Tuesday, February 2, 2016

What Are The Best Books On Japanese Mythology?

I really want to know more about Japanese mythology, but I don't know where to look. Every book I've seen on their mythology either has only one star on Barnes And Noble, or only 32 pages, which can't possibly teach me anything. What are some good books I can get on Japanese mythology?

Read more: What Are The Best Books On Japanese Mythology?

Monday, February 1, 2016

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Is it worth it to get a Nook or is it cheaper to keep on buying books?

Is it worth it to get a Nook or is it cheaper to keep on buying books?

Read more: Is it worth it to get a Nook or is it cheaper to keep on buying books?

How bad is a no show at Barnes and Noble?

I ve been working there for 3 months (in the cafe) and I thought i had the day off but i didn t. They said theyd talk to me about it the next time I worked. How screwed am i?

Read more: How bad is a no show at Barnes and Noble?