Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How to change the default pdf viewer on my tablet?

I have an ellipsis 7 tablet from verizon and my pdfs automatically open in kindle, but I want them to open in nook. Help, please.

Read more: How to change the default pdf viewer on my tablet?

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Can a petition to bring back Barnes & Noble work?

My local Barnes and Noble was shut down a couple years ago and replaced by a Sports Authority. It was in a mall that already has a sporting goods store and the nearest bookstore is an hour away. I'm thinking of starting an online petition to bring it back, but I need to know if it's even possible first to avoid wasting my time.

Read more: Can a petition to bring back Barnes & Noble work?

Friday, December 12, 2014

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Left my Mailbox keys in Mailbox?

Hi, I'm one of those people who forget about most thing. But this time I really screwed up. I was about to check my mail one day, but I realized my keys were missing. Now, I always put my mailbox key ( let's just call them MKs ) on a hook where I can just grab and go. But on this day, I didn't see them. I searched everywhere in my house, top to bottom, left to right, under every piece of furniture, to every nooks and crannies. I then came to the conclusion that I left the MKs in the mailbox lock from te day before. I then ran out and checked for the key, but in my doubts, it wasn't there.

I love in a peaceful neighborhood, some friendly, but lately nobody has ever stopped by my door to notify me that my MKs were left on the mailbox. The actual mailbox is divided into sections, one per each house in the block, for regular mail. Then one bigger mailbox slot for packages, the kind where the mailman leaves a key for the mailbox to open it.

Is there any solution? Did, most likely, some idiotic person take it? Where shod I go to get a replacement?

Read more: Left my Mailbox keys in Mailbox?

When reading, what do you prefer?

Hard copy book or electronic (kindle/nook)?

Read more: When reading, what do you prefer?

Which tablet is better? - 2

The Kindle Fire HDX 7" 16GB Tablet or the Samsung 7" Galaxy Tab 4 8GB Micro SD

Read more: Which tablet is better? - 2

Monday, December 8, 2014

Am I a try hard New Yorker?

This is a pretty sad (as in lame) story.

I love New York. I love everything about it. I love Upstate, Downstate, Captial District, Western NY, every little nook and cranny. While I don't live there anymore (lived there until I was 8), I still miss it and want to move back ASAP. My name is "Native New Yorker" on here, but am I really? I live in New England. I try to talk with a NY accent and I love the city and everything else and I've seen it s million times but I feel like I try too hard to be a NY'er. I study NYC and NY state history, have good knowledge on where all the places are etc but I think I only do it satisfy myself. I say constantly "I'm not a Rhode Islander, I'm not a Rhode Islander, I hate Rhode Island, I love New York." I think I mean it… I'm spending my teen years in RI and I just miss NY. I identify myself as "from New York" and I'm completely ashamed of RI. Am I a try hard?

No offense to Rhode Islanders. Oh one thing: you guys and Mass have way too many dunkin donuts, it's annoying

Read more: Am I a try hard New Yorker?

What color should we paint the kitchen?

I am moving into a new house. (First time home buyer!) The walls are this light blue. I want to put a nice breakfast nook in there and hang a few Blue Willow china plates on the wall as decoration. Since I can't post two photos on here, you could look up the china to see what it looks like. I wanted a light yellow kitchen… But with the white cabinets and black counter, I am totally lost as per what to do.
Also, what color furniture should we get for that room?

Read more: What color should we paint the kitchen?

Barnes and Noble: Pre-Order and Membership?

Preorder: Theres a particular item that Ive been looking at but it doesnt appear to be coming out until March. I see its available to preorder on the site for 25.34 but Im not exactly sure how preordering working at Barnes and Noble.
Is there some charge for preordering an item?
Will I be billed for a shipping fee now or later (closer to the date with some reminder)?
Will it arrive the same day it releases?

Membership: Can I pay for the membership with cash at the store? Or do I have to use a card in the store as well?
Added (1). Also with the membership how much do you save usually? Do the discounts vary depending on what youre getting?

Read more: Barnes and Noble: Pre-Order and Membership?

How to restore a first gen nook?

A few weeks ago I came into the possession of a nook that someone had previously left up for target practice. Evidently, they were a poor shot as the nook as unscathed (aside from a single bullet hole in the case.) After bringing it home, I tried to unregister it, when I was informed I couldn't do that without the accounts password. So, I did a hard reset where I held the power button for 20 seconds, 6 times. It seemed to have worked, as it reverted to software version 1.3 and it /said/ that there was no account registered to it. It even prompted me, telling me I needed to register an account before I could do much of anything with it. I attempted registering my Barnes and Noble account, at which point it asked me to unregister first. The settings menu doesn't display a registered account, and no longer has an option to unregister, even.
So, I'm left with the only option I have left, going through the process someone goes through after bricking a failed rooting attempt. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find anything for the First Edition nook on google. Which leads me here.
Any resources would be appreciated, or actually explaining it here. Thank you in advance.

Read more: How to restore a first gen nook?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

How to download apps onto a nook HD without adding a credit card?

Because, seriously, I don't even have one. I have a debit card but it's a service credit union and kind of stupid that I need to add it to get free apps.

Read more: How to download apps onto a nook HD without adding a credit card?

Saturday, December 6, 2014

19 and 24: Too big of an age gap, or acceptable?

I recently met a guy at Barnes and Noble, and we ended up hitting it off really well. Unlike most of the people I who ask me out, this man legitimately seems to have himself figured out, which I appreciate immensely.

Anyway, he asked me out and I said yes. But I'm wondering if his being 24 and my being 19 is something to be concerned about. (I do not know what the societal norm is in this situation).

I will proceed with caution, obviously, as I am fully aware of the stigma associated with men his age.

What are your thoughts?

Read more: 19 and 24: Too big of an age gap, or acceptable?

What device can read Nook eBooks?

B&N are scammers… I bought a Nook HD+ and it worked for a few months then it started to need charging and it would jump from 0% to like 67% -_- Basically it's lying…
anyhow, I bought quit a few eBooks but I don't know what to do, I already wasted like $200 on the Nook and some of it's accessories. Can't wait for B&N to go out of business for this rip off

Read more: What device can read Nook eBooks?

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Do I need Wi-Fi to transfer from my computer to my nook?

Do I need Wi-Fi to transfer from my computer to my nook?

Read more: Do I need Wi-Fi to transfer from my computer to my nook?

What does my name mean?

Im curious now and want to find out
Added (1). my name is Nayah

Read more: What does my name mean?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Good versions of Pride and Prejudice?

We have to read this for class in your opinion what version is the best and where should I get it Ive tried Barnes and nobles but it's sold out and I tried looking online but there's so many versions I don't know which to get my teacher doesn't have a set version either please let me know and thanks in advance

Read more: Good versions of Pride and Prejudice?

Difference between Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 and its NOOK version?

Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 NOOK 7.0 through Barnes and Noble is $129 the regular Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 is $149.

What's the difference?

Read more: Difference between Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 and its NOOK version?

Monday, December 1, 2014

Describe your first date?

My first date was with a 21 year old guy who worked at a movie theater. Me and him had sort of been fond of each other and went out on a date. We went to the movie theater where he worked and we saw "Into the Storm". Then, we had a nice meal at Chilis and then chilled for a bit at Barnes and Noble and in his jeep. I had to leave because i had to work that day so as I was leaving his jeep i gave him a hug and then he asked if i wanted to kiss. I was nervous but he told me to close my eyes. I did that and the moment I closed them, his lips were on mine… It was so hot and so romantic and it will be a moment i will treasure forever

Read more: Describe your first date?

Saturday, November 29, 2014

What Kind Of Tablet Should I Get? - 2

What Kind Of Tablet Should I Get?

Read more: What Kind Of Tablet Should I Get? - 2

How worthless of a man am I if I am not good with tools or have no trade?

Had no dad and been raised by a femenist mother. I'm 33. The only thing i got going I finishing college for health care.

Read more: How worthless of a man am I if I am not good with tools or have no trade?

Friday, November 28, 2014

Opinion: what kind of gift card should I get?

I can choose between a Barnes & Nobles, Macy s, AMC, and CVS.

It would be for $25 and I am a 19 yo girl if that matters.

Read more: Opinion: what kind of gift card should I get?

What YA books are a must-buy?

Barnes and noble binge today haha

Please don't suggest most popular titles, bc I've read most already… But titles that would be glady standing on my shelf:P

Read more: What YA books are a must-buy?

How to make a physical copy of an ebook?

My favorite book is online (and only available online). I want to make it into a physical copy so I can take it with me al the time for when I don't have my phone/nook.
Anyone know a website where i can self publish?

Read more: How to make a physical copy of an ebook?

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Can you redeem a kindle gift card for a nook?

Can you redeem a kindle gift card for a nook?

Read more: Can you redeem a kindle gift card for a nook?

Does Barnes and Noble or HPB do Black Friday sales?

HPB = half priced books.

Read more: Does Barnes and Noble or HPB do Black Friday sales?

Where to get good Black Friday deals on BOOKS?

Don't say Barnes and Noble. I just want a good deal on books.

Read more: Where to get good Black Friday deals on BOOKS?

Wifi wont work on laptop iphone or nook?

It just shows it's connected but limited, it connects to the iphone but nothing works on it. What can. I do with the router to make it work? I've tryed to reset it and it didn't work.

Read more: Wifi wont work on laptop iphone or nook?

Does Barnes & Noble Membership ALWAYS give 10% off hardcovers?

There are 2 Marvel comic hardcover books I want but they are $70 each. I am thinking of getting a Barnes and Noble membership just to get the extra 10% off each book.


Read more: Does Barnes & Noble Membership ALWAYS give 10% off hardcovers?

My family lives like pigs, it's driving me nuts?

I'm 16 years old, and my family are complete slobs. We have 5 people living in a 3 bedroom house. I have a younger brother and sister. I share my room with my sister, and my brother has his own room. My mother and stepdad share a room as well.
They are all absolutely disgusting, all of them but me. They leave their dirty dishes and leftovers everywhere, they leave laundry on the floor and in the bathroom, trash is thrown on the floor, the cat box is never cleaned, the animals aren't taken care of, toys are in every corner of the house, theres dirt and gunk in every nook and cranny in the house… If something gets broken it doesn't get fixed, theres holes in the wall and the wood floors are tearing up because of spills that don't get cleaned up… You get the point. I'm the only one that cleans in my house. But sometimes I don't even know where to start, or what to do, or if I should even bother because I know there will be no evidence I had even cleaned the next day. They're all so lazy and gross! Even my sister who I try to talk to about the situation, seems to understand and change her ways for a second but goes right back to being a pig again. So our room is pretty dirty too, as much as I try to clean it up. I can't talk to my mom about it or she becomes all depressed and drinks and I don't want her to do that:(
Anyway, I'm tired of living like this but I have nowhere to go. I guess I just came on here to see if I was alone or to seek some good advice… Thank you.

Read more: My family lives like pigs, it's driving me nuts?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

What is this called?

Its hard to describe it but in a bedroom, sometimes they have like, window sills that go outwards and sometimes have like little seats lining them? It's so hard to describe ughhhh

Read more: What is this called?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

What does Barnes & Noble do with their unsold books?

I work at Barnes & Noble and scan the shelves to find which books need to be removed because they aren't selling. I have to separate them depending on what company published them and then leave it in the back. However I don't know what happens from there and no one ever gave me a direct answer. Do they throw the books away or ship them back to the publishers? Because whats the point of separating them if they are going to be thrown away?

Read more: What does Barnes & Noble do with their unsold books?

Can you work at Barnes & Noble at 16?

Can you work at Barnes & Noble at 16?

Read more: Can you work at Barnes & Noble at 16?

Monday, November 24, 2014

Why are most people unintelligent and closed-minded?

It just seems to me that very few people are interested in books that are not the pop best seller barnes and noble books (if they're interested in books at all)

and that most people only care for the goofy Adam Sandler comedies and the explosive super hero movies

and that they prefer fast food chains and would never want to try an independent business because it's not well known

People who are so obsessed with materialism and consumerism…

It just seems to me that most people are this way… It's so intriguing…

Very few people can appreciate a black and white movie
and very few people can read profound literature

Hmmm, is this world a child's daycare?
Because it seems like it

Read more: Why are most people unintelligent and closed-minded?

As a book seller in Barnes and nobles, what exactly do you do?

So I just recently had my interview, and was just wondering what the day to day tasks one actually does there. I currently am working at a different place were they pay more and debating whether I should stay or go to Barnes and nobles, if I get the job. The reason I wanted the bookseller job because I like books, but it pays less…

Read more: As a book seller in Barnes and nobles, what exactly do you do?

How to get bad smell out of car interior?

I just bought a old truck (1969 chevy c10) it was used as an old farm truck then it has sat in a cow pasture for 14 years and has a horrible smell to it. Is there any way to get the smell of poop out of it

Read more: How to get bad smell out of car interior?

Friday, November 21, 2014

Do not tell me how much a nook tablet cost online, TELL ME how much it cost IN THE STORE?

Do not tell me how much a nook tablet cost online, TELL ME how much it cost IN THE STORE?

Read more: Do not tell me how much a nook tablet cost online, TELL ME how much it cost IN THE STORE?

I got an offer to publish my manuscript. Does this sound sketchy?

I saw an ad on craigslist for a small publishing company that is under new management. It operates within Louisiana, and instead of rejecting outright, they score you and work with you on your manuscript. I sent a query and three sample chapters, and a mere 8 hours later, I received an enthusiastic request for the full manuscript, so I sent it. The next day, today, I received another response saying that they want me to add a little to it, and then sign the contract they attached and mail it to them. They also would start editing, and I asked about fees, and got a response saying that they don't charge any fees to the author. I read the contract and cannot find anything about any fees. They would publish my book on audible, as an amazon and nook ebook, and in paperback. I looked on the publisher's site, and facebook, and they have pictures from about a year or two ago of events like book signings with their other authors, and they posted something about ten days ago about a book they are about o publish. The name is Margaret Media, and they aren't on Preditors and Editors at all, but they are very small and under new management. The emails I got had some typos, and even the contract had one. The most recent email said that I was a talented writer and that I need to start cranking out 2 to 3 books a year. In the contract, they also stated that they would take care of advertising, get at least 3 reviews before it is officially published. Do you think i should trust them?

Read more: I got an offer to publish my manuscript. Does this sound sketchy?

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Anyone willing to share their barnes and noble member number?

Im at $55 final price and i only have $50 spend the $10 off could really help

Read more: Anyone willing to share their barnes and noble member number?

What are some of the best book stores to purchase books from?

I only know about Barnes & Nobles… Sooo yeah, i just wanted to know if there are bigger or somewhat better book stores. :)

Read more: What are some of the best book stores to purchase books from?

Filed a claim against Amazon?

My daughter needed a book for her class, and it's needed next week. I bought her the book on Amazon, and it arrived today. The book was written on, and the cover was ripped. I remember very specifically that I bought it under the 'brand new' section. However, the book isn't even close to being 'brand new'. The receipt inside my package says "Used- Very Good", which is very frustrating because I bought the 'brand new' copy. I filed a claim, and Amazon gave me a $17.00 giftcard. However, my daughter told me she doesn't want to return ten if I ordered another book for her, the book wouldn't arrive in time. I have emailed all of this to Amazon, but they didn't reply yet. He book, because she needs it Monday, next week. There are three days left, so even if I ordered another book, it wouldn't arrive on time. My wife told me that the seller should at least give me half of a refund, because this isn't fair how they sold me a used book when I ordered a new one. I went online to Barnes and Nobles website, and the exact book was $12. The "new" book I bought on Amazon was $13, and plus tax was $17. What should I do now? Can what my wife said work? Reply ASAP!

Read more: Filed a claim against Amazon?

What should I make the second bedroom into?

My brother is moving out and my parents are giving me his room but I'm not allowed to knock the wall down in the middle. Both rooms are kinda small so I was thinking about making his room into either a walk in closet or a den/book/music nook room thing (kinda like a mini living room but just for me). I don't know what to do though so if you guys have any ideas or opinions, that would be great!

Read more: What should I make the second bedroom into?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

So I'm looking for some interesting books now I've finished school?!

So I have finished school and I have never really read much, but I want to start. I am interested in books like chimpanzee politics and the shellfish gene, I was also thinking about maybe dirty politics. Wondering if anyone has any suggestions like these books. (Science, psychology and philosophy I love reading about.)

Read more: So I'm looking for some interesting books now I've finished school?!

Where can I get facts about the history and modern facts about the Illuminati?

Would the library have it?

Read more: Where can I get facts about the history and modern facts about the Illuminati?

Where can I buy the paperback Future Diary manga online?

I searched EVERYWHERE for future Diary even right stuf, Barnes & Nobles, amazon, biblio etc… But can't find it. I live in canada and can't buy from another country cause it's expensive. Anyone know a trustable site where I can buy the manga future diary in English and in a low price? Thank you:)

Read more: Where can I buy the paperback Future Diary manga online?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

I clunked in my pants at barnes and nobles?

I clunked in my pants at barnes and nobles?

Read more: I clunked in my pants at barnes and nobles?

How to find the SKU number of a Barnes and Noble product?

I'm looking at a book online and I can't find the SKU number. I pressed Control + F and typed it in and it had no results on the page.

How do I find it? Thanks.

Read more: How to find the SKU number of a Barnes and Noble product?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

How does the Barnes and Noble Membership work in store?

I dont shop here alot but the times I do I am quite tempted by the card. Although Im not exactly sure how it works. With other memberships the details are you usually more clear, like you get points per dollar to redeem for something, or you save "x" % every time you shop, but with this one I cant tell. Sometimes it says you save 40% on items, then it says it only applies to paperbacks or certain items I see. Can anyone explain it a little better? Is there a fixed percent Im sure to save every time I shop? Do I save more on certain items? Etc.

Read more: How does the Barnes and Noble Membership work in store?

Good music apps for my nook?

I need an app for music that doesn't require internet. Also I don't want to have to download the songs, I just want to be able to look them up and create my own play list with them(kind of like the app: Spotify)

Read more: Good music apps for my nook?

How to say counter top(Kitchen) in Spanish?

I'm trying to learn how to speak spanish. I bought some spanish language books at Barnes and Nobles. In My book it says the word for counter top is La Barra, but in the spanish english dictionary it states that it means bar. I looked on the internet and found that Contador and Mostrador can also mean a counter top. Which is the correct word to use for a counter top that is used in a kitchen? Is there a difference between Barra, Contador, and Mostrador being used in spanish?

Read more: How to say counter top(Kitchen) in Spanish?

Why is OPAL from the LUX series (The third book) by Jennifer L Armentrout so expensive?

On Amazon it ranges from 120-200 dollars!
and on Barnes and Nobles its 149 DOLLARS?!

Read more: Why is OPAL from the LUX series (The third book) by Jennifer L Armentrout so expensive?

Friday, November 14, 2014

Rate these names + BQs?

♀ Amara
♀ Anke
♀ Anouk
♀ Aria
♀ Audrey
♀ Eloisa
♀ Emma
♀ Eve
♀ Lola

Feel free to add comments too.

Amara: Uh-mar-uh
Anke: On-ka
Anouk = Ah-nook (nook rhyming with Luke not book)

BQ1: Would you ever consider using any of these names?
BQ2: Which name (out of these) is your favorite and why?
BQ3: Which name (out of these) is your least favorite and why?

TIA (-:

Read more: Rate these names + BQs?

How old do you have to be to work as a cafe server at barnes and nobles?

I know you have to be at least 16 to work there, but what about the cafe? Starbucks is 18+ i believe so would the same go for a b&n server?

Read more: How old do you have to be to work as a cafe server at barnes and nobles?

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Survey: What's the best thing you've ever received?

Survey: What's the best thing you've ever received?

Read more: Survey: What's the best thing you've ever received?

Do I have to worry about a full on bed bug infestation?

My roommate brought a couch into my house yesterday, and then stopped to check it. Upon investigation it was infested with bedbugs. It probably sat on my hardwood floor, without touching any textiles, for aout 45 minutes before we took it out. We immediately removed all the rubs, pouring bleach and rubbing alcohol everywhere, and called an exterminator. The exterminator said we shouldn't worry since bed bugs don't migrate during the day and it was such a short period of time. We vacuumed and then steamed the floor/textiles/every single thing in the house, and then treated all floors/nooks/crannies with a bed bug spray recommended to us by the exterminator. Can someone just be real with me about what our chances are for infestation? I live in new construction and my landlord has the apartments treated by an exterminator once a month. No other bed bug sightings in our building so far.

Read more: Do I have to worry about a full on bed bug infestation?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Finish this sibset/Anke vs Anouk?

Lola, Eve, and Anke or Lola, Eve, and Anouk?

Anke = On-ka
Anouk = Uh-nook (nook rhyming with Luke, not book)

I'm in love with both names. I don't care if I'll have to correct some people or tell them how to say the name, it's not a factor in my final decision. With that said, which one and why? (-:

Read more: Finish this sibset/Anke vs Anouk?

Where to buy chihayafuru manga in English?

Ok so I'm watching the anime right now and I want to read the manga. Since sometimes they have different endings. Anyway I went to the barnes and noble web site and could not find it. So is there any trustworthy sites I can use to purchase the manga.

Read more: Where to buy chihayafuru manga in English?

What do I say at my first interview?

I wrote in my application to Barnes and Noble that my hours are flexible (I'm homeschooled) but in January 21st I will start regular school so I will have to have a different schedule. Should I let them know this during my interview or if I get the job should I tell them after the Holidays?

Read more: What do I say at my first interview?

Monday, November 10, 2014

Sue a contractor for damage they caused 6 years later?

We had a company install in floor heating pads then slate tiling on top.

For 5 years we had no problems, worked perfectly. Then suddenly 2 stopped working. This last year the last mat has worked as they all used to.

Now as we investigate the problem it looks like they installed 110V mats onto a 240V circuit. This would, of course, burn them out. Why they would've taken so long we don't understand and we need to confirm the problem.

However, if they have been damaged because They installed the wrong mats onto the wrong voltage circuit we would have to rip up our kitchen, nook and hallway.

If we confirm that the caused the burn out became of incorrect installation can we sue them for the costs to repair them?


Read more: Sue a contractor for damage they caused 6 years later?

Is it possible to mirror nook HD with roku?

We just got a roku and I am trying to find a way to connect my nook with it.

Read more: Is it possible to mirror nook HD with roku?

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Hunger Games vs Harry Potter?

I read this article that said the hunger games had a wider audience than Harry Potter, which, they said, had a very limited audience due to it's audience being made up of "little kids and their guardians…" Did they miss the fact that Harry Potter is the highest grossing franchise in film history? That the audience of Harry Potter is teenagers primarily, just like The Hunger Games? That the majority of the films are PG-13? Harry Potter isn't for children. Children can read it. But it's not a children's series. Or at least, it's so dark and complex, it doesn't read like one. Is anyone else frustrated at the patronization? Harry Potter is brutally patronized. It's literally listed as "for a younger audience than Percy Jackson," on Barnes and Noble… Can you address the two comments made about the series? Do you agree with them? Do you disagree? Why?

Read more: Hunger Games vs Harry Potter?

Is Barnes and Noble open on holidays?

I'm curious to know if they are open on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas

Read more: Is Barnes and Noble open on holidays?

Where can I purchase the paperback edition of Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout?

I've searched on Amazon but they have only the Kindle edition. I've been told to look in Barnes & Noble but there aren't any local stores where I live.
Is there anywhere else that might sell the paperback?

Read more: Where can I purchase the paperback edition of Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout?

What's a cheap place to buy manga?

so the cheapest i've seem so far is Right Stuf, but I have a question about that
Is stuff there retail?
But I'm mainly looking at the manga Strobe Edge.

Read more: What's a cheap place to buy manga?

Saturday, November 8, 2014

How to get a certain store to open in the city I live in?

I really want to get a Panera and a Barnes and Noble in my city but I don't know how to? Is there a certain website to go to?

Read more: How to get a certain store to open in the city I live in?

Working at Barnes and Noble? - 1

i absolutely love the shop & it would be such a pleasure to work there but I can t seem to find the age requirement? I m 15 now but will be turning 16 in April. Could it be a summer job? I ll also have my license by then.

Read more: Working at Barnes and Noble? - 1

Friday, November 7, 2014

Do I need to refrigerate Heineken?

I don t drink, but I have guests coming over who enjoy a beer now and then. I bought a six-pack of Heineken from the grocery store, and it was refrigerated.

Unfortunately, I really don t have room in my own refrigerator for it -- do I need to make room, or is it safe to leave out where it ll get warm?

Thank you!

Read more: Do I need to refrigerate Heineken?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Do you miss your old contacts?

Argh, whatever happened to Urahara Kisuke, Eifersucht (did not spell that right), Kayeli and Nook? :(

Read more: Do you miss your old contacts?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

If you self-publish through IngramSpark, will Barnes and Noble short order your book?

If you self-publish through IngramSpark, will Barnes and Noble short order your book?

Read more: If you self-publish through IngramSpark, will Barnes and Noble short order your book?

Explain this to me about Barnes and Noble bookstore?

Ok so I've never bought a book from this place before, but tomorrow(as in Nov 4th) my book comes out so I decided I wanted to go and buy it. I went on the website to look it up and when typed in my ZIP code for pick up in store it said out of stock. But how is it out of stock if it hasn't even been released yet?! I typed in a Chicago ZIP code just for the heck of it, and it said in stock! Right now I'm really pissed because B&N is the only bookstore we have where I live that will carry the book and I really don't want to buy online. So my over-lining question is, is it possible the website is wrong? I'd hate to drive up there and have it not even be available.

Also if something's out of stock how long does it take to restock?

Read more: Explain this to me about Barnes and Noble bookstore?

Sunday, November 2, 2014

I know the bleach show just end but is the manga still ongoing?

I was on Barnes and and it looks like bleach manga is still ongoing

Read more: I know the bleach show just end but is the manga still ongoing?

How to make my Nook work again?

My Nook will not turn on no matter what i do. I plug the charger in then the light turns green then orange and goes off. I have tried everything and i haven t dropped it or gotten it wet but yet it still does not work. What do i do? If someone has any idea on how to fix this or where i can get it fixed please tell me.

Read more: How to make my Nook work again?

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Why did Barnes & Noble reject me when I applied online?

I was looking for a new job, so I sent my resume to Barnes & Noble, applying for bookseller. That's an entry level job, you don't need to have any sort of experience or qualifications.

On my resume I listed the two previous jobs I had, the last one being very customer service oriented, the fact that I'm a book lover, and some volunteer experience. It didn't have any spelling errors, and I had a friend proof read it.

They sent me an email saying "after reading your resume we decided not to pursue you" - what?!

I was just wondering how that could happen? My availability was good too… What are some reasons they could reject me?
Added (1). It's true that if someone else has experience working with books, or has a degree, they would probably take them over me. It's just that in the job description it said they accept people over the age of 16, so I thought it was a teenager kind of job. :(

Read more: Why did Barnes & Noble reject me when I applied online?

Friday, October 31, 2014

Where can I buy the Soul Eater Manga?

I finished the anime and I can't get enough, does anyone know where I can buy the complete manga(1-25) in English?

Read more: Where can I buy the Soul Eater Manga?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Barnes & Noble Australian shipping address post code?

I'm an Australian resident and I'm trying to buy something off of Barnes & Noble but I'm confused about what to enter where it says 'ZIP / POSTAL CODE' as it says that the length of the code is 07 and it is 'All numerical, no spaces or dashes'. If you know what I'm supposed to enter, please help. Thanks in advance:)

Read more: Barnes & Noble Australian shipping address post code?

Can't download an Ebook from Barnes and Noble?!

Several weeks ago, I pre-ordered an ebook on Barnes and Noble website. It was released today, and I can see it in my library in "My Nook" section of the website. But I can't see a way to either get it on my nook directly, or to somehow download it to my computer and move it to nook via usb. The only options it's giving me are to review it, move it to archive or delete it, and I haven't even read it yet. Someone please help!

p.s. I have Nook Simple Touch

Read more: Can't download an Ebook from Barnes and Noble?!

Nook Simple Touch Vs Kindle Touch?

I am a bookworm. I love books but i felt that it was time for me to invest in an eBook reader for various reasons. I am a college student and i have a really long commute. I want a ink eReader like the nook simple touch or the kindle touch because looking at a LCD screen for too long gives me a headache. I don't really care for browsing or apps, i just want to read without any distractions and glare. I need an eReader with a good battery life because of my long commute. My two choices are the nook simple touch and the kindle touch. But i want to know which eReader i will benefit most from. And if you have any of these can you tell me what you enjoy most about it or what problems you've had with it. If you have another option please feel free to mention them too.

Thank you in advance.

Read more: Nook Simple Touch Vs Kindle Touch?

How long does it take a job to get back to have you emailed them a job application?

Last Monday/Tuesday I applied for a job at Barnes & Noble and I was wondering how long it takes for them or any job in general to answer back. I've applied for Target and other places in the past and even if they declined me they answered back within 5 days and I was wondering why Barnes & Noble is taking a while.

Read more: How long does it take a job to get back to have you emailed them a job application?

Monday, October 27, 2014

Can I chew sugarfree gum with braces?

A friend of mine just got me 3 packs of Up2U Mentos gum, and I'm not sure if I can chew them because I have braces. My older brother says I could chew it, but my orthodontist said I probably couldn't. Can anyone else with braces help me with this?

Read more: Can I chew sugarfree gum with braces?

UPS and Barnes and noble shipping?

I have bought a series of books from Barnes & Noble app, a book store. There's a Barnes & Noble in the next town over which is only about 20 minutes away. Will the shipping come from that one? And I have gotten an email saying it has been sent by UPS, that it should come in (2-6 business days) I'm not sure if UPS can deliever to the trailor park. I'm sure it should but if it doesn't for any reason. What will happen to my package?

Read more: UPS and Barnes and noble shipping?

Can I read iBooks on Nook?

I bought a Nook this weekend. I have a couple of iBooks on my iTouch. Can I ready my iBooks on my Nook?

If so, how?

Read more: Can I read iBooks on Nook?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

What can this be with a females health?

If a female doesnt have a yeast infection but has the fishy smell. What can that be? How to get rid of it? Please offer any advice. Thank you!

Read more: What can this be with a females health?

What is fun about having a public library?

Do you think that more books will atract the people coming to the library or is it the architecture itself that will atttact people to the library, if I was to make a library, what should I consider first,give me some hints

Read more: What is fun about having a public library?

Friday, October 24, 2014

How to clear Nook HD shop history?

Awhile back me and my twin sister Jade had a question about the Nook HD. Our other little sister Stella is only 6, and she loves to play on the Nook. Both Jade and I read NA paranormal romance books so we where told by our Mam to wipe all possible history about the books we looked for or internet searches about our books that we might have done. So we went to do that only to find that we could not figure out how. We went online only to find a lot of comments on the same thing, every answer said the same thing. You Cant! So Stella was not aloud to play games or read children's books on the nook. I was just playing around in the setting and found low and behold, you can! So i will answer my own question down below on how to erase shop history. This is for all that where told you can not erase it and future people with the same question. Look for my answer down below and i'm sure there will be other answers with the same info. Good luck!

Read more: How to clear Nook HD shop history?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

What are some websites used to find information on manga?

information such as release dates, titles of a series, volumes of manga series, how much they cost and where to find them at

Read more: What are some websites used to find information on manga?

Is Nook Glowlight and Kindle Whitepage made by the same company?

The big difference of Nook reader from Kindle reader are: Side turning page button, and micro-SD slot. On the new Nook Glowlight B&N removed both of that functions. So they are looks similar now. I wonder if both are made by the same company (in China)?

Read more: Is Nook Glowlight and Kindle Whitepage made by the same company?

Which of these words you know?

I'm doing a survey on people's vocabulary, so Please Help ME! :)

1. How often do you read books?
2. How often do you read news?
3. Which of these words you know at least one meaning:
(If you're lazy, just write those you don't know)


Read more: Which of these words you know?

Monday, October 20, 2014

I cannot connect my nook to the wi fi as I have forgotten the password?

I cannot connect my nook to the wi fi as I have forgotten the password?

Read more: I cannot connect my nook to the wi fi as I have forgotten the password?

What is the best platform to view digital textbooks?

Kindle, PC, iPad, etc? I have a Nook Color, but that won't work with textbooks. I would also like to work with a stylus if at all possible. Just wanted to get some opinions. Thanks!

Read more: What is the best platform to view digital textbooks?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Anyone know where the Manga section at Barnes and Noble is?

Today is going to be my first time at Barnes and Noble, and I was wondering where the manga section would be. I want to start my manga collection now, and also help support the creators.

Read more: Anyone know where the Manga section at Barnes and Noble is?

What's a Nook Simple Touch E-reader used for?

Can it be used to browse the internet? Or it it like a book only?

Read more: What's a Nook Simple Touch E-reader used for?

What should I put on my birthday wishlist?

My Mom/Dad/Sister have all asked me what I want for my birthday but I'm not really sure what to ask for. I'll be turning 14. So far I have,
-an iPhone 5s (I'm pretty sure that they cost less now that the newer ones are out)
-curling iron
-Tardis mug
-Special Barnes and Noble copy of The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection (it's $18)
-certain cardigan from Old Navy

Those are all of the things I can think of that I really want. There's a few more things that I'm thinking about asking for but I'm not sure.
-certain sweater dress from Old Navy
-The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black
-Everyday by David Levithan
I don't know I feel like I should want more because a bunch of other girls my age seem to want lots of stuff but I just can't think of many things that I really want and I also don't want to ask for too much.
If you could offer some suggestions as to what I should ask for I'd appreciate it.

-I'm kind of nerdy, I love to read, I love Harry Potter, watch Doctor Who and Sherlock
-I like some girly things but I'm not really into makeup
-There isn't very many clothing items that I want
-I'm not very creative, I want to try out some new art things but I'm just worried about asking for something really nice or expensive and then not using it
-I don't really have any sports where there's some expensive or special piece of gear that I want either
-I enjoy hiking but I don't really need any supplies or gear for that
Sorry that this is so long, thank you for any suggestions!

Read more: What should I put on my birthday wishlist?

Friday, October 17, 2014

Is there a free app to watch anime?

Besides cruchyroll because it's driving me crazy with ads like 5 during the episode erggg! I usually watch on an website but my nook can't fast forward on it, but it works in apps, lol weird but are there doable apps? Thanks:) xx

Read more: Is there a free app to watch anime?

Does this mean I got the job?

I had 2 interviews in one day at Barnes and noble

The manager said they have to do a background check on me before they can offer me a job.

I also went to a Nordstrom interview the same day so I don't rely on one job. I went to interviews this whole week.

Read more: Does this mean I got the job?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

What makes government funding possible?

How does the government having money for all their funding? Does it come from the taxes taken out of paychecks? Does it come from Americans buying all the products they push us to buy (I.e. I phone 12345 androids nooks tablets ect.). Does it come from the gas prices that keep being raised? Borrowing from other countries? Or a little of everything listed?

Read more: What makes government funding possible?

I'm failing calculus and I don't know what to do?

I'm a junior in high school and am taking IB Calculus. I did extremely well my last few years of math. Now that I'm in calculus, in class I've felt dumb all year. I don't know if it's me or the organization of the class; I feel like my teacher is always everywhere and doesn't focus on problems enough and showing examples. We're still on the reviewing of last year, trig, and I'm already completely lost. I bought a calculus book from Barnes and nobles the other day in hopes of it helping me but we haven't even covered any of the topics in it yet… Help!
Also, I have asked my teacher for help. I feel like i don't understand or grasp information because of the way that she teaches.

Read more: I'm failing calculus and I don't know what to do?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What should I ask for,for my birthday?

Hey everyone:) I don't get that many things year round and it's my 17th birthday I was wondering if you could help me think of more ideas I'll give you my list so you can get an idea of what I'd like!
Birthday list
Crest white strips
Naked 2 pallet
Tarot cards
Michael kors purse
Barnes and nobles gift card
Day trip to Salem mass:)

Read more: What should I ask for,for my birthday?

Why wont my nook connect to my wifi?

Hello! I'm having some troubles with my nook. I tried restarting it, just turning it off than back on again and when I turned it back on it wouldn't connect to my WiFi. It was always connected to, my WiFi before and I never had any problems and now it wont connect at all. I've tried re typing in the password and restarting my router and everything but it just won't connect. Please help!

Read more: Why wont my nook connect to my wifi?

How Do Barnes and Noble Pre-Orders Work?

I just pre ordered a book for 24.11. It doesn't come out until November 4th, and at the bottom of the pre-order page it says:

"ORDER TOTAL: $24.11
Your credit card will be charged* $24.11
* Your credit card will be charged when your order ships."

But my account has already been charged the 24.11…
So I'm confused why it says I will be charged when my order ships, because it's a pre order so my book couldn't have possibly shipped yet, but I was still charged right now.
I just want someone who's pre-ordered from Barnes and Noble to explain how exactly this works, and if I have to worry about paying more money past what has already been removed from my account.

Read more: How Do Barnes and Noble Pre-Orders Work?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Is a simple touch nook allowed during the PSAT?

Is a simple touch nook allowed during the PSAT?

Read more: Is a simple touch nook allowed during the PSAT?

What has HHS nook color sold for?


Read more: What has HHS nook color sold for?

How should I go about getting hired at barnes and noble or anywhere?

I've been having a hard time getting a part-time job and it's really frustrating me cause I really need to start saving up for a trip I plan on taking this summer.

The thing is that I've been getting calls for interviews but would be shut down. I don't have many professional references and the only job i've ever held was a summer job 2 years ago at my aunts salon. I'm 20 so I can get hired anywhere that i've applied to. I call to follow up and also actually go into the stores and talk to managers. With very little experience in anything because of a brief job that I had, it seems like thats the reason why I don't get hired.

I recently applied to a few retail stores, when I have no retail experience as well as a barnes and noble. In particular, I'm really interested in barnes and noble because I love books, movies, and interested in the cafe. I applied on a wednesday, came in on Friday to talk to a manager, and monday, called in to follow up on my application. For this store, they don't call or email applicants they aren't interested in. They just don't contact at all. And that makes me nervous. Should I call or visit again or will that make me look stalker-ish? If i should follow up again, how long should I wait before doing that?

How often should I call managers to follow up or what can I do during interviews to really wow them? If anyone who has worked at or is a manager at barnes and noble or in retail, please help me. What should I say to managers?

Read more: How should I go about getting hired at barnes and noble or anywhere?

Monday, October 13, 2014

How to transfer games from one tablet to another?

I have a nook hd and a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3.
I want to get some of my brother's files onto my tablet(games)
Is anybody out there that can help me?
All answers appreciated:)
Thank you!

Read more: How to transfer games from one tablet to another?

Can books from bookstores be stolen?

I was at barnes and noble yesterday, and i saw a girl steal a book, and she just walked out, and no alarm went off. I didn't know it was that easy to just steal a book! I would never steal, but i just wanted to know the reasoning behind this, and i was curious about how the security works in bookstores and such.


Read more: Can books from bookstores be stolen?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Should I bring a nook or book to school (to read)?

Obviously the nook would be so much more convenient because it's lighter. But idk it feels weird trying to "hide" behind an electronic thing reading than an actual book. :P The school allows nooks, but what do think is better bringing the actual hard/paper back book to read or a nook?

Read more: Should I bring a nook or book to school (to read)?

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Do employees clean the bathroom at Barnes and Nobles?

I was thinking to work here, but I def. Do not want to clean bathrooms, ever. I'll skip this job, if anyone says yes.

Also can anyone recommend any jobs that are nice to work at (or similar to bookstores)?

Read more: Do employees clean the bathroom at Barnes and Nobles?

Friday, October 10, 2014

What is the difference between the nook flash drive and a regular flash drive?

I am in college and on my list of supplies was the nook flash drive. I was wondering if there was a difference between this nook flash drive and the regular one I already have?

Read more: What is the difference between the nook flash drive and a regular flash drive?

Is it okay to download music from Amazon that I purchased?

Hey everyone,

I purchased a lot of songs from Amazon a while ago and I wanted to download them onto my Nook HD tablet. Is this okay? I mean I brought the songs a while ago but is it okay if I download them in my Nook through Prime music now? The songs are in my Amazon Prime Library.


Read more: Is it okay to download music from Amazon that I purchased?

Is there a place I can find out when and where the next big conventions are?

Like a website or something where they have sort of a newsletter about it. For conventions like Minecon, Comic Con, and for anime, movies, etc, etc…

Read more: Is there a place I can find out when and where the next big conventions are?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Will Barnes and Noble go out of business?

In the day and age of technology and Kindle, I'm worried they won't last and if they do it'll be online based only. I hope the stores stay, there's something I love about being in a bookstore that isn't the same as looking at books on Amazon…

Read more: Will Barnes and Noble go out of business?

Downloading ebooks to Nook Color from Frostwire?

It is installed as an app on the Nook Color through the Android Playstore. It will show that the book has downloaded yet cannot find it in the Nook's library.

Read more: Downloading ebooks to Nook Color from Frostwire?

Can you use Kindle book downloads on the B&N Nook?

We got a Nook for our kids to play apps with (so I could actually use my phone as a phone now and then:). I just found an old book that I'm really interested in reading, but it's not being made anymore. But it IS available for purchase for $3 for the Amazon Kindle. Is there any way that I can purchase that Kindle version and read it on my Nook? Whether it's downloading some sort of Kindle app, or reading it on the Amazon website through the browser on my Nook?

Read more: Can you use Kindle book downloads on the B&N Nook?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

When does The Blood of Olympus come out at Barnes& noble?

When does The Blood of Olympus come out at Barnes& noble?

Read more: When does The Blood of Olympus come out at Barnes& noble?

How to get rid of fleas?

I've tried everything and I'm tearing my hair out!

Both animals have been thoroughly washed using flea-shampoo, both have then been treated with front-line. I then sprayed the entire house with flea-killer from pets at home that apparently kills both fleas and eggs. I went round every little nook and cranny, even lifted up the sofa cushions and sprayed underneath them, moved furniture and sprayed the carpet beneath it etc

All bedding, clothing and materials have been washed too.

But this evening 2 jumped on me!

Please, any advice? I'm at my wits end with this now!

Read more: How to get rid of fleas?

Barnes and Noble book still processing. When will it ship?

I pre-ordered a book months ago with Barnes & Noble. It was scheduled to ship today, but its late afternoon and my order is still "processing".

I'm paying with PayPal. I'm starting to question if its my PayPal account that's the problem. I have no actual funds in my PayPal account, however I've linked a debit card to it.

I've purchased countless of times with Ebay and I always pay with automatic transfer. Will Barnes & Noble do the same?

Or are they just slow? I'm ordering from Canada, if that makes any difference at all.

Read more: Barnes and Noble book still processing. When will it ship?

Monday, October 6, 2014

What qualifications do you need to work at a publishing company?

Also, is it worth it? Many are starting to close. There is a Harper Collins building near my house that is closing within the next few months. And Barnes and Noble and is slowly closing their stores. I am interested in this type of career but not if it won't last long due to closings.

Read more: What qualifications do you need to work at a publishing company?

Reading tablet (Kindle/Nook) or actual book?

I think that Technology can be good, but I also think it can be bad.

I love reading, and I have thought a lot about purchasing a Kindle/Nook (or some type of reading tablet.) I think it's a good idea because it's great for having all your books in one place, and not have to deal with physical books, if going out.

Yet, I don't think it's that great of an idea because I do like going to signings, and what is an author going to sign, my tablet?

Then, if that's the case you may say, why not purchase both? Well, I don't like the idea of purchasing a book on a tablet, then buying a physical copy, that's a lot of money!

What are YOUR thoughts? Would you purchase a tablet, or keep buying/checking out books? Or buy both?

Read more: Reading tablet (Kindle/Nook) or actual book?

Sunday, October 5, 2014

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Nook/Kindle?

I was wondering about the advantages and disadvantages of a Nook and a Kindle? I kinda wanted to get a Nook Color (since i have books piling up in my closet), but i wasn't sure

Read more: What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Nook/Kindle?

Saturday, October 4, 2014

My password is showing in emails I send. How do fix this?

Sometimes (not always) when I send emails, the person who receives my email sees my password. It'll show as an email received from "[password][email address]". I can't find anything online about this problem and I don't know how to fix it. I'm using a Barnes and Noble Nook. Anybody have any thoughts on this? Thanks!

Read more: My password is showing in emails I send. How do fix this?

Best vacuum cleaner for long haired dogs?

A family member of mine has an handsome pyrenees collie mix with long hair. She has a orange yellow dyson but it doesn't do as well as it did when she got it even if we clean every nook and crannie. She also has a old Orick that fails a lot. Please respond ASAP.

Read more: Best vacuum cleaner for long haired dogs?

How to know when to approach and when to talk to a woman?

I believe in equal opportunity for both genders and both genders deserve credit.

I believe that men have to be respectable and direct.

I believe that women should be respectable, reserved and more indirect.

That being said, if your a normal casual guy who wants to meet women,

then what, when or where is the best and right time to meet them.

From my personal experience I am usually shopping at "safeway" and I usually

bump into older more nicer women aged 29-45 and I usually hold a 10 minute

conversation with them and I can usually get their phone numbers. They seem

easy to read and easy to talk to over simple grocery items and also like to listen

to my jokes and etc… I also seem to attract older women when I go to the park

for a casual walk or something.

The thing is how do I meet younger women 18-25,it baffles me cause I don't see

them as often as I see older women when I go into public. I can usually find younger

women at barnes and nobles but they don't want to be bothered when reading. I

also find young women at stores like hot topic or something, but they usually are

difficult to talk to, cannot relate to me or they already have a boy friend.

I just don't get it, where or how do I attract young women or where do I have to go to

do it. Also why are they so difficult to read, at least with older women they give me

signs, but with a young women you have to have "super cue vision" to see their signs.

I'm also not old enough to go to a bar or club.

Read more: How to know when to approach and when to talk to a woman?

Friday, October 3, 2014

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What is the best way to introduce two cats?

Here's the situation - my resident cat is a loving, attention hogging lady who we've had 7 years, since she was a little baby kitten. She is the queen of this house, and considers every nook to be her own. 3 days ago, we had a little kitten of four months (according to vet) on our doorstep, and after much deliberation, we took him in. He's had a vet visit, vaccines, deworming meds (even though he has no worms to begin with) and a clean bill of health. We set him up in an isolation room, the upstairs bathroom.

My resident cat is catatonic. Her world seems to be crashing down around her. After not moving from under the bed for 24 hours, she relocated behind the sofa. She's leaving very rarely to get food and water, and to use the bathroom - but her ventures out are few and far between. We're very worried about her, and even though she's not being violent, hissing, or anything like that (she doesn't react at all when we pet her head, the only thing slightly reachable) she's acting with complete disinterest in life. It's almost like she's depressed.

We have no idea what to do. We have grown too attached to the new kitten, but our first priority is our resident cat. What's the best way to fix this situation? :(

Read more: What is the best way to introduce two cats?

What are your favorite books? - 1

Poll survey.

What do you know about barnes and noble?

Read more: What are your favorite books? - 1

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Nook playstore google?

Nook playstore google?

Read more: Nook playstore google?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Why are my speakers being a pain?

One minute, I'm listening movies/music, etc and everything's fine until the sound goes faint, then loud, then quiet.

I went to Control Panel and looked at the speaker thing, that's correct.

However, if the problem are the speakers, then that would be weird because they worked earlier.

I'm afraid to touch the speakers because I might mess it up.

I can live without that, I'll just use my radio. My Nook, or my Phone. The battery will die fast, but I can only concentrate with music

I want to know what to do so I don't have to resort to that.

I don't know if it helps, but I have a Windows XP, "Super Sub Woofer System".

I don't want anyone telling me to get a laptop because I'm happy with my PC. This is the only problem I have on here, at least one I can probably fix with ease.

I will keep using it until there's a fire or it blows up.

Read more: Why are my speakers being a pain?

Will an IPhone charger charge my Nook HD+?

I lost my Nook HD+ charger cable, I live in a very small town so we don't have stores that sell it. Anyways, I was wondering if an Iphone charger will work on my Nook HD+ the two chargers look very similar?

Read more: Will an IPhone charger charge my Nook HD+?

Barnes and Noble Book Signing?

I am going to a book signing/Q&A tomorrow at the Barnes at Noble at The Grove in LA. How do those work? How many wristbands do they give out and how/where do i go to get a wristband? How early do I have to show up if they start handing them out at 9 a.m?

Read more: Barnes and Noble Book Signing?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Where In Florida Should I Move Into?

Here's a little bit about myself and the type of city that I would like to move into.

- I love beaches, but once again I am afraid of hurricanes or tsunami's

- I love roller coasters/rides

- Love tall buildings

- I want to have Palm Tress all over the place!

- I want the city to be colourful!

- I need a Barnes&Noble, a mall, and a target close to wear I live

- I want to live where people dress fashionable
Added (1). Money really dosen't matter as long as it's under 500,000 (:

Read more: Where In Florida Should I Move Into?

Did I get the job yet or what?

I applied to Barnes and Nobles and did the interview. The lady that interviewed me said that I was a good candidate and that they would send me an email which contained a link to fill out for my background. I don't have any police records or anything, but the lady said I would receive the email yesterday but it's 10 pm today and I still have not received it. Should I call or something?

Read more: Did I get the job yet or what?

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Does this sound like a Pyramid Scheme?

Gonna give some backstory first I suppose. So I went to Barnes&Noble this past saturday, and while I was there a guy(about my age) who looked like he was in his late teens or maybe 20, walk up to me and the first thing he says to me is "Do I go to Georgia State? Because I look like someone there, because of the hat I was wearing. I said no, he proceeds to ask if I'm in any education or employment, I say no then he offers me a sort of job with a company.

He says it's like Amazon but a social media type format(I had to think about it for a minute because that was one of the most confusing ******* things I've ever heard, I still don't think I quite understand the concept still.). He goes on and says he can explain the details later on at a meeting his some people from his company are flying in from NY tomorrow(Sept,23 at 7:00) at a Fancy hotel's meeting room. (before this he was really riding sitting down for a cup of coffee)

Now I thought he was bullshitting at first, but I heard money and was interested and now that I'm reflecting on it after noticing a lot of similarities that happened to Sato from Welcome to the NHK, I'm now 50/50 on how sure I am that it's a Pyramid scheme. I might go and listen to whatever they say until I hear something that doesn't quite sound right and then leave.

Read more: Does this sound like a Pyramid Scheme?

Monday, September 22, 2014


Im 16 years old and I'm applying for a Bookseller position at Barnes & Noble and it asked me to attach a resume? I have never had a job before and i really need help on how to write one. Please and Thank you!

Read more: How to WRITE A RESUME?

Is the 'Creative Writing' group at Barnes and Noble free?

On B&N's website, I found they have a creative writing group on their event list one day every month. I want to go. But is it free?

Read more: Is the 'Creative Writing' group at Barnes and Noble free?

Can you earn a livable income from self-publishing novels onto the ebook markets?

There's all these new writers self-publishing their work with Lulu and other service programs. Which can sells a writer's work on every platform from Kindle to Nook. Say, there's a new author out of nowhere that publishes one to three books a year for $2.99 each. Is it possible for this person to earn enough money from ebook sales to live on their own?

Read more: Can you earn a livable income from self-publishing novels onto the ebook markets?

Looking for a good website for downloading ebooks other than amazon?

Looking for a good website for downloading ebooks other than amazon?

Read more: Looking for a good website for downloading ebooks other than amazon?

Can you get kindle books on a nook?

Can you get kindle books on a nook?

Read more: Can you get kindle books on a nook?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Barnes and Noble refund?

I rented a book online and ups said it was delivered to my porch but I never received it. I called Barnes and Noble and they told me UPS actually lost it in transit and that they would cancel my order and give me a full refund. This happened yesterday and when I went to their website today my order was still there. How long does it take for an order to be canceled and to get my refund to my debit card? Are they actually giving me a refund?

Read more: Barnes and Noble refund?

Whats the best place for buying manga?

Whats the best place for buying manga?
Added (1). I want to buy manga but there aren't alot of stores with manga whats the best place to buy manga? (p.s Online is not a valid answer)
Added (2). I want to buy manga but there aren't alot of stores with manga whats the best place to buy manga? (p.s Online is not a valid answer)

Read more: Whats the best place for buying manga?

Saturday, September 20, 2014

UPS said packaged was delivered, but it wasn't?

I rented a textbook from Barnes and Noble and was supposed to receive it Friday. The update said it was delivered 9/19/2014 at 7:06 pm. It's Saturday and still no package. Then I check the shipment progress and the last two updates were out for delivery and the last was delivered at Newbury Park at the exact time and date that it said it was delivered at my porch. The problem is that I don't live in that city I live about 30 minutes away from there. I checked the shipping address on Barnes and Noble and it was my address then I checked shipping information on Ups it had my city on it which is not Newbury Park. What happened? Does this mean they delivered at the wrong address? My address was correctly written on shipping information.

Read more: UPS said packaged was delivered, but it wasn't?

Do ferrets have a distinct smell when dead?

Ok, so I lost one of my ferrets about 24 hours ago and just recently found her(-Auri- female, about 5months old); dead. I have another ferret (-Patch-male, about a year old). So the reason i'm asking this question is because of where I found my dead ferret. I found her under my love sac rocking chair which is pretty much a beanbag that can rock. Now this is in my media room which has poor lighting to begin with. I searched and searched and finally found her under there after tearing apart the house. She was essentially suffocated to death. No blood or wounds that are apparent. Now I noticed she was missing about thirty minutes after I got back from work which means she had been dead for almost 23hours if not longer because she was running around the house with my other ferret. I brought Patch around with me so I could see if he could sniff her out. I remember specifically that he did NOT act weird around that part of the house (media room) we spent around 10mins in each room and I let him run around sniffing while I checked each and every nook n' cranny. Which leads me to this assumption. Do ferrets lose all smell when they die? I know my ferrets had a musky smell to them. But Auri didn't have a smell at all when I found her. Not even a rotting smell which I would assume be present because she had been dead longer than 20 hours unattended. To reiterate my question, Do ferrets have a distinct smell when they die?

Read more: Do ferrets have a distinct smell when dead?

What's the best EReader to buy?

So I'm looking to buy an EReader (Although I do enjoy watching Netflix and whatnot) and I dunno which to choose. I don't plan on putting a ton of apps on there, because I mainly use my phone for that. I may put ten apps to the most on this reader. The two big names I'm really looking at right are the Barnes and Noble Nook and the Kindle (any type of Kindle; I've taken a liking to the Fire), but I wouldn't mind any other brand as long as I'm able to watch Netflix, be able to store a crap ton of books as I read a lot, and a crisp display.
All help would be appreciated,
K ðŸ'½

Read more: What's the best EReader to buy?

What would be best to buy for my vacation next year, a Kindle, Nook or iPad?

We've got a Hawaii cruise booked for next May. This is going to require quite a bit of time on a plane, and probably a decent size layover.

Previous trips had shorter flights, so one or two magazines and maybe the USA Today would do the trick, and they were disposable… You could leave them on a seat at the airport, and someone else would read them.

For this trip, I think I'd like to download my reading material, check e-mail, and maybe play some games. I think Kindle and Nook have wi-fi built into them, so, based on your experience, what do you like and what don't you like about any of these three devices?
Added (1). I posted this in a more appropriate section a few days ago, and the only responses I got were along the lines of, "Well, why don't you just read the reviews?"

Reviews are one thing… Real world personal experience is quite another.

Read more: What would be best to buy for my vacation next year, a Kindle, Nook or iPad?

What are some some book stores that offer comfy study spots?

Wifi would be a nice plus, but mainly I need a place to go edit in comfort/peace. Many thanks!

Read more: What are some some book stores that offer comfy study spots?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Why are the kuffar always so concerned about Muslims?

Why are they to care how many wives a Muslim man can have? Why do they speak about the way Muslim women dress? Why are they always speaking about ISIS when they are in the Middle East when the KKK is in amerika killing anybody who isn't white Christian?

Read more: Why are the kuffar always so concerned about Muslims?

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Kindle, Nook, or should I get an iPad?

I'm going to Hawaii next year, which means a lot of time on a plane, and most likely a decent size layover somewhere. For shorter trips, one or two magazines, plus Sports Weekly was fine, but I really don't feel like lugging around a whole bunch of reading material. I know an iPad is a bit pricier than the other two, and I think the Kindle and Nook both have wi-fi, don't they?

Read more: Kindle, Nook, or should I get an iPad?

Male Authors vs Female Authors?

In your opinion, who (generally speaking) writes better? Male or females.
I realized today, while walking through many sections at Barnes and Noble that a lot of the books written by women are mostly romance novels that are just… Terrible. On the other hand though, some books written by males are action wannabe crap too.
But I alas I give it to men being better writers. What about you?

Read more: Male Authors vs Female Authors?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How to buy books on my Nook if I'm from Ireland?

I recently bought a Nook eReader in the local shop here in Ireland. When I entered my billing details it said that my address was incorrect as I don't live in the UK. I can get free books but I can't buy any. I've contacted Barnes and Noble a few times but they haven't gotten back to me. Has anyone had similar problems and does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you

Read more: How to buy books on my Nook if I'm from Ireland?

Sunday, September 14, 2014

When you're sitting at a Barnes & Noble and a HOT girl walks by you?

Do you take a deep breath of the air that "whooshes" off of her?

Read more: When you're sitting at a Barnes & Noble and a HOT girl walks by you?

I'm looking to meet someone and find that bars are not the place to go?!

Women go to bars with their friends or boyfriends and are not up to meeting new people when in groups or with someone else. I live in a city where there aren't many places to meet people. There is a Barnes & Noble with a coffee shop, however. I just find bars aren't working.

Read more: I'm looking to meet someone and find that bars are not the place to go?!

Friday, September 12, 2014

What should i wear to look for a part time job?

i just got out of high school and i am just looking for a job at a place like michaels or barnes and nobles or something. I dont really have anything professional like a suit or anything but is there something specific i should try to wear? I only have black clothes, would that be a problem or is it fine to wear all black? I dress like a girl but i would prefer to not wear skirts because im very tall and they often look very short on me

Read more: What should i wear to look for a part time job?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

39 weeks pregnant, help?!

Im 39 weeks with my second. I dont remember at all how things went the first time around so thats why im asking this. Lately i have been feeling alot or pressure down below when i walk and sometimes when im just sitting. I also get these sharp shooting pains that take my breath away it hurts so bad. And when she moves it hurts too. I feel like i cant get any bigger. Ive been having braxton hicks all are annoying but some hurt and some dont. The ones that do hurt the pain is more towards my lower belly then anywhere else. I have had back pain for as long as i can remember so i cant really use that as anything new. The inly difference is that the intensity of my back pain gets bad then goes back to how it was. I am not sure if i lost my plug or not, i have been having soft stools a few times a day not really diarrhea though. The other day i cleaned my room and got all the final things ready for babys arrival and yesterday i had the erge to vacuum so i did. No major cleaning all nooks and crannies though so im not really sure if what i did is considered nesting. A little over a week ago i was only 50% effaced & a fingertip dilated. I have an appointment tomorrow and im gona asked to be checked. I just want to know if it seems like ill be going into labor anytime soon or not? I am beginning to get very very depressed and anxious just waiting. I know she will come when shes ready i just cant stop googling things to see if labor is coming. Help. Sorry for long post ðŸ˜"

Read more: 39 weeks pregnant, help?!

Can you suggest a book on Creating Android applications?

I really want to learn to create/build Android applications. I have done some web design and development. For the most part I have taught myself everything I know. I use html, php, mySQL, and software like Joomla and WordPress.

Are there any good books out there that walk you through creating Android apps? I'd love something that I could learn from, maybe something with examples and tutorials.

Any tips or suggestions?

I'm going to Barnes and Noble tonight and hoped to pick up something.

Read more: Can you suggest a book on Creating Android applications?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Is there an app where I can read books on my phone but I have the book physically?

Okay I know that maybe the title may sound confusing but I usually like to buy my books from stores like Barnes and nobles or walmart and when I'm at school I want to read my books but I don't want to put them in my backpack because they'll get all ruined and folded and I don't like to carry my books in my hand at school. I was wondering if there is an app where I can scan the barcode of the book and read it on my phone? I know that sounds stupid and that I should buy books on my phone instead but I just get so bored in class sometime that I was to read.

Read more: Is there an app where I can read books on my phone but I have the book physically?

Where are my car keys?

Where are my car keys?

Read more: Where are my car keys?

Saturday, September 6, 2014

What would be a good beginner book at Barnes and Noble to learn Japanese?

I'm looking for something that will help me learn Japanese step by step, from reading to writing, to speaking the language. What would be a simple and easily explanatory book. And that is a BOOK not a dvd method, but a BOOK method of learning the language.

Read more: What would be a good beginner book at Barnes and Noble to learn Japanese?

What can I put in my room to make it more peaceful?

What can I put in my room to make it more peaceful?

Read more: What can I put in my room to make it more peaceful?

Thursday, September 4, 2014


My cat has fleas that just won't go I've given her flea bath I've tried so many things they just won't go waytoday I sprayed some delimonine on her back just a mist and she didnt act bad at all a fem minutes later she was under my bead almost screaming so I grabbed her and tried to calm her down but then I relized somthing was wrong so I took her into my bath room and turned the bath water on and put her in I cleaned every nook and cranny but she kept almost screaming I used a rag to wipe her face off and then I took her out of the tub and put her in the towel and I also didnt mention that she was rubbing all over and scratching near her face.Anyways I looked around her mouth and it was red I think its either a flea bite around her mouth or she had an allergic reaction. Please help I can't take her to the vet but I can order medicine or call up the vet sorry that its so pong forgive me she has definitely quieted Dow but she is still meowing


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Barnes&noble book store?

Barnes&noble book store?

Read more: Barnes&noble book store?

What company introduced Nook tablet?

What company introduced Nook tablet?

Read more: What company introduced Nook tablet?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Why can't the Tent of Miracles by Jorge Amado be sold in the British Commonwealth?

On multiple sites selling this book, including Amazon, Google Books, Barnes and Noble and even, there is the phrase, "The Wisconsin edition is not for sale in the British Commonwealth (excluding Canada), the Republic of Ireland, or South Africa." I presume it can't be for shipping reasons if it's on multiple sites, so what is it about the Wisconsin edition that is so forbidden in these places?

Read more: Why can't the Tent of Miracles by Jorge Amado be sold in the British Commonwealth?

Monday, September 1, 2014

Is it bad that I read then buy a book every other day in my nook?

I LOVE READING! The thing is, I don't want to spend too much money because my family is not made of money. Do you think I should stop reading so much?

Read more: Is it bad that I read then buy a book every other day in my nook?

How to remove permanent marker from the back of a nook?

My little sister decided it would be a good idea to draw on the back of my nook with a sharpie. I'm about to sell the nook, otherwise, her little drawing of flowers wouldn't be that big of a deal.

Read more: How to remove permanent marker from the back of a nook?

Best e-reader for reading manga?

I want to get an ebook reader to read manga online. However I don't have a ton to spend, and I thought that the cheap e-readers such as the nook touch/kobo touch still looked pretty good, as they come with built-in web browsers (so I can read fan-translated manga on webpages online.) However I wasn't sure if the quality of the visual would be high enough to view the images. Can anyone offer their experiences with these devices?

Read more: Best e-reader for reading manga?

Has anyone read any of these? Opinions?

Okay, you lovely lot. I've been looking through my nook for a new book or series to read, but as I have over 1,500 books, I'm having trouble deciding. I've made a list of the ones I'm most interested in at the moment, so if you have read any of them and thought they were super awesome or really bad, let me know ☺ (sorry if it's a bit long!)

City Infernal series - Edward Lee
Dark Elite series - Chloe Neill
Darkest Powers series - Kelley Armstrong
Dark Academy Series - Gabriella Poole
Darkest Minds series - Alexandra Bracken
Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series - Laini Taylor
David Ash Series - James Herbert
Fallen series - Lauren Kate
Hollows series - Kim Harrison
Noughts and Crosses series - Malorie Blackman
Revenants series - Amy Plum
Sweep series - Cate Tiernan
The Body Finder series - Kimberly Derting
The Giver series - Lois Lowry
The Secrets of the Immortal Nicolas Flamel - Michael Scott
Witch and Wizard series - James Patterson
Witch Song series - Amber Argyle
Side effects may vary - Julie Murphy
The Book of Tomorrow - Cecelia Ahern
The Birthing House - Christopher Ransom
My **** Life so far - Frankie Boyle
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
It's kind of a funny story - Ned Vizzini
Her fearful symmetry - Audrey Niffenegger
Dark Witch - Nora Roberts
The Gospel of Loki - Joanne Harris
Thirteen Reasons Why - Jay Asher
John Dies at the End - David Wong
The Brides of Rollrock Island - Margo Lanagan
Let's Pretend this Never Happened - Jenny Lawson
I, Lucifer - Glen Duncan

Read more: Has anyone read any of these? Opinions?

How many volumes of the Sailor Moon Manga are there?

I was on the Barnes and Noble website, and they only have 12 volumes. Is that all there is?

Read more: How many volumes of the Sailor Moon Manga are there?

Can I sue my school?

I left belongings at my college the last day & had emailed them asking if they were retrieved. I received an email back stating that they were found & put in storage. I've gone back to school this semester & now they're saying they don't have it. Can I get the money back from them somehow? I left a nook, iPod, & an alligator skin wallet.

Read more: Can I sue my school?

Sunday, August 31, 2014

What's the best makeup ideas magazine that can be found at Walmart or Barnes and Noble?

preferably walmart. I was just want some ideas for makeup and style and stuff

Read more: What's the best makeup ideas magazine that can be found at Walmart or Barnes and Noble?

Can you order online at Barnes and Noble and pick up in store?

Can you order online at Barnes and Noble and pick up in store?

Read more: Can you order online at Barnes and Noble and pick up in store?

Previously purchased ebooks won't download on my NOOK 1st Edition?

I first had a NOOK Color, on which I purchased about 24 books. I want to put them on my NOOK 1st Edition as well, but it keeps saying, "Unable to complete the operation" whenever I attempt to download. These books show up in my library, however. Another weird thing is that I can download samples from the 1st Edition and read them just fine. What's wrong?

Read more: Previously purchased ebooks won't download on my NOOK 1st Edition?

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014

Nook hd wont charge not even green light will come on indicating?

so i have this nook hd that i had for several months now and i have rooted it to cynogen mod and everything worked perfectly.until my dog chewed up my charger, and used the nook until the battery was at its last(1% when i turned it off) and now 2 months later, i try to charge it and nothing, not even the green light comes on indacating that it is on and charging. Well, when i opened it up, i took the battery fully out, and then put the charger in to see if anything shows up. There was something showing up the light where the charger light was it was blinking red. So i know the board isnt defective. I tried keeping the charger in while the red light was flashing, and when i connect the battery, the red light go's away, and still nothing showing up. I also have a crack in the screen. Could that possibly make it not charge? Or no? Please respond asap, Thanks.

Read more: Nook hd wont charge not even green light will come on indicating?

My kitten has gone missing?

I left her in my room with food, water, and her little box. I look away for an hour, and she has disappeared? I checked every nook and cranny of the house and no sight of her, and I even tried to lure her towards some food, but no response. Same response when I tried to call her.

I'm probably just fretting, but I end up hallucinating that I hear her meow, and temporarily believed it. I checked the places she was most likely eager to hide in and easily die without supervision, and she wasn't there, thankfully.

It's impossible, or I pray, for her to be outside, and I suspect she is hiding for some reason unknown to me. There is only kitten, and that is her. The dog is rather calm right now though.

Ideas? I'm getting worried for her safety if she is in any true danger.

Read more: My kitten has gone missing?