Saturday, November 14, 2015

Would any companies hire me?

I am 15, going to be 16 in a little over a month. I would wait until I turn 16 but my family is struggling with money and I really want a job now so I can help out. Do any companies hire 15 year olds? I've tried a grocery store but they said they had "bad experinces with 15 year olds" and Barnes & Noble wouldn't hire me either. Where else could I try?

Read more: Would any companies hire me?

What are 5 examples of placelessness in a american mall/outlet?

Placelessness- Defined by geographer Edward Relph as the loss of uniqueness of place in the cultural landscape so that one place looks like the next
Added (1). I am the owner

Read more: What are 5 examples of placelessness in a american mall/outlet?

What are 10 services that are not yet offered online?

What are 10 services that are not yet offered online?

For example, Amazon is like the online version of Barnes and Noble for they are an online book store

Read more: What are 10 services that are not yet offered online?

Friday, November 13, 2015

Does Barnes and Noble have employees follow you around?

A few months ago I was followed around the store, but I'm not sure if he was actually a store employee or some random person who felt it was perfectly fine to follow people around - he wasn't wearing any obvious uniform to id him as an employee.

There weren't a lot of people there either and when my aunt came back, the guy disappeared.

I had attempted to smile politely at him, but he didn't do anything back, just kept staring. It was uncomfortable to say the least. This has never happened before either. I think what unnerved me the most was the emotionless expression he wore on his face and the intensity in which he stared at me with.

Read more: Does Barnes and Noble have employees follow you around?

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Horrid Smell is making my dorm unlivable?

Okay, here's the thing, a good friend of mine came over and brought one of his good friends. She smelled terrible, but not in an unclean way, weird, I know.
Since she was here my entire room smells putrid. Like, hit in the face with it when you open the door. It's humiliating to have friends over.
But here's the catch. I've done EVERYTHING. I've washed everything, the window and fan are always going, I've washed my laundry, my bedding, I've spread vacuum scent powder in the carpet, I have an odor eliminator, I have an oil diffuser, I have spread my own perfume on everything upwards of five times, I've bought frebreeze. I myself bathe every night.


So I have been on my hands and knees crawling into and under everything SNIFFING this room for days hoping that something smells the same so I can fix it.

Nope, it comes from the air, and it seems self replenishing. The frebreeze doesn't even dampen it, not even for a second. In vain hope I've cleaned out my fridge, smelled my shoes…

Just… Help. Beyond destroying this room and exposing it to the open air, I'm out of ideas. Someone help!
Added (1). Yes. The window is open. I forgot one word and suddenly I have a disembodied fan. The walls are concrete, no rodents. Before anyone goes there the door has been opened to let it air out. Nothing works.
Added (2). There are no nooks and crannies. I live in a square cement block. There is a heater, but that's not where the scent originates. There is no decaying food, as I implied under "cleaned everything"

I… There's literally nothing hidden. I can see everything but behind the wardrobe, where the smell is also not coming from. Four corners, straight walls, solid concrete, heavy wooden door.

Read more: Horrid Smell is making my dorm unlivable?

My cat hasn't used her little box all day today. Should I take her to the emergency vet?

We have had our cat - a rescue who ran up to us on the street, we tried to find her family with no luck and have now adopted her - for a week and a half. She's a tortoiseshell and about a year old. She has used the litter box with no problems for that whole time, right from day one. On Sunday we bought a bigger box with a cover (but a big opening so it's still pretty open to avoid trapping smells in there); she has been using this box with no problem at all. We keep the box religiously clean and usually scoop it out or check it every time we're in the bathroom. I cleaned it last night and the normal amount was in there. However, she hasn't used the box yet today. She's been eating (she had canned food this morning and has snacked on dry food throughout the day) and drinking, although I'm not sure what her water intake is. I cleaned the apartment quite thoroughly today and didn't find any mess outside of her box, although I know they can always find some little nook. It's also possible the cleaning freaked her out - it's the first time I've used the vacuum since we've had her, and the bathroom (where we have her box) smells like laundry detergent from clothes drying at the moment. However, she doesn't seem stressed or in any pain. I have not seen her attempt to use the box today; as far as I can tell she just hasn't been in it. Should I be worried? We have a 24 hour emergency vet nearby if necessary. Thanks!

Read more: My cat hasn't used her little box all day today. Should I take her to the emergency vet?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I want to start reading more but?

i dont want to spend a lot of money because im saving up my money. I dont really like the library because im kind of a person who doesnt like germs so i like to buy new books but that gets expensive. I was thinking of getting a nook or something of that source but there isnt much you can get free on there and my library's ebook catalog is very limited

Read more: I want to start reading more but?

How to borrow library books on the nook?

I was thinking about getting a nook and i dont want to have to pay for all of my books so I would like to know how to get library books on a nook

Read more: How to borrow library books on the nook?

Is barnes and noble a good place to take kids?

Do they have a play area or anything?

Read more: Is barnes and noble a good place to take kids?

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I need a good medical book to read. At Barnes and Noble?

I want a new "doctor-y" book to read that is currently or within the next month be at Barnes and Noble. An inspirational one or just mind blowing. Something interesting. I loved Gifted Hands and The Healing of America. I like diagnostic theory, crazy ER stories, an interesting disease to read on. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Read more: I need a good medical book to read. At Barnes and Noble?

Monday, November 9, 2015

How is there A way to get google play store on my barnes and noble nook?

How is there A way to get google play store on my barnes and noble nook?
Added (1). I tryed so many ways to get it i have a google account is there so way i can get it

Read more: How is there A way to get google play store on my barnes and noble nook?

What to wear for an interview at Barnes and Noble?

I have an interview with barnes and noble tomorrow for a bookseller position and I have no idea what to wear. I don t have dressy pants. I have a few dresses of various colors that are knee length, skirts,cardigan, and plain white button-downs. I also have tights of various colors and black wedge shoes and flats. I was thinking of wearing a dress with a cardigan and flats but I am not sure if it would be appropriate. What should I wear? Is there in colors that are not appropriate for an interview?

Read more: What to wear for an interview at Barnes and Noble?

How to become more of a person and integrate myself into social sphere?

As stated before, I'm going to ask this multiple times and
rephrase things a little to get the most helpful answers.
'm 25 and have no social life. I go to work, coexist well enough with people at work, I take classes at a university, just to learn and work my way towards a masters, then I go home and relax. Such is my typical life, though I have tried often to get out, maybe Barnes 'n Noble, have gone bowling, been to bars and hookah lounges, etc. I try to open my life for opportunity, waiting for something to happen, but to no avail. I see groups of people, not knowing how to join them, if I should join them, or even how these groups formed in the first place.

Further on myself: I don't have much of a lifestyle, not many passions to get myself out there, yet I know when I see others from afar, there must be a more complex and impressive psychological makeup, defining their identity, giving them their "personhood," as it were. I'm simply exist, however, going through life, work home class, but no social life that makes me a member of society. I'm currently looking forward to nothing, have nothing to talk to others about, and have no one with whom to share activities of any sort.

How do I, therefore, set myself on the path which engenders within me social capacities necessary to enjoy a life with people? Where do I go, what do I do, how do I find people who give my life a certain sense of relevance?

Read more: How to become more of a person and integrate myself into social sphere?

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Good places for a part-time job?

What are some places I could apply to for a part-time job. I've applied to Barnes & Noble, Publix, and that's it. I don't wanna work at any food place. I also won't be trying out Target or Walmart. But any other places you can think of would really help. Thanks ^^

Read more: Good places for a part-time job?