least. This has never happened before either. I think what unnerved me the most was the emotionless expression he wore on his face and the intensity in which he stared at me with.

Read more: Does Barnes and Noble have employees follow you around?

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Horrid Smell is making my dorm unlivable?

Okay, here's the thing, a good friend of mine came over and brought one of his good friends. She smelled terrible, but not in an unclean way, weird, I know.
Since she was here my entire room smells putrid. Like, hit in the face with it when you open the door. It's humiliating to have friends over.
But here's the catch. I've done EVERYTHING. I've washed everything, the window and fan are always going, I've washed my laundry, my bedding, I've spread vacuum scent powder in the carpet, I have an odor eliminator, I have an oil diffuser, I have spread my own perfume on everything upwards of five times, I've bought frebreeze. I myself bathe every night.


So I have been on my hands and knees crawling into and under everything SNIFFING this room for days hoping that something smells the same so I can fix it.

Nope, it comes from the air, and it seems self replenishing. The frebreeze doesn't even dampen it, not even for a second. In vain hope I've cleaned out my fridge, smelled my shoes…

Just… Help. Beyond destroying this room and exposing it to the open air, I'm out of ideas. Someone help!
Added (1). Yes. The window is open. I forgot one word and suddenly I have a disembodied fan. The walls are concrete, no rodents. Before anyone goes there the door has been opened to let it air out. Nothing works.
Added (2). There are no nooks and crannies. I live in a square cement block. There is a heater, but that's not where the scent originates. There is no decaying food, as I implied under "cleaned everything"

I… There's literally nothing hidden. I can see everything but behind the wardrobe, where the smell is also not coming from. Four corners, straight walls, solid concrete, heavy wooden door.

Read more: Horrid Smell is making my dorm unlivable?

My cat hasn't used her little box all day today. Should I take her to the emergency vet?

We have had our cat - a rescue who ran up to us on the street, we tried to find her family with no luck and have now adopted her - for a week and a half. She's a tortoiseshell and about a year old. She has used the litter box with no problems for that whole time, right from day one. On Sunday we bought a bigger box with a cover (but a big opening so it's still pretty open to avoid trapping smells in there); she has been using this box with no problem at all. We keep the box religiously clean and usually scoop it out or check it every time we're in the bathroom. I cleaned it last night and the normal amount was in there. However, she hasn't used the box yet today. She's been eating (she had canned food this morning and has snacked on dry food throughout the day) and drinking, although I'm not sure what her water intake is. I cleaned the apartment quite thoroughly today and didn't find any mess outside of her box, although I know they can always find some little nook. It's also possible the cleaning freaked her out - it's the first time I've used the vacuum since we've had her, and the bathroom (where we have her box) smells like laundry detergent from clothes drying at the moment. However, she doesn't seem stressed or in any pain. I have not seen her attempt to use the box today; as far as I can tell she just hasn't been in it. Should I be worried? We have a 24 hour emergency vet nearby if necessary. Thanks!

Read more: My cat hasn't used her little box all day today. Should I take her to the emergency vet?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I want to start reading more but?

i dont want to spend a lot of money because im saving up my money. I dont really like the library because im kind of a person who doesnt like germs so i like to buy new books but that gets expensive. I was thinking of getting a nook or something of that source but there isnt much you can get free on there and my library's ebook catalog is very limited

Read more: I want to start reading more but?

How to borrow library books on the nook?

I was thinking about getting a nook and i dont want to have to pay for all of my books so I would like to know how to get library books on a nook

Read more: How to borrow library books on the nook?

Is barnes and noble a good place to take kids?

Do they have a play area or anything?

Read more: Is barnes and noble a good place to take kids?

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I need a good medical book to read. At Barnes and Noble?

I want a new "doctor-y" book to read that is currently or within the next month be at Barnes and Noble. An inspirational one or just mind blowing. Something interesting. I loved Gifted Hands and The Healing of America. I like diagnostic theory, crazy ER stories, an interesting disease to read on. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Read more: I need a good medical book to read. At Barnes and Noble?

Monday, November 9, 2015

How is there A way to get google play store on my barnes and noble nook?

How is there A way to get google play store on my barnes and noble nook?
Added (1). I tryed so many ways to get it i have a google account is there so way i can get it

Read more: How is there A way to get google play store on my barnes and noble nook?

What to wear for an interview at Barnes and Noble?

I have an interview with barnes and noble tomorrow for a bookseller position and I have no idea what to wear. I don t have dressy pants. I have a few dresses of various colors that are knee length, skirts,cardigan, and plain white button-downs. I also have tights of various colors and black wedge shoes and flats. I was thinking of wearing a dress with a cardigan and flats but I am not sure if it would be appropriate. What should I wear? Is there in colors that are not appropriate for an interview?

Read more: What to wear for an interview at Barnes and Noble?

How to become more of a person and integrate myself into social sphere?

As stated before, I'm going to ask this multiple times and
rephrase things a little to get the most helpful answers.
'm 25 and have no social life. I go to work, coexist well enough with people at work, I take classes at a university, just to learn and work my way towards a masters, then I go home and relax. Such is my typical life, though I have tried often to get out, maybe Barnes 'n Noble, have gone bowling, been to bars and hookah lounges, etc. I try to open my life for opportunity, waiting for something to happen, but to no avail. I see groups of people, not knowing how to join them, if I should join them, or even how these groups formed in the first place.

Further on myself: I don't have much of a lifestyle, not many passions to get myself out there, yet I know when I see others from afar, there must be a more complex and impressive psychological makeup, defining their identity, giving them their "personhood," as it were. I'm simply exist, however, going through life, work home class, but no social life that makes me a member of society. I'm currently looking forward to nothing, have nothing to talk to others about, and have no one with whom to share activities of any sort.

How do I, therefore, set myself on the path which engenders within me social capacities necessary to enjoy a life with people? Where do I go, what do I do, how do I find people who give my life a certain sense of relevance?

Read more: How to become more of a person and integrate myself into social sphere?

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Good places for a part-time job?

What are some places I could apply to for a part-time job. I've applied to Barnes & Noble, Publix, and that's it. I don't wanna work at any food place. I also won't be trying out Target or Walmart. But any other places you can think of would really help. Thanks ^^

Read more: Good places for a part-time job?

Saturday, November 7, 2015

I dropped my phone in water, waterdrops visible through screen?

Around 2 am, I was clutzy and dropped my phone in water. My sisters didn't really know what to do because we didn't have any regular rice so I put it in Mexican rice since it was better than nothing. At around 9, I took it out turned it on and used it for a while. The seasonings from the rice are in every nook and cranny but it seems to be working fine except you can see the water bubbles inside the phone on the screen. What do I do so this dries out? Will I need to replace my phone?

Read more: I dropped my phone in water, waterdrops visible through screen?

What's your favorite store in your local mall?

Mine Is Barnes & Noble.

Read more: What's your favorite store in your local mall?

What is barnes and noble phone number on 48 5th st nw Atlanta GA 30308?

What is barnes and noble phone number on 48 5th st nw Atlanta GA 30308?

Read more: What is barnes and noble phone number on 48 5th st nw Atlanta GA 30308?

Anyone work at Barnes & Noble in White Plains, NY? Or any Barnes & Noble for that matter?

What's the work and pay like? Is it not worth it? I already applied, but I read a few reviews that were mostly all complaining about the pay and work and management and now I'm sort of regretting it. I'll still consider taking the job if I even get an offer. (I'm 16).

Read more: Anyone work at Barnes & Noble in White Plains, NY? Or any Barnes & Noble for that matter?

Friday, November 6, 2015

Where do homeless people leave their possessions, say if they've got a job interview?

Asking out of self interest, I dont want to leave y tent and everything else and have to buy afresh. Thanks

Read more: Where do homeless people leave their possessions, say if they've got a job interview?

Why isn't my MacBook Pro recognizing my Nook Simple Touch?

I've connected my Nook Simple Touch to my Macbook Pro, but it is not showing up in finder nor on my desktop. What am I doing wrong?

Read more: Why isn't my MacBook Pro recognizing my Nook Simple Touch?

Thursday, November 5, 2015

What should I put on a first time resume? I've never worked before?!

I'm a 16 year old high school student and I want to work at Barnes & Noble, but a resume is required. A few friends told me that they put the sports or activities they do for their resume, but I don't do any of that. What should I put?

Read more: What should I put on a first time resume? I've never worked before?!

How to become a person and integrate myself into social populace?

Odd question, let me explain. I'm 25 and have no social life. I go to work, coexist well enough with people at work, I take classes at a university, just to learn and work my way towards a masters, then I go home and relax. Such is my typical life, though I have tried often to get out, maybe Barnes 'n Noble, have gone bowling, been to bars and hookah lounges, etc. I try to open my life for opportunity, waiting for something to happen, but to no avail. I see groups of people, not knowing how to join them, if I should join them, or even how these groups formed in the first place.

Further on myself: I don't have much of a lifestyle, not many passions to get myself out there, yet I know when I see others from afar, there must be a more complex and impressive psychological makeup, defining their identity, giving them their "personhood," as it were. I'm just living, however, only being, going through life, work home class, but no social life that makes me a member of society. I'm currently looking forward to nothing, have nothing to talk to others about, and have no one with whom to share activities of any sort.

How do I, therefore, set myself on the path which engenders within me social capacities necessary to enjoy a life with people? Where do I go, what do I do, how do I find people who give my life a certain sense of relevance?

This will certainly not be the only time I'll ask something like
this, as I'll rephrase, bring in new information, etc. Later on.

Read more: How to become a person and integrate myself into social populace?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Star Wars books and novels?

I've been a star wars fan since i was four. And i was aware of books that was star wars based. I went to Barnes and Nobles to pick one up, but saw a bunch of them, some having characters on them (Solo, Kenobi, etc ) Is there any order i should read them in? Also, are there any books that have completely different main characters (not anyone from the movies, unless they were making a cameo of some sort) ? Main a story that follows a certain jedi, or even a sith. Someone told me about one that follows Luke's xwing team, and one about the bounty hunters that Vader hires, but i want to read these in order. Thanks

Read more: Star Wars books and novels?

Door to deck, windowed or solid?

Hubby and I are debating the type of door to install. The deck is off one side of a kitchen breakfast nook, which has large windows on 2/3 sides and a door on the 3rd for the deck. The debate is a front door style, with 3 small panes at the top and the rest just wood… Or a full panel of glass or sectioned glass. I ve thrown the idea of those half door half windows as a compromise, but wasn t met with enthusiasm.

The arguments are: too many windows/fishbowl feel… Vs not wanting to have coffee or thanksgiving dinner looking at a panel of wood on a door.


Read more: Door to deck, windowed or solid?

Monday, November 2, 2015

What do I do with a neglectful rude school?

My son has ADHD. He has been going to school for 4 to 5 months now and I explain to his teacher in the beginning that he he has ADHD. She told me to fill it out on the paper and she told me that she would be in contact with me. She never got in contact with me and my sons grades continue to slip! I went to Barnes & Noble to purchase some practice math. Also at the parent teacher conference I asked his primary teacher who just returned she was out for 4-5 months I asked her if they send the kids home with math homework He has never bought any math homework home since the beginning of the semester he brings home other homework she claimed they have math homework that get sent home and she does not know where all his homework went she also was not aware that he had ADHD I spoke with the principal about this matter The principles rude. And said I should've spoke with her earlier about the situation but how am I suppose to know all this I spoke with the teacher! She also said that there is a 504 plan that my son should have been on and I just now heard about it 4-5 months into his school with a grade of 69 in math his other grades are fine! She said the teachers don't keep info about a child ADHD The principals and the counselor's had attitudes towards me another occasions now that i have to work with them to get my sons math on tract kind of frustrates me because I don't know if they will be trying The principal was hard to get in contact with I can't afford private school

Read more: What do I do with a neglectful rude school?

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Friday, October 30, 2015

Thursday, October 29, 2015

What to do when an item you ordered hasn't arrived?

I ordered 3 books for college on Oct 20th. 2 of them I ordered in Amazon and it said they will arrive on the 27th but actually they both arrived at the 22nd, I was very satisfied. The other book I ordered from Barnes and Noble, it said it will arrive on November 7 but I need it quickly so I paid extra express so it can arrive on the 27th of Oct, but it still hasn't shown up. What can I do? It sucks the one I paid extra still hasn't shown up, I need that book for the essays due this coming Monday! AGHHHH!

Read more: What to do when an item you ordered hasn't arrived?

Why can't I add an outlook email account to my android tablet?

I changed my daughter's nook over to android operating system. I downloaded and installed the googleplay app. When I try to use it, it says I need to have an account set up. So I tried to add an outlook email account through settings and it keeps telling the username or password is wrong. I know they aren't because I tried them several times. I also tried them on the computer and they work. I've tried both POP3 and IMAP. I've been using the following settings from the site.

Server name:
Port: 995
Encryption method: SSL or SSL (accept all certificates)

Server name:
Port: 993
Encryption method: SSL or SSL (accept all certificates)
Added (1). Also, I checked the box in outlook to "Let devices and apps uses POP"

Read more: Why can't I add an outlook email account to my android tablet?

Why won't my nook tablet (8gb) read certain PDF files?

I have a few PDF files that won't open. I'm using the standard"reader" app and im getting the message

Error dialog

Sorry, cannot open this book

These files open on my desktop without any issues. It's just a few problem files. It might be worth mentioning these were all.cbz and.cbr files that I converted to PDF.

I'm sorry for the double question, but I needed to provide more information.

Read more: Why won't my nook tablet (8gb) read certain PDF files?

Why won't my nook tablet read some PDF files?

I have the first nook 8gb tablet and it is refusing to open certain PDF files. The files I'm having trouble with open just fine on my pc.

Read more: Why won't my nook tablet read some PDF files?

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Is it bad that I can't learn Korean so well?

I have been interested in Korean language for quite the while now, already starting myself off with the alphabet and consonants and a book from Barnes and Nobles based on the language.
I'm good with English, (like most of us all), but with Korean its really difficult because the letters are different and ughh I want to give up but I'm pushing myself further because I know that I really want to visit South Korea one day and I want to know some language.
What should I do?

Read more: Is it bad that I can't learn Korean so well?

Monday, October 26, 2015

Post-interview thank you letter?

Hi everyone, I interviewed for a position at barnes and noble the other day and would like to send the guy I inteviewed with a thank you note. However, I do not have his last name and I'm not sure of the spelling of his first name. Should i just put his first name how I think it is spelled and hope for the best? Should i send a thank you letter at all? Thank you!

Read more: Post-interview thank you letter?

Post-interview thank you note?

Hi everyone,

I interviewed for a position at barnes and noble the other day and would like to send the guy I inteviewed with a thank you note. However, I do not have his last name and I'm not sure of the spelling of his first name.

Should i just put his first name how I think it is spelled and hope for the best? Should i send a thank you letter at all?

thank you!

Read more: Post-interview thank you note?

I'm heading to the magical land of Barnes and Noble. Which book should I get?

I love the classics (I've read basically all of them though) and sci-fi in general, but I'm not terribly picky. I need recommendations fast, get going!
Added (1). @Fritz: I've read other books by Asimov before, but not that. And I like short stories. I'll give it a try.

Read more: I'm heading to the magical land of Barnes and Noble. Which book should I get?

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Where can I buy tarot cards?

I know my friend wants a deck. I want to give her a deck for her birthday.

Read more: Where can I buy tarot cards?

Why don t all of the options on my nook work?

Why don t all of the options on my nook work?

Read more: Why don t all of the options on my nook work?

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Former Barnes & Noble Employee. Where to now?

So I was in Barnes and Noble for a year and half but had to resign due to improper management replacement that forced almost 10 employees to resign in two months. I was in receiving and Bookselling. Where can I apply that'll let me use those skills. I do no want to do receiving anymore, I even turned down a position yesterday because it was that. Where's a fitting place to apply next for part time?

Read more: Former Barnes & Noble Employee. Where to now?

Friday, October 23, 2015

Should I sell or keep my stuff, before I move overseas?

I recently decided to take a job overseas. My contract is for 3 years. I can't decide if I should keep or sell my belongings. I will be taking my work related equipment, clothing, some jewelry, laptop, and a few other things. The rest I plan to leave behind. I can't decide if I should sell or keep my stuff, before I move overseas.
Added (1). I'm keeping my pictures, photo albums, and year books. I'm talking about furniture, small appliances, and other household items. Pretty much every sentimental item I own, won't fill up a suitcase.

Read more: Should I sell or keep my stuff, before I move overseas?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Nook Color with black screen…Anything I can do?

My nook hasn't been charged in a while, as I didn't need it, but it always had the little "Please plug in your charger" Battery icon… Until now. It's just a black screen, and I've tried holding the power AND home key for at least thirty seconds, I've tried it all. And I'm really worried. Any answers?
Added (1). **I've charged it for at least seven hours

Read more: Nook Color with black screen…Anything I can do?

Monday, October 19, 2015

Is Silver Arch Books a good place to buy books?

It's from the used store on Barnes and and looking at the ratings, I found mixed opinions. Anyone else have experience with them?

Read more: Is Silver Arch Books a good place to buy books?

On Barnes and, you can buy used books from sellers. Is that smart?

Will I actually get the book I wanted?

Read more: On Barnes and, you can buy used books from sellers. Is that smart?

Lost my dog during a typhoon?

2 nights ago at 6 PM I was using the restroom and my door was opened, allowing my dog to escape from my room, to our backyard and onto the streets in the span of 15-20 minutes. As soon as I realised she was gone I bolted out of the house and searched every street, calling out her name and whistling while it poured. I could not find her that night, though we did search all the streets again and the surrounding street. I live in Zone 10 Pilar village and it has 2 large gates that connect it to the main roads, which we searched. We talked to all the guards within a 2-5 km radius and went to the police station, swimming pool, animal clinic and several surrounding shops in the area.
Yesterday we spent the whole day posting 60 missing posters and included 'REWARD' to help attract people and relevant information all along the village and the guard post offices. The weather is unpredictable, rain, drizzling, dry, strong rain. I spent all night looking at all the nooks and crannies in our village and she's only been spotted once inside the village. She was spotted yesterday at 7 AM, went missing the day before at 6 PM and no news as of now where she is. I'm frightened and need advice on how to search for her and what to do. She's a small shih tzu and I don't know how she's surviving the night. I'm afraid and I want to help her. I don't know what to do now. I think there's a big chance that someone has picked her up and that she may no longer be in the village. Any advice?

Read more: Lost my dog during a typhoon?

Will Barnes and Noble hire me?

I'm currently a 17 year old senior in high school, and I really want a job, esp. At barnes and noble. I have experience working with books since I'm doing service at my school's library for a class. I stack, organize, do the displays, etc. Do you think Barnes and Noble would hire a teenager with at least SOME experience with books? I plan on applying at the beginning of next year because I'll be done with all my college applications by then. Or should I wait to apply until I'm 18? I turn 18 early April next year.

Read more: Will Barnes and Noble hire me?

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Barnes and Nobles lady mad because I was moving them Bibles?

I was at barnes and nobles trying to smoke it up, i was pulling out the weed over in the back of the store so that nobody could see me over the shelves of books. But then, something caught my eye--the Bibles were in the Non-fiction section. I was like no siree this won't do, so i began moving them into a Fiction shelf because there was some space there.
anyway barnes and nobles lady came over, she was smiling and looked mad constipated and she says "hello sir do you need help" i was like "nah thank you fam" and then she just stood there watching me put them bibles in the Fiction section. In my head im thinking why won't she leave don't she got nothing better to do? And then she said "sir, do you need assistance with finding a specific book?" and i was like "whatchu mean? Are you blind do you not see what im doing? Why you asking stupid questions?" then she called the manager and he told me to leave or kindly stop, i was like "hold on fam" but then the police came and they pulled me out of the store?
like i was just doing the store a favor
and they found the weed on me! Bookstores suck.

Read more: Barnes and Nobles lady mad because I was moving them Bibles?

Thursday, October 15, 2015

My Nook Color wont charge? - 1

So I haven't used my nook in a year, and recently i have been doing lots of reading so I was like okay let me use my nook instead of using up my phone space.So I out my nook on charge and it didn't turn on or flicker. Should i wait? (so far only 1hour)Okay let me honest, I wouldn't have been asking this question if wasn't for this comment I saw (on the same problem as me) saying the battery is going to explode if I charge it. I am only 13, and so i don't know very much on how or what I should, and my dad doesn't care.[P.S sorry for any grammar, or spelling mistakes, I was typing fast]

Read more: My Nook Color wont charge? - 1

I want to become an author, but how?

Do I type my story on word? And once I am finished with my story I get a publisher and an agent? How do they format my story like a book? And once its published, does that mean Barnes and Noble will sell it?

I am completely new to becoming an author so I don t know the steps and what happens. It would be great if someone could inform me.
Added (1). Also I am a 20 year old college student so will publishing a book be costly for me?

Read more: I want to become an author, but how?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What are these larvae I keep finding?

ugh so the last couple of days I've found 3 little worms (two crawling on my shoulder on the couch and one on the table---ugh!) and I thought they were maggots but I just found little cocoons in my (closed but not zipped) Nook case! What the hell are these things and how do I get rid of them? We've found an assortment of colors, the first one was white, the next was green, and the last was brown (maggot sized though thinner). The cocoon clearly has similar larvae in them.

Read more: What are these larvae I keep finding?

Sunday, October 11, 2015

How to use barnes and noble gift card online?

i got a $50 gift card from my moms friend and we never go to barnes and noble bc its pretty far so i wanna know how to use it online? Bc whenever i try it only lets me pay with either a credit card or paypal (which i dont have either of). Please help?!

Read more: How to use barnes and noble gift card online?

Is it worth publishing a book that doesn't get attention?

So I was just thinking about the books selling in drugstores or the HUGE barnes and nobles book stores… And like, not all of the books get checked out. Some of those books in there I bet my life that people don't even know exist.

First off, not the greatest title question, I know every book has its readers… But still. Won't you actually be loosing money instead of gaining it? I mean, JK Rowling had billions and Susan Collins must be crazy rich too. But thats because their stories are like #1 popular in the world! What about the books that barely anybody knows? Doesn't it cost a lot of money to keep publishing them? Am I just being a jerk? How does it work?
Or… How hard is it to publish a book? I mean, I've seen some bad BAD stories and horrible editing. How hard is it to get your story published?
(Sorry if this sounds totally cruel, I was just curious. I mean, I like to write, so for future reference I guess) Thanks!

Read more: Is it worth publishing a book that doesn't get attention?

Do they sell NME magazine in the USA?

I went to one Barnes & Noble and they did not have it, I want to know if they sell it in the US before I waste my time searching. Please help. I do know they get new issues every wednesday, so I'm trying to hurry up and find the one that's out now.

Read more: Do they sell NME magazine in the USA?

So worried about my cat?

Hi All,

My cat started to breathe loudly and snore around christmas 2011.
He is around 4 to 5 years old a male and neutered.

He had chest xrays and an endoscope on 24/02/2012.
There was a slight haze on the xray and he was put on prednisolone 5mg once a day
after 16 days there was no improvement and he returned for repeat throat and chest xrays and blood works, he was given a depo-medrol shot and was FIV/FELV negative Thank God, but they said he had a low white blood count.
These were a charity vets and they had limited resources were quite impersonal and couldn't really give any answers.

Growing concerned I asked my Mother to insure him under her name and wait 2 weeks for the cover to start.
Shortly after the cover started he became really listless and was coughing,
We took him to a private vet who said he had some fluid on the lungs and he stayed in hospital for 2 days, he had a trachael wash to look for culture and he had chest xrays again and blood works
everything was relatively normal and he was put on antibiotics 2 different kinds (synolux and macobyl) for 10 days.

The coughing stopped and he improved alot but the noisy breathing was still there.

The vet does not have an mri so on 18/04/2012 he had a rhinoscopy and skull xrays.

The xrays were fine and the vet said that there was no polyps or mass visible on the rhinoscope but he had redness and inflammation in the nasopharynx.

She said that a rhinoscope can't see every nook and cranny of the nose like an mri can but she said together with the skull xray findings she would be very surprised if it was anything sinister.

He has been put on prednisolone 5mg once a day for a week and then 2.5mg per day for another week.

I couldn't very well tell the vet that he was on it for 16 days before and it did nothing as he was not covered then.

My Mother wondered if the reason the prednisolone didn't work last time was because he had some kind of infection as well at the time because the antibiotics did stop all the coughing and swallowing.

He has a great appetite throughout all of this and he has only sneezed once in 4 months no nasal discharge either.

Does anyone have any knowledge on nasopharynx issues and why he could have this inflammation?

Sincere Thanks.
Added (1). Forgot to say he also had nasal swabs and was negative for feline herpes virus, calaci virus and chlamydia if that helps! :-)
Added (2). Sorry forgot to mention he also had an ultrasound of his heart and the vet said all was normal.
Added (3). Sorry forgot to mention he also had an ultrasound of his heart and the vet said all was normal.
Added (4). Sorry forgot to mention he also had an ultrasound of his heart and the vet said all was normal.
Added (5). Sorry forgot to mention he also had an ultrasound of his heart and the vet said all was normal.

Read more: So worried about my cat?

Saturday, October 10, 2015

I have a purchased B&N Nook book & and it won t download to my Nook Glowlight?

I have a purchased B&N Nook book & and it won t download to my Nook Glowlight?

Read more: I have a purchased B&N Nook book & and it won t download to my Nook Glowlight?

Music Stores are becoming extinct. Is this true or false? Agree or disagree?

With chains like HMV, Virgin Megastores, Tower Records and Barnes and Noble having closed down because it has become easier to download music off the internet making it hard for the record stores to compete and stay afloat because of changing trends in how music is made, recorded, distributed, sold and marketed to the public. What do you think will become of what few actual places we have left where we can physically buy records and cd's? What do you think will be the future of the TRUE record store experience when there are no more record stores left?

Read more: Music Stores are becoming extinct. Is this true or false? Agree or disagree?

Barnes ane nobles shipping?

i preordered a book from b&n 3 days ago! When will it ship.( the book it out oct 13th)

Read more: Barnes ane nobles shipping?

How to fix the cover of a book that is wet?

Okay so I purchased the How To Train Your Dragon book series by Cressida Cowell and I took one of them to a friends house. The next morning I wake up and see that the book cover is wet and ripping from the pages. I started to cry because it was my favorite book and my friends kittens spilled something on them! So I went on YouTube to see how to fix it but they're not going to work. The spine in soaked and bits of it are peeling off so I can't glue it down. I'm at the point where I'm going to purchase a new book for $8.00 from the same place I got them; Barnes and Noble. Does anyone have any helpful suggestions as to what I can do to fix the cover?

Read more: How to fix the cover of a book that is wet?

What is the cheapest item on barnes and!

it has to be something that is over 75 cents though.


if youre wondering why, i just need it to receive free shipping.

Read more: What is the cheapest item on barnes and!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Name of Scottish self published fantasy author, last name has Glas in it I believe?

I met him at a hostel on the last day of the 2015 salt lake comic con. He had a booth and he gave me his name and said go to his website to get his email and we can geek out about a book we both love. I accidently deleted the picture of his book I had. He's Scottish and has a very Scottish name that I just can not remember. He's 45, lives in California and he's been writing for years self published and he writes fantasy. Recently started writing books hos young son could read because he older stuff was too dark for a young kid. I know he has a few pages worth of books on the Barnes and Noble site but my phone has a short memory and I can't find the page anymore

Read more: Name of Scottish self published fantasy author, last name has Glas in it I believe?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

What do I do when I can no longer stand my Bff?

I have this one from and lately she s always asking when can I come over? And when she comes over she looks in every nook and cranny in my house (sorry if I used that sentence wrong) and she ll take what she wants from the fridge. And at school when we are talking get her in band this is just a example. We were leaning new notes and she got mad at me because I played it wrong and she forgot hers and she was being mad at me and after band she started to ignor me but when I ignor her she acts like its the end of the world. And when I go talk with one of my other friends she isn t friends with she gets really mad. And my mom recently had a boyfriend and she got pregnant but then they broke up because that guy was using my mom and she told a whole bunch of guys in my class and I don t like when people do that more like a hate it. And I m not really the person who smiles a lot and all smiley but when I smile she goes eww gross but when I tell her Shut up she gets mad. And every time I smile I instantly stop because she acts like I don t have feelings. And if she doesn t get invited to a party she s message me madly asking why she couldn t go when I never even heard of the party then get mad at me because I didn t know about it. So really all I m asking is how do I get her to not treat me as a best friend not even a friend without telling her?

Read more: What do I do when I can no longer stand my Bff?

Barnes and noble or booksamillion?

Barnes and noble or booksamillion?

Read more: Barnes and noble or booksamillion?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Barnes and Nobles return books?

I bought a book about a month ago and I didn't want it. I haven't touched it or ruined it. It's still new and I have the receipt.

Read more: Barnes and Nobles return books?

How to make balls not smell?

A big problem of mine.

Read more: How to make balls not smell?

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

I have a barnes and noble gift card. And I have a considerable balance int it?

DO you know how I can take that balance of the gift card and turn it into cash. I bought something and tried to return it but they said they have to put the money back on the gift card so do yall know how to take the balance off the gift card and turn it into cash?!

Read more: I have a barnes and noble gift card. And I have a considerable balance int it?

What is a valid reason for wanting to move (to another state)?

I don't mean to sound like a brat, but I hate it here in North Carolina! My family came here from Florida when I was a teen… The move was very rough on me, and I'm still miserable years later. I graduated college but I feel stuck in a rut.

I can't adjust to the culture, and nothing here makes sense… To me, Florida is still "home." I miss the blue skies, sunshine, friendly people and going to the beach whenever the hell I feel like it.

I've studied abroad in Mexico and Spain but I was able to adjust to the culture and it was an amazing experience. The only things I missed when I was studying abroad were my pets and my mom. I didn't pine for USA.

So, I can adjust to another country but I couldn't adapt to North Carolina. I'm in NC again and depressed.

I was depressed and cried a lot when we moved here and we've been here for years. I have some terrible memories of NC… Moving here was traumatic, and over the years, I've dealt with terrible school experiences, terrible job experiences, friends backstabbing me, and other nasty memories and every nook and cranny of NC is tainted. I just want to start over and get the bad taste out of my mouth.

I keep waiting and waiting for my life to begin but I feel stuck in a rut… No friends, no decent jobs, my life is passing me by. I feel like this place doesn't serve my needs.
Added (1). Oh and there are NO guys here! NC is a pink state, it reeks of vagina. It's not normal but 9 out of 10 babies are girls and you have to fight tooth and claw just to attract a slovenly unemployed man here.

There's no opportunity here, except to be single and jobless.

Oh, and the sharks! The sharks are everywhere… And just to GET to a beach you have to drive for three hours. :-(
Added (2). There are no opportunities to make anything of yourself, but everyone wants to take your money.

Maybe I sound like a brat who complains but I'm right about all this. I'm sick of being in NC. Dad has told me that this is where I'm going to live my life and to accept it but I can't handle being unhappy when you get one precious life.
Added (3). I would like to leave NC and go to another state, I would even be open to another country. That would be more difficult but I know it's possible because loads of countries have huge "ex pat" communities and millions of Americans live abroad.

I don't really "love" the USA but I feel like I would fit in better in a city like Austin or somewhere in California. Florida is home to me and always will be but my culture does have bad with the good, just like anywhere.

Read more: What is a valid reason for wanting to move (to another state)?

Monday, October 5, 2015

What is the best substance to fill a hollow garden sculpture with to make it heavyweight?

I was looking at a rabbit sculpture for the garden, but it's too lightweight, what can I fill it with to weigh it down a bit.

There are all sorts of nooks and crannies, so it would have to go in quite fine and liquid and set hard.

would be good if it didn't cost a lot too

Read more: What is the best substance to fill a hollow garden sculpture with to make it heavyweight?

Friday, October 2, 2015

Why doesn't my wife prioritise sex as much as I do?

We have been married for just an year and a half and we don't have kids yet nor are we planning any at the moment. But it already seems like that her interest in me sexually is on the decline. We talk, have our meals together, go out, she loves to cuddle and kiss but never ever initiates sex and if I do it she either does it half heartedly or avoids it completely. Domestic chores are much of a priority for her than intimate time with me. We don't fight much, she is one of those persons who stay away from confrontations and stuff. But this is really annoying me… Like last night, we were cuddling and she feel asleep on my chest before I could initiate anything. She hugs and holds me but hardly wants to go beyond that. In the last three weeks, we have done it just three times.

Another thing is that she has this urge to keep the house in perfect shape so she cleans every nook and corner of the house, does the laundry, dishes, cooks. I mean I offer to help but she always says that she wants to do it on her own! Now by bedtime she is tired as hell and goes to bed early and falls asleep within seconds.
But then again why is she not prioritising "us time " over the chores or other things. I love her and want to work through this. Help '?

Read more: Why doesn't my wife prioritise sex as much as I do?

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Are we allowed to bring our own copies to a book signing in Barnes and Noble?

I'm thinking of buying a book soon and the author is going to have a book signing later in the month in a barnes and noble nearby and I was wondering if it would be against the rules to bring my own copy instead of buying it from the Barnes and nobles.

Read more: Are we allowed to bring our own copies to a book signing in Barnes and Noble?

I purchase audio books on Compact Disc?

I have to do this as digital downloads aren't possible for me at this time. How long will I be able to continue to purchase audio books on Cd before I will have to switch to digital downloads?
Added (1). I also won't have to keep asking this silly question over and over again.
Added (2). I purchase them at Barnes & Noble. How long will I continue to be able to do that before I have to switch over to digital downloads?
Added (3). How long will I be able to to buy audio books on Cd at Barnes 7 Noble before I have to switch to digital downloads? I'm not ready to give up physical CD audio books yet.

Read more: I purchase audio books on Compact Disc?

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to secretly buy makeup at Target?

I'm 13 years old. I love makeup. I am obsessed with it. I'm going to live with my dad this year, and he puts the foot DOWN on makeup. I still have some, since my mom allows me, but my dad does not let me wear it. I put it on in my room, and experiment still, but I can not leave the house with anything.

So I really want an eye lash curler, Sonia Kashuk brushes, and a NYX eye shadow palette. I could go to the store, but my dad would be coming to check on me in 10 min. I am going to use my keys to open the box, since it has like foundation and concealer brushes etc.

My dad wont notice because he doesn't care for makeup, and I already have what he thinks "a lot" go check my other question if you want to know, because I'm too tired to write it on here.

But if I open it in the bathroom at Target, will people think I am stealing it? If they call my dad I will be in So much trouble. I can't open it at Barnes and Noble's since it is in the food court and like 3 min. Away. It has too be at Target.

What do I do? Plus give me tips on what I need to bring, and how to not be nervous. I get scared the adults judge me, but I know they won't refuse sale. So how to open the box, plus what to bring, plus how not to be nervous.
Added (1). *If they call the security, my dad will be So mad.
Added (2). Sorry I wrote foundation, XD I meant Eye Shadow.

Read more: How to secretly buy makeup at Target?

Monday, September 28, 2015

How to get my Nook Color and Blu-Ray player and my 3DS to connect to the internet?

I live in an RV park, and I have a Nook and a Blu-ray player and a 3DS that can connect to the internet, but the internet is a strange "open/secured" network. So none of the items can connect. I have to connect and then it prompts me to put in a username and password. I'm not sure if I can even connect with any of these items because it doesn't give a prompt for the username/password like my Nook does. But my Nook has a problem with a MAC address. Sometimes it'll connect, but then it'll go out and most of the time it'll say MAC address issue again.

Read more: How to get my Nook Color and Blu-Ray player and my 3DS to connect to the internet?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Whats it like to work at Barnes and Noble?

I'm18 years old and just applied for a part time position at a Barnes and Noble in the mall, part-time was the only position they had. I was just wondering what is it like to work there? Whats the pay like, how hard is the interviews, and since its part-time whats the difference between that and full-time? ( excluding the obvious change in hours). Is it impossible or at least difficult to go from part-time to full-time?
I love books as well as helping people and legally cant work at jobs too physically demanding due to disability. So how good of a job would this be for me?

Read more: Whats it like to work at Barnes and Noble?

Friday, September 25, 2015

How to use this pearson etext access card thing?

I think I got the wrong order for a book from Barnes and Noble. I thought it was going to be an actually book that I could fill through for class, but instead I got some thin hard paper with the picture of the book I wanted. Top right hand corner it says 180 day access while on the right it says Pearson stet access code card. The title is Early Childhood Development: A Multicultural Perspective, 6E. Jeffery Trawick-Smith - Video-enhanced Pearson eText.

What does this all mean? I'm not a digital person, I prefer hard cover paper books. But I'm willing to give it a try considering my money was already spent. How do I use it? The only thing that worries me is the 180 day access. Does that mean I'll only be able to use it on my macbook for 180 days when online?! Or can I keep it forever offline? Please help.

Read more: How to use this pearson etext access card thing?

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Kindle that's comparable to Nook Color?

I have a Nook Color. I am thinking about buying a Kindle. Want to make sure that the Kindle that I buy is at least comparable to the Nook Color if not even better. Don't want to just automatically get the most expensive Kindle. Any recommendations on which Kindle would work best for me?

Read more: Kindle that's comparable to Nook Color?

Did you read Daniel Bryan s book?

I was thinking of buying it at Barnes and Noble. Just wanna get some quick reviews from you guys first. I like Daniel and I think he actually wrote this book as a means of inspiration rather than profit. Of course, money is always involved when writing a book, but Daniel Bryan seems legit in making it a sincere depiction of his career up to Wrestlemania. Is it a good read?

Read more: Did you read Daniel Bryan s book?

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Is it better to buy a book or buy an e reader that has books?

I love reading. But lately I've been so busy I can't even go to the library and get books anymore. Is the "nook" or " kindle" worth it? Is there another device that does what those devices do.
But I just want to know if I do buy one of those do I have to purchase the actual books in it? Because that will be very expensive.

But then again. I'm gonna miss having the actual book with me. You know it's actually better to have the actual book instead of reading it on a tablet of some kind. But books can get too bulky and soon I'll have my own library. LOL!

-if I get the nook/kindle do I have to purchase books or do I get an unlimited choice?
-is it better to own the book or read it on a device? (Just out of curiousity)

Read more: Is it better to buy a book or buy an e reader that has books?

Friday, September 18, 2015

How to start a charity?

The other day I was in my local Barnes and noble and there was this girl who was looking at an ACT prep book and her grandmother had to say no because they didn't have money and I don't know why but the girls face just broke my heart. You could see the sadness in her eyes. Anyways that gave me an idea to start a charity or something. Maybe I could collect ACT and SAT prep books and give them to those in need? Or what would be another good idea? I don't know why but after that day I completely changed. I want to do good in the world. I need an idea of what to donate. Something like clothes has been done, I want something unique that people in need cant afford. Something easy to collect and something easy to ship to people. My problem is I have no idea where to start. Any advice? Thanks

Read more: How to start a charity?

What is the meaning of a marketplace item?

i went to the Barnes and Noble website to order a book that is $13 but there is an option for 'marketplace item', which has the book for $2.50. Is that for real? What does marketplace item mean

Read more: What is the meaning of a marketplace item?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Desperately seeking advice on job situation?

I have been working in my current position for about a 8 months. It was a steep learning curve with a lot of things to learn, you do not come in knowing how the company functions. Much of the training is on the job and I think I didn't learn as quickly as my boss had wanted and nowadays I know he talks about that to leadership. But I finally got there - now I know pretty much everything to get whatever advanced level work done. It is at this very point that he tells me he is planning on hiring 2 new people, both in positions advanced to mine. I sat there and thought to myself why spend all that time teaching me? There were many times when he has admitted his expectations were off but this time it is downright ridiculous. He requested to have someone with no experience and then 8 months down the line is upset that it took me almost 9 months to figure things out.

Now I want to know if it is time to leave the company. The things I learned are not paying off and I feel I will be pigeonholed into this position for the long haul. As oppose to learning all of the nooks and moving up to something different I am going to continue being the person who does the "nooks." I did not want this and I am literally just depressed after learning of this and don't know what I did to deserve it. I have spent every weekend and many nights over the past 5 months getting myself to this place and putting my work first. This is the reward I get. Should I talk with boss or leave company?

Read more: Desperately seeking advice on job situation?

Monday, September 14, 2015

Bored comment numbers for a ring bitches?

Bored comment numbers for a ring bitches?

Read more: Bored comment numbers for a ring bitches?

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Which of these books should I read next?

Sometimes I just randomly buy books from Barnes and Noble so I have a bunch of unread books lying around. Which do you all recommend?
Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
Emma - Jane Austen
Persuasion - Jane Austen
The Fellowship of the Ring - J.R.R. Tolkien
Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
East of Eden - John Steinbeck
Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams


Read more: Which of these books should I read next?

Friday, September 11, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Are my rights being violated?

I am 22 years old, Ive worked EMS for 4 years now and I currently live with my parents while funneling what revenue i can towards college. To that end my parents allow me to remain on their phone plan.

The phone plan has an excessively strict web guard that prevents access to any forum, networking, job searching, gaming, social, browser access to YouTube, etc. Sites that can be researched are limited to email and mobile version of YouTube. The web guard is through T-Mobile and is intended for users under 18. When I asked why I couldnt access sites such as Barnes and Nobles and Books a Million I was told they were not going to negotiate restrictions or come down on their morals.

To be clear, I am not someone who has malicious intent and if I did I probably would be smart enough to get my own plan.

I do feel that they would try to prevent me from getting my own phone plan which is where the question comes in. How much control does a parent have over their childs life at this age? I am not intending this to sound rebellious or whiney but when I cant even make a linkedin page for career advancement because its supposedly immoral I cant help but feel like Im being wronged here.

I do not wish to disrespect or dishonor my parents in any way and i am truly grateful for the help that they provide. Any advice is apreciated.

Read more: Are my rights being violated?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Learning Japanese easily?

I am an above-average intelligence for a 14-year-old and I was hoping to learn Japanese. Japanese is a quite challenging language. I would like to learn it to be able to understand the animes I watch without subs (I think it would be fun) and it would be useful to learn at this age instead of later on, in case I need to use it later in life. I have tons of time on my hands and I thought, "Why not do something useful with it?' I tried watching non-subbed anime I was unfamiliar with but that did nothing, as I don't know anything about the language. I'm American, and I don't know anyone who fluently speaks the language. My friend also wants to learn the language so I was thinking we could collaborate and speak to each other in Japanese when we can, try to write it, and so on. Are there any alternative ways to learn that we could use to up our knowledge? For example, how does the grammar work? The letters? Might there be some workbooks at a Barnes and Nobles? I would look for something not too terrifyingly hard, as I do have ADHD and will not be able to focus for long amounts of time. Are there strategies to use so I won't have to focus a bunch, or just soak it in? If not, I'll be open to it anyways! Thanks! :)
Added (1). I realize my grammar was incorrect in the first sentence. *have

Read more: Learning Japanese easily?

I think I fell in love today?

so don't get me wrong, I aint no fruit. I'm a very fit 19 year old college kid and usually am pretty good with the girls. Buttttttt… This girl at Barnes and Noble today.
So I'm an avid Stephen King reader, and I was there studying today and doing my homework, on my way out I picked up Stephen's latest novel and went to check out.
the girl that was checking me out was pretty cute, and she was all like "OMG I love Stephen King" and we started talking about his books and stuff. Totally hit it off.
When we made eye contact it was like woah, total chem between us. She asked for my name and got hers, but I didn't ask for her number because, I know I uncomfortable it is being hit on and stuff when I'm at work.
Anyways I told her study there a lot and I'd definable be seeing her around, and she was all like "OMG awesomeness." (in more proffessional words.) so yeah. Like usually I'm not nervous about girls, but something about her has me all funny feeling haha.
so yeah, like. Advice? Am I in love? Or am I just like ecstatic to meet a cute girl with a lot of similar interests?

Read more: I think I fell in love today?

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Does the Northanger Abbey book from Barnes and Noble contain both volumes I and II?

Here s a link to the one I m talking about…

Read more: Does the Northanger Abbey book from Barnes and Noble contain both volumes I and II?

Does overdrive work on the Nook Glowlight?

I want to get a lightweight tablet and use it to check out ebooks from my library through overdrive. Does Overdrive work on the Nook Glowlight?

Read more: Does overdrive work on the Nook Glowlight?

Should I buy an Ereader?

Hi there! I wondering if I should buy an ereader.
I don't have problems reading on screens (though I prefer physically holding books as I read). The thing is, my house isn't a library and I can't fit all my books in my room anymore (I even had to stuff them in my closet).
Can you give me facts that I need to know about ereaders? Cuz I plan on buying one.

And I've always been wondering, if you ever bought an eBook online and saved it in your ereader, what would happen if you accidentally deleted it? And what if you don't have any more memory space to fit All the books that you've downloaded? Will you delete it and end up wasting your money on buying it?

Read more: Should I buy an Ereader?

Monday, September 7, 2015

Job application: Typed or Written?

I am applying for Barnes and Noble, and they dont have an online application, you have to print one up and turn it in.

I am a male with crappy handwriting (shocking) so I'd rather just type in the info right into the pdf and then print it out. As an employer do you look down to typed out info and wish it to be hand written, or does it not really matter?

Read more: Job application: Typed or Written?

Sunday, September 6, 2015

What's wrong with being a Satanist or being interested in it?

Again, people please dont bash me, Im only curious. Thank you for anyone who answers my qyestion.

Okay so, I've recently got interested in Satanism, and Im actually seriously even considering maybe being a Satanist. I told my parents this and they told me to never tell anyone about it. But why? Why can't I just openly say Im a Satanist or that I'm interested in it? I dont understand why it's so taboo, if I told someone Im a Buddhist or Catholic they would have no problem but if I told someone Im a Satanist there would be a problem. Satanism is basically just atheism so there should be no problem right?

Also, I want to order The Satanic Bible online since I highly doubt it'll be in any regular bookstore, but my parents told me that I should but the book with cash and in person because other wise I would get flagged or something by the government. Is this true? Can I not really order the book online? And if I can't order the book online does anyone know where I can get a copy in a person?

By the way, Im only 14 so please dont think Im dumb for asking these qquestions. But Thank you again.

Read more: What's wrong with being a Satanist or being interested in it?

Engineering after IT?

I really want to get into an electronic engineering undergraduate program but I can't afford the tuition fees and I've searched every nook and corner for scholarships but to no avail. So I was thinking of doing a cheaper IT course, get a good job, save up some cash and then do an engineering course. Is that plausible? Can anyone give me a better advice? Oh and I really need to stabilize my financial condition so I need to study at least something right now, to get a good job.

Read more: Engineering after IT?

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Is a messenger bag big enough to carry all the stuff I need for high school?

I m recently starting high school as a freshmen. I was wondering if a messenger bag was going to be too small. I have a locker, (even though I have to share it) and I can go almost any time to it. I have classes such as Biology, Art Appreciation, Swim, Geometry, English, and Global Studies. Is a messenger bad (lets say from Barnes and Nobles) big enough( it has a dimension of 15.75" x 10.5" x 5") ? (I m also planning to bring my laptop to school)

Read more: Is a messenger bag big enough to carry all the stuff I need for high school?

Monday, August 31, 2015

Legs stopped working temporarily?

I was at Barnes and Noble today with my boyfriend and then my legs started to feel like they were being squeezed really hard. After 10 minutes or so of walking, I collapsed, not being able to feel my legs at all, like I was paralyzed. He had to carry me to a chair. About a half an hour later, I was able to feel them again, but they still had that squeezing sensation. After a while they began to feel normal again? What does this mean? What happened to me? Should I see a doctor?

Read more: Legs stopped working temporarily?

When will I get this pre-ordered Barnes and Noble book?

I ordered The Fate of Ten novel from the Barnes and Noble website, and the book is set to be published tomorrow. I set for it to be delivered to my house as soon as possible, which should be on Wednesday-the day after its publishing.
Will I get the book Wednesday, or later than that?

Read more: When will I get this pre-ordered Barnes and Noble book?

Where is the clipboard on my nook color?

I just recently got a nook volor and can't find the clipboard.

Read more: Where is the clipboard on my nook color?

Sunday, August 30, 2015

What was that craze sometime ago…somethin' like Physicians Without That Bookstore?

What was that craze sometime ago…somethin' like Physicians Without That Bookstore?

Read more: What was that craze sometime ago…somethin' like Physicians Without That Bookstore?

I cant find my bearded dragon?!

Ive searched the entire house in every nook and cranny, he managed to escape the terranium because i mustve left the door open? I cant find him and its going to be like 16 celcius tonight! Any tips to help find him? Please

Read more: I cant find my bearded dragon?!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

If barnes and noble has an available book online will it be available in store?

If barnes and noble has an available book online will it be available in store?

Read more: If barnes and noble has an available book online will it be available in store?

Where can I find the peter pan book?

Where can I find the original peter pan book(s)? And are they sold in any book stores, Barnes and Nobles for example. Thank you.(:

Oh, and how many are there of peter pan and what is the order? Sorry for so many questions aha

Read more: Where can I find the peter pan book?

Friday, August 28, 2015

Native Spanish Speaker who seeks help?!

I am a native Spanish speaker who seeks help with his messed up Spanish. Grammar, vocabulary, phrases/expressions are the main things I need help with. By any chance, is there some book, preferably from Barnes and Noble, or a website where I could correct these problems? Thank you so much!

Read more: Native Spanish Speaker who seeks help?!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Can I exchange a book at Barnes and Nobles without a receipt?

I don't know why, but I bought the APUSH Princeton review around the beginning of the summer. It's the end now and I found out I have to replace that class with AP Psych instead--things just don't work out. But of course, I don't have the receipt anymore. I wonder if it's okay to exchange my unused "sitting on the shelf the whole summer" APUSH book with an AP Psych one (both books are Princeton review, therefore they are the same prices)?

Read more: Can I exchange a book at Barnes and Nobles without a receipt?

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Friday, August 21, 2015

Can money get lost in pants?

Okay, so a while ago, I wore this pair of jeggings I had to a babysitting gig. I put $40 dollars in my back pockets. Then, my mom washed them, and the money cannot be found. Recently, the exact same scenario happened to me with a 20 dollar bill. Is there any way they are inside the cloth of my pants or something? Or are they in some hidden nook and cranny of the washer or dryer? Please help, I m really upset by the fact that $60 has seemingly disappeared…

(I ve already checked inside the washer/dryer, and the filter)

Read more: Can money get lost in pants?

Is the barnes and Noble closed on union turnpike? Where the bagel place is?

Is the barnes and Noble closed on union turnpike? Where the bagel place is?

Read more: Is the barnes and Noble closed on union turnpike? Where the bagel place is?

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

How to connect my wifi to the nook?

How to connect my wifi to the nook?

Read more: How to connect my wifi to the nook?

Monday, August 17, 2015

I have a mouse in my house?!

Bought my house about a year ago, hadn t seen this mouse until right before Christmas. I m thinking he came in while moving. But anyways here s been a pain to catch. Since I have an upstairs. I set traps once in every nook and cranny never caught him so once the weather started getting warmer never saw him. Until tonight, saw him scurry across my dining room. I ve been redoing this house little by little and have not seen a place where he got in at. This weekend I ll be going on a mouse hunt. Ever just have one mouse?

Read more: I have a mouse in my house?!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Applying for my first job. Barnes and Nobles?

I'm 18 and graduated form high school on May 29, Ill be starting college in about a week. I have NEVER worked and want to apply at Barnes and Nobles for part time. I think B&N will be a good first job and doesn't look like a heavy job(like at the movies or at a fast food restaurant) and wont interfere with my school work.
Will i have to provide a resume?
Since I've never worked what can i add in the resume?
What kind of question would they most likely ask?

If anyone has worked at B&N what was your experience like?

Read more: Applying for my first job. Barnes and Nobles?

Is Barnes and noble a good first time job for a teen?

Is Barnes and noble a good first time job for a teen?

Read more: Is Barnes and noble a good first time job for a teen?

I have a nook hd and it just shut off, will not power back up, it was fully charged?

I have a nook hd and it just shut off, will not power back up, it was fully charged?

Read more: I have a nook hd and it just shut off, will not power back up, it was fully charged?