Monday, March 4, 2013

Can I wear a filter/oxygen mask while sleeping?

I don't have sleep apnea but I would like:

More restful sleep

Breathe filtered and clean air since I live with an indoor smoker and dust/pollen filled house.

I see dozens of masks online and I have no idea which is right for me. All I know is that my ionic breeze machine does not do enough to filter the air, and I wake up with a stuffy nose and sore throat from my mom's smoke. (There's no convincing her not to smoke nor smoke outside) It also doesn't matter if my door is completely shut because there's enough nooks and crannies for cigarette smell/smoke to get through.

I heard it can be.uncomfortable but I'm willing to try it to feel better.

См. статью: Can I wear a filter/oxygen mask while sleeping?