Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Is there harmony in discord - please relate to gender?

Discordant Harmonies

A New Ecology for the 21st Century

By Daniel B. Botkin
Discordant Harmonies
Considered by many to be the classic text of the environmental movement, Discordant Harmonies was the first book to challenge the then dominant view that nature remained constant over time unless disturbed by human influence.

Nature was believed to achieve a form and structure that would persist forever; if disturbed, it would recover, returning to that state of perfect balance.
In Discordant Harmonies, Daniel Botkin argues that natural ecological systems are constantly fluctuating and our plans, policies, and laws governing the environment must change to reflect this new understanding.
Where to buy:

Powell's Online

In July 2012, Oxford University Press will release The Moon in the Nautilus Shell: Discordant Harmonies Reconsidered, with an update from Daniel Botkin.
Barnes & Noble
Added (1). Sometimes you need the clash of symbols - before the tea break
>>> Is there harmony in discord - please relate to gender?